Saturday, August 31, 2019
Victorianism Versus Modernism
Matias Gutierrez Mrs. Smith World Literature 21 December 2012 OLD*******8 Victorianism in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Modernism in The Metamorphosis Victorianism is about how the individual could improve the society. They believed that a good individual could make the society better as a whole and therefore improve life. Victorians focused on science and the desire for extremely realistic portrayal of life in both literature and art. Some aspects of Victorian thinking were retained while others were discarded in a new movement called Modernism.Modernists focus on the individual but have the view that humans are beings without free will and that they do not look for guidance within them, but instead are driven by factors outside of them. According to Modernist thinking, an individual is molded by the external factors that surround him. Therefore the way the society already is will affect the individual and Modernism tries to portray the effects of this. Each style captures something about the individual in the society. As mentioned above, Victorianism and Modernism both focus on the individual and the society.An example of this from a Victorian perspective is, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, written by Robert Louis Stevenson. This novel zooms in on the view of the morality in people and society, incorporating science as well. Both of these aspects were vital to Victorian thinking. Victorian period began during the reign of Queen Victoria, which lasted between 1837-1901. During this period the sciences went through a major revival. Both of these ideals are demonstrated in Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. This novel accurately captures the ideals and behaviors occurring at the time with extreme detail and realism. â€Å"A certain sinister block of building thrust forward its gable on the street. It was two stories high; showed no window, nothing but a door†¦ The door, which was equip ped with neither bell nor knocker, was blistered and distained†(2). Victorianism’s desire for the utmost detail on even the most routine things was demonstrated in most novels during the period.The extreme realism creates a better picture of society and how things are occurring during the lives of the individuals living then. The notion of morality and science were also in Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. This is a story of a respected doctor’s attempt to separate the two different aspects of human nature, good and bad. Dr. Jekyll who is depicted as a moral and decent gentleman, who participates in charity work and has the reputation of being a courteous doctor, personifies the good aspect.His experiment is to try to purify his good-natured self from his â€Å"wild and depraved†side. His experiment goes awry instead Jekyll liberates his primal, deprave and criminal side taking the name of Mr. Hyde. Hyde i s a â€Å"troglodyte,†a primitive creature who asks on instinct instead of conscious and moral decisions. His reputation as an animal grows as he commits crime after crime. Hyde takes his immorality to the limit. He is the complete opposite of Jekyll. The scene when Hyde takes the potion to transform him backs to Jekyll, â€Å"He put the glass to his lips, and drank at one gulp.A cry followed; he reeled, staggered, clutched at the table and held on, staring with injected eyes, gasping with open mouth; and as I looked there came, I thought, a changeâ€â€he seemed to swellâ€â€his face became suddenly black and the features seemed to melt and alterâ€â€and at the next moment †¦pale and shaken, and half fainting, and groping before him with his hands, like a man restored from deathâ€â€there stood Henry Jekyll! †(40). (Stevenson) This scene demonstrates that alchemy and science were heavily pursued during this time. Science was on the rise again duri ng this period and Dr.Jekyll was testing everything that science could do for the society and through his testing and experimenting Jekyll changes to Hyde who is the bane of society. His scientific experiment helps show society that one bad individual could alter the â€Å"good life†of society. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde showed people that being a good person is the best thing to do for society and for the individual. The reason Jekyll is a good example to show the Victorian qualities of science exploration and the effects the individual has on the world is explained by Masao, â€Å" In this society of respectables Dr.Jekyll stands out as â€Å"the very pink of the proprieties†(Chap. 1). Although his studies, like those of Faust and Frankenstein before him, tend toward â€Å"the mystic and the transcendental†(Ch. 10), he still manages to maintain a considerable scientific reputation. And yet, despite Jekyll’s social role-in fact, becau se of it-it is Jekyll who brings for Mr. Hyde. †(Masao 470-480) Masao explains why Jekyll underwent his transformation and how science heavily influenced his thinking to try this experiment. Masao also explains that science is possible through the well-mannered people of the time and their questioning of ways to improve society.The Modernism Period was about the individual and that the individual could not really change society. The Modernist literary period was marked by the reactions and sentiments towards global change and tragedy. The Modernist movement began around 1890 and lasted to 1945. Now during this time the World Wars wreaked havoc on the most culturally, technological, and industrialized parts of the world; which caused people to want to create order out chaos, or just to lose hope or alienate themselves which gave rise to Existentialism.With the creation of Modernism, came Magical Realism, Existentialism, and a break against the traditional styles of the past. O ne Modernist writer who accomplished all of the criteria for Modernism is Franz Kafka. Kafka, who was a very troubled man during his lifetime, clearly showed the affect his life had influenced him in his writing. Kafka was severely depressed at times and would express his feelings in certain stories of his such as In the Penal Colony and The Metamorphosis. Kafka would make his characters suffer his torment in a fantasy, magical realism way.He would invent new places and put no happiness or positive emotion in them. He would make his work reflect his depressive state of mind. Many writers would explore traumatic or negative situations because during this time period that’s all there was. War heavily influenced the Modernist movement. Another story of Kafka, Metamorphosis shows how constantly living in a depressive state or war torn area can affect the people in those areas. In Kafka’s Metamorphosis, he introduces the main character Gregor Samsa as, â€Å" a commercial traveler†(89).Samsa is also described to be a hard worker who works his shift to pay back the debt his parents incurred. Before Gregor is transfigured, he is the primary breadwinner for his family who just accepts his duty and will do his best to fulfill it. After his transfiguration, he again doesn’t even question why, how it happened, or how he can fix his predicament he has awoken to. He goes on trying to make life the best it can be. The opening line of Metamorphosis, â€Å"As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed nto a gigantic insect†(89) (Kafka). Now as he realizes his alteration, he is totally unaffected by it. He continues thinking about how he will be able to make money for his family, even though there is no possible way he can help his family now. Kafka shows his sense of alienation and despair in reality through the lack of emotion in Gregor. It shows in the text that Kafka is deeply affected by h is depression. Modernism is marked by the separation of morality or positive social criticism that was present in Victorian writing.However Modernism breaks from Victorian by showing that the individual is more important to think about because Kafka shows what happens when the individual disregards it when thinking how to provide for the society. Kafka’s illustration of the society recognizing how it can not help or change the society is shown also in the interpretation of Nina Straus, who writes that, â€Å"Kafka sought to escape by way of ambiguous writings and from which Gregor escapes through his transformation into an insect is Kafka's image of an unequivocal, completely virile and powerful body.In contrast, we must imagine Kafka's own body, a body with which he felt â€Å"nothing could be achieved†(29), and that body's imagistic parallel in the â€Å"pitifully thin †¦ legs†of the insect Gregor, waving â€Å"helplessly†around a â€Å"bulkâ € that is â€Å"divided into stiff arched segments†(67). †¦Ã¢â‚¬ My body is too long for its weakness, it has no fat whatsoever for creating a beneficial warmth, for maintaining an inner fire, no fat from which the mind could someday nourish itself beyond its daily need without damaging the whole.How shall the weak heart †¦ manage to push the blood through the entire length of these legs? †The description shows how weak Kafka was during his life. He would rather try to improve himself than try to improve the flawed society that was being ravished by war, loss, despair and alienation. Victorianism and Modernism both focused on the individual and the society however they had very differing ideas about which was better to focus on. Victorians believed that helping the society was more important than focusing solely on the individual.A healthy and good person was extremely beneficial to the society and the way of life at the time. However introspection was not really praised but studying science was. Science was the way to improve society therefore Victorians were behind it completely. They wanted the best society possible even if that meant sacrificing some introspection and self-enlightenment, which Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde demonstrates perfectly. Modernism, however, had given up on society. There was nothing the individual could do to improve his way of life. Their was set and nothing could change it.Modernists were particularly depressed with this thinking but it was heavily influenced by the World Wars. Kafka affected by this depression coped by creating Magical Realism as an escape from reality even though Metamorphosis still shows the flaws in society. Both of these styles have differing views on society and how society can make life better. Victorians were the first to believe that a healthy society meant good individuals but Modernists show that society will be flawed and there is nothing the individual can do to change this f act.Works Cited Masao, Miyoshi. â€Å"Dr. Jekyll and the Emergence of Mr. Hyde. † College English. 27. 6 (1966): 470-480. Print. ;http://www. jstor. org/stable/374021;. Straus, Nina. â€Å"Transforming Franz Kafka's â€Å"Metamorphosis. † University of Chicago Press. 14. 3 (1989): 651-667. Print. . Stevenson, Robert Louis . The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Roslyn: Dover Thrift Editions, 1991. Print. Kafka, Franz. The Complete Stories. New York: Schocken Books Inc. , 1971. Print.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Steve Jobs Leadership
Some would say that Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computers Inc. , was an exceptional leader. However, there are many who would disagree with that statement. Jobs could define leadership in some aspects, yet he fell short in others. Jobs’ leadership style is difficult to pin down because his position fit very many styles. Steve Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976 and in 1984 he created the Macintosh, the first small computer with a graphic interface. Unfortunately in 1985 Jobs was forced to leave after an internal power struggle with the companies CEO. Jobs later returned to a struggling Apple after 12 years and turned the company around. During the 12 years he was away, Steve Jobs created successful companies such as Pixar and NeXT. Pixar was acquired by Disney and NeXT was acquired by Apple Computers upon Jobs’ return. Jobs created such technological staples as the Ipad, Ipod, and Iphone. Steve Jobs was also known for his excellent speeches and captivating his audience. Unfortunately in 2011, Steve Jobs lost a long battle to pancreatic cancer. The characteristics of a superior leader are not hard to identify. Drive, integrity, self-confidence, and knowledge of business are characteristics of an exceptional leader. All of the above described Steve Jobs. Jobs was a very driven man, not for money, or power. Jobs believed that power is a necessity for what actually drove him: achievement itself. Jobs’ persistence was shown even more after leaving Apple. Steve could have spent his life dwelling over his loss, but instead he created two new, very successful companies. Maybe this drive is why Forbes named Jobs 2007’s most powerful person in business. Integrity was important to Jobs; his drive would push him to live up to what he promised. At times, following through with his promise would not always come out in the â€Å"nicest†way. Jobs was known to be difficult to get along with, especially in team meetings. Steve Jobs’ self-confidence was over flowing and considered arrogant by some, but he always believed in what he was trying to accomplish. Jobs’ knowledge of his business was extraordinary, revolutionizing technology at every turn. One of Jobs’ greatest quotes on leadership is â€Å"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower†(Jobs, 2006). Steve Jobs’ leadership style is very difficult to clearly identify. Jobs’ characteristics and traits sporadically fit into different leadership styles. Jobs would be classified as an autocratic leader, he tells people what to do, asserting themselves, and serving as a model team member. Jobs was definitely not a democratic leader, it has been said that Jobs hated team meetings and was rather rude when employees spoke their mind. Steve Jobs could also be classified as entrepreneurial, despite the fact that he is a multibillionaire, his work ethic never changed. Andrew Dubrin defines an entrepreneur as â€Å"someone with a strong will for achievement and a sensible risk taking, high degree of enthusiasm, tendency to act quickly on opportunity, being impatient, visionary, amongst others†(Dubrin, 2010). Dubrin’s definition describes Steve Jobs to a tee. A transformational leader is one who â€Å"brings about major, positive change for the group, organization or society†(Dubrin, 2010). Jobs’ leadership showed many similarities to a transformational leader except one, Jobs lacked the humane qualities necessary. Jobs’ could also be considered a charismatic leader. Steve’s exceptional ability to captivate his audience during a speech is the time his charisma can be clearly seen. Jobs could fit himself into whichever scenario necessary to reach his audience. Steve Jobs is such an exceptional businessman, leader, and innovator. I have enjoyed learning more about his leadership and his career. Jobs has made me realize that there is no cookie cutter style of leadership that one person can follow. I found it helpful to relate different leadership styles to an actual person. To have a detailed explanation about how the text about leadership changes into real life is useful. He has made me open my eyes to the possibility that no one leadership position is more effective than another. Jobs was not necessarily the warmest of bosses yet he was still able to find that personal connection with his customers. Steve Jobs was able to interest and excite the consumer to have his latest â€Å"miracle. †Not every leader is great at everything, even the best struggle with certain aspects of their leadership. For me, I can see how the lessons that I have learned in my research will apply in my future. I have learned not to ever give up, always keep your eyes focused on the goal ahead. No matter how big or small the project is, the end goal is the same; success. Steve Jobs’ ability to rise above disappointment or despair and move on with such drive to succeed is extraordinary. This drive has motivated me to want to strive for the same. Steve Jobs has given me the examples of leadership that shows that how a strong leader can revolutionize the world. Think of how many homes have Iphones, Ipads, Ipods, or any other Apple product in their home. The products have become the â€Å"norm†in many homes. What a feeling of accomplishment Steve Jobs’ must have felt. All of his hard work and ingenuity is shown in the excitement his customers show with his inventions. I would consider Steve Jobs to be one of the most effective leaders that I have had the pleasure of researching. Being able to overcome being pushed out of the company that he co-founded is unbelievable. Only to later come back to that company and be able to turn around the sinking company. What a display of true leadership Steve Jobs showed the country. Steve was able to show not only his fellow Apple employees but everyone in the world how drive and perseverance can inspire anyone to reach for the stars. References Bateman, . & Snell, . (2009). Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World [University of Phoenix Custom Edition eBook]. : . Retrieved from, MGT330 website. Jobs, S. (2006, January 24). The leader-follower [Video file]. Retrieved from Subconscious Films website: http://www. subconsciousfilms. Kramer, D. (2010). david. kramer. wordpress. com. Retrieved from http://davidkramer. wordpress. com/2010/02/15/leadership-behaviours-and-attitudes-of-steve-jobs/ Steve Jobs Leadership Case Study. (2011). Retrieved from http://www. leadership-with-you. com/steve-jobs-leadership. html
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Analysis of the Sustainability of Nordic Welfare Model in Times of Essay
Analysis of the Sustainability of Nordic Welfare Model in Times of Economic Recession - Essay Example The first challenge for Nordic countries is the demographic shift. The population in the entire developed world is greying and Nordic countries are no exception. With the increase in longevity of people and reduced child births, the number of people above the age of 65 is rapidly increasing (Adema, 2001). All Nordic countries provide generous pension facilities to enable the old to live a life of dignity. Thus if the number of dependents increase, it becomes increasingly difficult to finance their pension out of the income of working population. It has been assumed that in the next 3 decades the old age dependency ration will increase from 0.25 to 0.40 in the Nordic countries. The dependency ratios over the next 40 years in three Nordic countries is shown in the graph below – Source: (Kvist & Greve, 2011) Thus it is clear from the above figures that it will be unsustainable for Nordic countries to provide pension to their elderly without significantly deteriorating their finan ces. It is assumed that Denmark will suffer deterioration of finances up to 4% of GDP; it will be 6% of GDP for Norway and up to 4.5% of GDP for Sweden (Kvist & Greve, 2011). Clearly no country can suffer such an impact on its finances. It is often said that the problems of a welfare state can be circumvented by ensuring a high GDP growth. The Nordic countries should focus on increasing their GDP growth rate to mop up extra finances for their welfare schemes. In this section I will discuss the challenges of achieving high GDP growth for Nordic countries in this era of recession and globalisation. The Nordic countries have historically seen higher growth rates as compared to other European economies. However...This essay examines, whether the Nordic welfare model is sustainable in these difficult economic times and the age of globalization. The Nordic welfare model is also called as the Nordic social democracy. The Nordic countries have been strictly pro trade and suspicious of any k ind of protectionism but at the same time they have made policies which ensure a large degree of equality and welfare of the children, unemployed, sick and the old. However, as it is shown in the essay, the Nordic model is increasingly become unsustainable due to pressures of an ageing population, globalization, immigration and the financial crisis which has engulfed the whole world. All Nordic countries provide generous pension facilities to enable the old to live a life of dignity. Thus if the number of dependents increase, it becomes increasingly difficult to finance their pension out of the income of working population. It has been assumed that in the next 3 decades the old age dependency ration will increase from 0.25 to 0.40 in the Nordic countries. It is often said that the problems of a welfare state can be circumvented by ensuring a high GDP growth. The Nordic countries should focus on increasing their GDP growth rate to mop up extra finances for their welfare schemes. In this section I will discuss the challenges of achieving high GDP growth for Nordic countries in this era of recession and globalisation. The problem for these open and free economies has been attracting investment in this climate of recession
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8
Questions - Assignment Example The French has a lasting impact on language as most of it is used in Canada today. Additionally, England led to naming of colonies that still exist today such as Virginia and Maryland. In addition, it led to the introduction of protestant. The Great Plains and western part are dry due to constant land exploitation at the time of colonization. Intensive agriculture led by settlers led to breakage of prairie responsible for moisture conservation at the area. As a result, the area became drier and arid. There are factors contributing to Hispanic immigration to United States. The factors include poverty, unemployment and deplorable social conditions in their country as well as promise for prosperity, wealth and happiness. The remittance is the transfer of money by a foreign worker to an individual in his/her home country. The remittance helps the immigrants to boost the economic status of their country as well as help their kin. The Great Migration was the movement of African American from the south to go and work in the industrialized north. The impact on United States was distribution of blacks to various parts of the north as it is today. The main protestant religions denominations include Baptist church, northern Appalachia and the lower Midwest, and the Roman Catholic Church. Baptist church is widespread in the south due to its popularity among African American that lived there. The northern Appalachia and the lower Midwest are located in areas significantly influenced by awakening and revival. the roman catholic church dominates the southeast, southwest and western due to heavy presence of Hispanics that are staunch follower of the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Course Project Proposal Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Course Project Proposal - Term Paper Example We deal in a wide range of products such as household needs, family apparel, electronics, assistance in health & beauty, fabrics, jewelry, garden & lawn, shoes, toys and crafts among others. We even provide facilities in pharmacy, photo centers, portrait studios, banks as well as Tire & Lube Express. At the time of the establishment of the company, the founder had set three objectives or rather missions which would characterize his business and they were customer service, respect towards individuals and determination for brilliance (Hayden & Et. Al., 2002). Our company is known for following its mission objectives except for one and that is respect for individuals. The customers are treated with a lot of respect by the company but when it comes down to the employees then a big difference is being observed. The company does not treat its employees with the respect that they deserve and in a way it reflects the fact that the company does not value its employees which has resulted in a high turnover among the employees. My company addresses the employees of our stores as ‘associates’. The company provides liberal financial incentives as rewards for their employees by way of distributing the profit of the company with the employees through the option of buying stocks. However, here I should mention that these facilities and benefits are offered only to the full-time employees. Majority of the employees working in the stores are part-time workers and they are not paid generously by my company. Majority of the workers are just paid the bare minimum local wage. Needless to add that they are not provided any benefits as it takes a time period of five years to become qualified for these benefits. As I have mentioned earlier that a high rate of turnover prevails amongst these employees and so, there are bleak chances that they would reach that required level. I am a manager in one of the stores of the company. I joined the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Australia's Viticulture Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Australia's Viticulture Industry - Essay Example Gender is another primary segment as Lee and Low (2007, p.735) report that women in Australia buy 70% of the wine and that is typical also of their major exporting customers in the UK and US. Women may have different tastes for wine and will respond to different packaging than men (Low and Lee, 2007, p.735). Quality and cost further segment wine. These two segments may overlap, though quality is not an absolute indicator of cost. Drinking behavior is another key segment, as the wine that appeals to the occasional drinker may not be marketed in the same way as a wine meant for the market of heavy consumers. While wine segmentation can be limited to demographics, Bruwer, Li, and Reid (2002, p.221) have reported that it limits the information about the consumer. They state that segmentation should be accomplished by identifying lifestyle and drinking behavior. They contend that this makes the segments, "...more actionable from a marketing strategy standpoint" (Bruwer, Li, and Reid, 2002, p. 221). They have further broken the segments into shopping styles and desired outcome of drinking behavior (Bruwer, Li, and Reid, 2002, p. 228). While these various segments may have value from a marketing standpoint, they may limit the segment to such a degree that the overall market may be too limited to be of any strategic value. Small and medium sized wine producers will have difficulty competi... Small and medium sized wine producers will have difficulty competing with the large producers in the area of price. Small wineries can not produce at the low cost that the larger scale producers can (Lee and Low, 2007, p. 733). However, they are in a position to control other product variables such as branding and quality. By segmenting the market they could cultivate niche markets by offering products that have a specialized appeal. However, it should be noted that niche brands that are only offered as a 'change of pace' brand would be in a vulnerable position in a retail market (Jarvis and Goodman, 2005, p. 295). The niche market would have to have brand loyalty to sustain sales. Larger producers may be unable to enter these markets due to their limited base. If marketing research could show that lowering the price could sell more product, the plan would have to include which component of the mix would be given up to accommodate the lower price. Discount pricing may require less promotion. Bulk sales may improve product placement. Alternatively, pricing could be held at a premium level and sold only through direct sales or exclusive outlets. Since the 4Ps are interactive it becomes a balancing act to determine the correct mix. Other factors, such as brand awareness, product maturity, and customer relationships are additional factors that need to be considered when planning the 4Ps (Kotler, 2003, p.110). Small wineries with scarce resources have the additional difficulty of controlling a product that is at the mercy of the weather and ever changing consumer tastes. Small producers are in a good position to market their product in unique ways. They could promote their product through the use of more personal
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Theory evolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Theory evolution - Research Paper Example They emerged with a goal of strengthening the already existing methods. The original ideas had some weaknesses in their area of scope, field of coverage and failed to pinpoint in some of the most sensitive aspects that indeed can improve the process of understanding the adult theory. The alternative methods added some knowledge on adult learning, like, for example; they came up with other principles of adult education that got neglected by the original theories. These included the assumptions of self-concept, adult education experience, readiness to learn, orientation to learn and motivation to learn. These new assumptions that got added to the alternative theories brought an insight and knowledge on how to approach adult education (Jarvis & Jarvis, 2004). The alternative methods contributed other principles of Andragogy. The new laws gave other means through which the process of adult learning can get well comprehended (Flannery, 1993). These methods have brought in some insights towards understanding of the adult education. Scholars have gotten in a position to get awareness on the flexibility and dynamism that Andragogy exhibits over time (Merriam, 2008). Andragogy has further gotten understood as a process that has extreme differences in pedagogy, due to the different assumptions and principles that are parallel to those of
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Half Nude Woman with Coin Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Half Nude Woman with Coin - Research Paper Example The particular 17th century Dutch art under focus caught the attention of the eye relates to a variety of factors. The first reason behind the art attracting the eye relates to the fact that even for less keen observers, one must realize that something seems unrelenting about the art. Other than capturing the other common presentations with most of the paintings in that period, the work by Baker presents something different. The interesting thing about the painting is that it seeks to explore a moral issue within the society and a portrayal that morality existed even in the time of its painting. The painting sends a message of an existing connection between women nudity and money. That serves as the driving factor behind the need to share the piece of art since it holds a deeper meaning based on the prostitute’s image, holding a gold coin, yet her breasts are exposed as she gives a half smile to the viewer. The artwork proves of significant importance because it captures the t heme of prostitution and how it involves money. Description of the art work first focuses about the author of the art work and the respective name and origin of the author if such is given. Jacob Baker a painter in the 17th century and one of the artists regarded as the 17th century Dutch Golden Class is the author of the painting. Records attribute the painting to be from around 1636 with the painting measuring 64.5 centimeters by 56.7 centimeters. With oil and canvas serving as the common materials used in paintings across Europe.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Design Principles and Practice Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Design Principles and Practice - Coursework Example The infant is placed inside a jogging stroller and the runner can then push or pull the stroller to carry the weight of the infant. Other than running, the jogging stroller can also be used to transport infants over commutes because the strollers are safe by design and requirement. This report examines all major design principles and practices required to create an innovative jogging stroller. Pahl and Beitz model Market Research on Existing Devices Market research indicated that myriad companies are already manufacturing jogging strollers. The current models that are available are able to satisfy most customer requirements. Generally jogging strollers are three wheeled, vary in weight from manufacturer to manufacturer and could be foldable or fixed. (Jogging Stroller, 2011) Safety is mandatory. Seating capacity could be for one or two infants who are placed either inline or abreast on the jogging stroller as per design. Moreover, the wheels on jogging strollers are roughly 18 inches in diameter. Harnesses are also included so that the runner may tie themselves into the jogging stroller. (Luff, 2011) However, other models are available that can be pushed around. The handle bars are adjustable and storage bins have been provided to store infant accessories. (Running Advisor, 2011) Standard bare bones jogging strollers (one seat version on left and two seat version on right) Market Research from Potential Users In order to ascertain the requirements of potential users, I went to parks around the campus and interviewed parents using jogging strollers. This helped to precipitate both the good points and bad points in the jogging strollers. Most users related that the three wheel design was stable enough to prevent overturning. Wheel size is also acceptable at around 18 inches. In my survey I found only a very few jogging strollers with harnesses. Those who were using harnesses were not happy with their performance as the claimed that harnesses restricted use and ca used unwanted strain. Others who did not use harnesses said that they preferred to push jogging strollers around than become cart horses. This implies that as per aesthetics people prefer jogging strollers that can be pushed around. Moreover, when people were inquired about the appearance of the jogging stroller most people believed that the bare bones jogging strollers looked ugly. Most expressed a desire to purchase better looking models. Therefore, there exists a potential to sell a slightly expensive jogging stroller if it is made beautiful enough. The desire to have more aesthetically pleasing jogging strollers was most common amongst younger mothers (20 to 30 years old). The older mothers (30 and above) were mostly indifferent to how the jogging stroller looked. Market Research (British and European Union Standards) Under British regulations both new and used prams and push chairs must adhere to BS 7409:1996 or equivalently to BS EN 1888:2003 (equivalent European standard). Th is standard is largely concerned with safety of infants in the prams and push chairs category and sets guidelines for rollover and other similar incident prevention. Another applicable standard is BS 1877-10 which specifies the various kinds of mattresses and bumpers that are used in perambulators for children. The mattresses must allow for a certain degree of softness as well as ensure circulation of air to ensure that the child is comfortable even during long walks and runs under the sun. Another important device is the safety harness in use on push chairs which is covered by BS 6684. (BSI, 2005) Furthermore, the material used to construct children’
Marketing Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Marketing Plan - Research Paper Example When different business enterprises target the same markets within a given industry, competition intensifies. This is the scenario observed in the coffee houses industry. While players are many in number, the target market is relatively the same. As a result, each coffee house must move swiftly and strategically to lure consumers into buying its products, thereby building a market share within the industry. Depending on how the captured market share is managed, it can increase or decrease with time. Tim’s Coffee Shoppe competes intensively with Queequeg’s Coffee among other coffee houses. The above aspects apply to Tim’s Coffee Shoppe operations in the coffee houses industry. Tim’s Coffee Shoppe has to manage its clientele in a way that ensures Queequeg’s Coffee or any other coffee house does not win it through competitive practices. This implies that coffee houses operating in the same industry engage one another in intensive competition that could see one lose its customers to another based on the customer satisfaction factor. The 4 P’s of marketing inform the marketing practices of many business enterprises across the globe (Pride & Ferrell, 2012). Tim’s Coffee Shoppe operates in a highly competitive environment, where players are many and competition cannot be price-based only. To ensure that Tim’s Coffee Shoppe remains competitive over its rivals, the adopted marketing strategy must critically account for the 4 P’s of marketing. The surveys presented in the filing cabinet highlight the operational strengths and weaknesses of Tim’s Coffee Shoppe. The 4 P’s of marketing can strategically be applied to the survey information for the purpose of redesigning and revolutionizing the Tim’s marketing strategy. The product is highly rated by majority of customers. However, the shortcomings noted by a few should be used to enhance
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The dictionary & words Essay Example for Free
The dictionary words Essay The dictionary has been our help when the struggle of figuring out the meaning of difficult ad unusual words strikes us. For a word to become an entry in the dictionary, and widely used across the earth, it must also be used in a broad range over a period of time. English words have been known to this. Most of the selections of English words are based on how such word is used and is often not based on personal references. Oftentimes, English words are used by publications or by the majority in a particular region or country and even to those regions which use a different language as their medium of communication, like China. Nowadays, hundreds of English words are accepted specifically in hundreds of regions, too. These words have become common to both males and females. Amongst the many English words commonly used by men and women, articles â€Å"the, a, an†are just few of the most common. Without such words (article), the meaning from the noun being used will be hard to understand since they can also be thought as another special kind of adjective. You may notice a big difference of meaning when you make a sentence with and without the existence of â€Å"the†. For example, from the sentence, â€Å"Cat is eating the food,†the word â€Å"Cat†may be understood as the name of a person without the presence of the article, â€Å"the†. Meanwhile, if you modify the sentence to â€Å"The cat is eating the food†the meaning in it will also be reversed to the â€Å"cat†as an animal, instead of a person. This also holds true to other articles, â€Å"a†and â€Å"an†from the sentence, â€Å"A dolphin is a mammal†and â€Å"Dolphin is a mammal. †Similarly, â€Å"verb to be†words are the protean of English, especially created in order to formulate and express a certain thought that is grammatically correct. Common â€Å"verb to be’s†are â€Å"am†, â€Å"is†, and â€Å"are†together with its past and future tenses. These words are used as verbs that link the subject with its complement. Without these, the whole sentence or phrase will be ineffective. However, the use of words has to abide with the grammar rules. If used in a wrong way, the entire meaning will be spoiled. Pronouns namely: â€Å"I, you, he/she/it, we, they†are used as substitutes for nouns in order to avoid repetitive use of nouns. A sentence where the noun is frequently used may be inconvenient and a little complicated to understand. However, if nouns are being substituted by pronouns, the reader has greater chances to appreciate and understand a single or group of sentences. The following shows the differences of having too many nouns used from using pronouns. When Anne went home, Anne notice Anne’s mother preparing food for Anne. When Anne went home, she notice her mother preparing food for her. Apart from articles, verb to be’s, and pronouns, conjunctions, too, are widely used amongst men and women. Coordinating conjunctions â€Å"and,†â€Å"but,†â€Å"or,†â€Å"yet,†â€Å"for,†â€Å"nor,†and â€Å"or†are joiners – words that link parts of every sentence. They connect words, phrases, and clauses of equal importance. Meanwhile, Conjunctive adverbs, or transition words, can exist either in the beginning, middle or the latter part of either in the first or second clause of a compound sentence. Common conjunctive adverbs are â€Å"then,†â€Å"likewise,†â€Å"however,†and a lot more. With so many English words known and used widely, it’s safe to say that global English standards have penetrated all throughout the earth. True enough, they affect the mindset of every individual. So, it is normal for us to expect that many will become responsive upon learning to know and understand English words most especially among Chinese, Korean, and other races. Likewise, technology is not deteriorating. Cable television is not new and almost 99 % English-oriented programs are being aired on cable TVs. No wonder why a lot of non-English individuals become more oriented to the English language. In the flow of modernity, we see the influx of Hollywood movies aired in English language. These shows do not fail to catch the attention of its viewers, Americans and non-Americans alike. Globalization is it. And it has been accepted worldwide that English language is now being used as the medium of communication. They value the language same as they value their existence. Perhaps, English words send a strong message to many that gives them an option not to close their minds from learning the language. Reference List Discounttutor. com 2008. The Most Common Words in the English Language. Electronic document, htm, accessed November 16, 2008. The SDSU Writing Center 2008. Conjunctions and Conjunctive Verbs. Electronic document, http://www. sdstate. edu/writingcenter/conjunctions_and_conjunctive_adv1. htm, accessed November 16, 2008. University of Ottawa 2008. What is a Pronoun. Electronic document, http://www. arts. uottawa. ca/writcent/hypergrammar/pronouns. html, accessed November 16, 2008. WhiteSmoke Inc. 2008 [2002] The Verb â€Å"To Be†in English. Electronic document, http://www. whitesmoke. com/verb-to-be. html, accessed November 16, 2008.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Cultural Differences in International Marketing
Cultural Differences in International Marketing 1.0 INTRODUCTION The past few decades has witnessed a growing number of businesses expanding their operations internationally. This expansion has led to a number of marketing strategies been adopted by international marketing managers regarding marketing internationally. For business to operate an international market successfully, they must understand cultural differences in their target countries respectivey. Managers need to broaden their perspective,adapt to other cultures,and make decisions that reflect the needs and desires of those cultures. (Rugman Hodgetts 2003 p 126). This discussion critically gives an insight into cultural differences, conceptualization 1.1 CONCEPT OF CULTURE Culture is a complex term that composes of different definations. Several Authors have given various definations of culture. Hofstede (1980,p87) defined culture as the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes members of one human group from the other. Leung et al(2005) also defined culture as the values,beliefs,norms,and behavioural patterns of a national group. According to Yapraka (2008), Nakata and Huangs(2002) definition of culure as that complex whole which includes knowledge,beliefs, arts, morals and habits acquired by man as a member of a society defines culture from an international marketing perspective. He further said that this beliefs, customs and habits influences an international marketing managers thinking when adopting marketing strategies and adapting marketing mix.Thus Understanding culture is critical to International marketing mangers when developing marketing policies to suit a particular target market in a country. Earlier studies on culture research focused on Gert Hofstedes four cultural dimensions and Halls High and low context culture( yakram 2008). According to yakram( 2008) article, Nakata and sivakuman(2001) developed a conceptual framework of how the concept of marketing can be applied in multinationals through hofstedes cultural dimensions. Similarly, Rutson et al (1997) suggested that national culture plays has a huge impact on work values. He futher stresed that International managers must understand that the determinant of the success or failure of a product depends on how marketing decisions made interact with the culture of a country. For example, Kentuck Fried Chiken must realize that they way it prepares its chiken in USA for instance may not work in Islamic countries due to religious beliefs and customs. 1.2 CULTURAL FACTORS THAT AFFECTS INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Terpstra sarathy (2000) stated that Understanding the cultural environment of a country would assist marketers to adapt their marketing strategies if they take the ingredients(elements) of culture into consideration.The elements comprises of language,,religion,values attitudes, education, social organizations,law politics, Material culture and aesthetics. This elements are essential ingredients that affects the international marketing managers thinking. 1.21 Language According to Terpstra sarathy (2000, p95) Language is a distinct cultural difference that must be dealt with. Therefore for international businesses to interact with employees, onsumers, customers they must understand the local language. (Terpstra sarathy 2000) Studying a foreign language is an essential tool for obtaining information about a country. If a foreign country that has several spoken languages it therefore has several cultures. In Nigeria, they are 3 main languages, and over 50 local languages. This languages are attributed to different cultures. However, language could pose a barrier for international marketers if they are several languages spoken in one country. For instance, marketing is highly dependent on communication so it would be difficult for markerters to advertise , brand and package their products. If managers cannot speak and understand the local language it would be difficult for them to promote their products to their target audience. Another problem could arise in wrong interpretation .Taking a look at KFC in china where English is not spoken, Management need to train and employ the locals of china in other successfully establish their market. 1.22 Religion Religion is another aspect of culture that multinationals handle with caution. Various religions have impacts on consumer behavior and purchasing patterns of a country. In the middle east and Arabic countries Islam is the religion. According to Terpstra Sarathy (2000) Introducing new products in the an Islamic environment could be difficult. Religious holidays or festivals such as Ramadan are strictly adhered to. Religion is important to Managers because it influences lifestyles, beliefs, values and attitudes. It also affects work and societal customs as well as politics and business in general. According to Wind Douglas (2007) in thier article on International marketing segmentation, Difference in beilef systems between cultures may affect consumer behavior and purchasing patterns Dietry laws associated with one religion could affect marketing of food products and service delivery. (Wind Douglas 2007) For example, According to Islamic religion, a chiken must be drained of blood b efore it is cooked or prepared( Halal).It is believed that eating a chiken with blood could affect your spirituality and deeds in islam. This affects the marketing mix of Fastfood companies that are based in Islamic countries because they have to abide by the Islamic law. Hence religion affects international marketing in a number of ways. The economic role of women in Islamic countries could affect advertising. 1.23 Aesthetics . Acoording to Rugman Hodget (2003 p.131), Aesthetics refers to artistic taste of a culture. This taste could in forms, colours,music, design or packaging. Aesthetics values vary depending on the country. International companies need to be aware of the different taste in culture. This is because what is generally accepted in one country may be a taboo in another country. Aesthetic values have an impact on the production and packaging designs of manufacturing industries that operate abroad. International managers need to be aware of taste in colors and symbols when packaging and distributing their products. In 2006, KFC was heavily criticized in china for dishonouring culture by adversing an old Taoist surrounded by his followers holding a chiken burger and claiming it as a master piece. This caused KFC to change its advertising method. Source(  1.24 Customs and manners Customs and manners have a significant impact on consumer behavior, consumption patterns and product packaging.  In the United States and Europe black is used for mourning the dead, while in Japan and the Far East white is the color used for mourning. In countries where status quo is higly regarded, Multinationals have to send a delegation of senior staff to carry out a business negoitation. Morality is another thing that differentiates cultures.What is viewed as moral in country may be vied as highly immoral in another country. For instane, USA it ispermitted for Man and woman to dress half naked on the beach whereas in Arab countries, women are not permitted to reveal their faces when going out. 1.25 Values and Attitudes Values are shared beliefs or group norms that have been internalized by individuals.( Czinkota,M et al 2001,p45) An attitude is a persistent tendency to feel and behave in a particular way towards an object( Rugman Hodgetts 2003,p129). Values and attitutudes vary between and within countries.In that case International markerts need to adjust their promotion methods or brand messages. 1.3 CULTURAL DIMENSIONS Over the last two decades, several researchers discovered different dimensions to culture. Geert Hofstede proposed four dimensions to culture, which comprised of collecting data( questionnaire) from over 40 countries. Halls also developed the high context culure which is characterized by less verbal communication, family ties, long term relationship( collectivism) and the low context culture which is characterized by more interpersonal relationship. (HallHall 1986) In this discussion, Hofstedes cultural dimensions and Halls high and low context will be analyzed in four countries, namely United kingdom, Australia, china and India because of the cultural similarities and differences between this countries. 1.4 HOFSTEDES CULTURAL DIMENSIONS Geert Hofstede, a dutch scholar discovered four cultural dimensions which is now used as a framework for understanding differences in national culture in different countries of the world today. In my research, I discovered his dimensions to culture had strengths and weaknesses. Hofstedes cultural dimesnsions didnt focus different cultures that exist within a country. In countries like Italy, Canada, and Nigeria, different norms, values, and languages are present. This dimensions to culture only analzed people of a particular country not people within a country. To further buttress my argument,Galit Alion(2008) critized hofstedes observations. He argued that analyzing and gathering results of research on culture from a single multinational(IBM) cannot be applied to the national level.He further refuted hofsteds methodology by saying it was invalid.Hofsteds research was carried out from an organizational perspective rather than a country level perspective. Similarly, Professor Benden mcsweeney in the article Hofstedes model of national cultural differences and their consequences.. A triumph of fate,A faluire of analysis critized Hofstedes cultural dimensions. He argued that IBM as a micro- location in a nation is not typical of a nation itself. According to him, Surveys are not an appriopate way of determining cultural differences and every individual in a nation cannot share the same national culture.( Regarless of the weakness of Hofstedes models, it is still an important framework in determining cultural differences. We will now look at the five(5) cultural dimensions of hofstede 1.41 POWER DISTANCE According to Hofstede (1980) Power distance is the extent to which the powerless members of rganizations and institutions accept that there is inequality in power. In Hofstedes model, he revealed thatin countries characterized by high power distant cultures, social stautus or satus quo is very significant and priveleges are expected for people in authority. On the other hand, In low context cultures,the interdependence between people in power and the less powerful. High power distance includes countries like France, India, Nigeria, china and arab nations while low power distant coutries include USA,UK,Sweden etc Looking at figure 1.2( Australia) and figure 1.3(UK) . Both countries have a low power distance of 30 which implies that the gap between the those in power or authorithy and the ordinary citizens is little comapered to china (75)and India(72). For example, For KFC an American company to be sucessful in india, They must be a high gap difference in power, respect or authority between Management and surbodinates. 1.42 UNCERTAINTY AVOIDANCE This deals with a socities tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.( This dimension indictes how people in a particular culture are willing to accept change. It also shows the extent to which people of a culture feel in umcormfatabe or comfortable circumstances. Hofstede (1980) stated that uncertainty avoiding cultures always are not receptive to change and strictly adhere to laws,rules and safety measures. On the otherhand,Uncertainty accepting cultures are more receptive and open to change or new ideas. In Hofstedes Uncertainty avoidance index(UAI) china scored 60, while UK scored a low score of 30. This implies that International marketing managers in china,will avoid making risky marketing decisions otherwise it might adversely affect their employees. It is therefore expected that Chinese employees work effectively under a formal setting as against an informal setting. In contrast,the UK employees would work better in an informal setting with less strict laws and will readily accept change and risks. Therefore marketing managers need to be careful not to impose rules or laws unnecessarily when dealing with low UAI countries and Plan ,prepare, and focus on strategic and tactical part of a project. 1.43 MASCULINITY AND FEMINITY Masculinity refers to the distribution of roles between men and women and how much a society sticks with gender roles.( His studies further revealed that women roles differ less among socities than mens roles. He also revealed that mens values from various countrues have an assertive approach in business which differentiates it from womens norms and values which is have a caring or modest attitude in work,( In hofstedes Mascuniity index, Australia scored a highscore of 55 while UK sored 60.This means that they share similarities in work values.They both have a moderate masculine culure where men and women work equally in many preferences. 1.44 INDIVIDUALISM AND COLLECTIVISM This dimension focuses on the relationships between individuals and groups. Collectivism is the degree or extent to which individuas are integrated into groups while individualism on the other hand focuses on individual taking care of himself.( Hofstede 1980) In comparing two countries that have high individualism and low individualism, Figure 1.2 and Figure 1.4 we will look at austraia and China. According to Hofstede, china has a low score of 10 which makes it a highly collectivist country while Australia has a high score of 90 which makes it a highy individualistic society. The former fall under a low context culture while the latter falls under a high context culture. For International managers , this implies that in china(collectivist) society, hiring and promoting an employe must be ingroup based while In Australia, emoployee recruitment and promotion must be based on individual skills. on the one HOFSTEDES CULTURAL DIMENSION Figure 1.2 Australia and United Kingdom Source: Figure 1.3 China and India SUMMARY This discussion has been able to look at how culture could affect International marketing. For international marketing mangers to succeed in an international market they must Respect the culture of their target country Understand that differences exists within each culture Understand the importance of language when marketing internationally Acknowlege the differences in religion,
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The roles and objectives of AASB
The roles and objectives of AASB The AASB is hardly an independent standard setting body. Its policies and activities are subjected to the dictation and supervision by at least two big brothers the IASB and the FRC, not to mention the ASIC. A critical evaluation of this statement has been done in the light of the present accounting regulatory environment in Australia. This study had a detailed analysis within the concerned Government websites of Australia, annual reports, journal and documents. This paper will discuss the various roles and objectives of AASB as an accounting standard setting body and its relationship to FRC, IASB and ASIC in achieving its task. Finally helps to reach a conclusion whether agree or not to agree with the above statement. The Australian Accounting Standard Board (AASB) AASB is an independent Australian Government agency under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001. It has responsibility for the development of accounting standards for application by companies and by other entities in the private and public sectors, and for the development of Statements of Accounting Concepts. (Lundqvist k, 2003) AASB (2009, pp 23-24) in the Annual report 2009, describes the function, mission, vision and objectives of AASB Statutory functions of AASB: To develop a conceptual framework for the purpose of evaluating proposed standards; To make accounting standards under section 334 of the Corporations Act 2001; To formulate accounting standards for other purposes; To participate in and contribute to the development of a single set of accounting standards for worldwide use; To advance and promote the main objects of Part 12 of the ASIC Act, which include reducing the cost of capital, enabling Australian entities to compete effectively overseas and maintaining investor confidence in the Australian economy. Vision of AASB To be recognised as a global centre of excellence, delivering a truly distinctive contribution to the development of high-quality financial reporting standards. Mission of the AASB To develop and maintain high-quality financial reporting standards for all sectors of the Australian economy To contribute, through leadership and talent, to the development of global financial reporting standards and to be recognised as facilitating the inclusion of the Australian community in global standard setting. The major standard-setting objectives of the AASB, as set out in its 2006-07 annual report, are to: issue Australian versions of International Accounting Standards Board documents; produce standards that treat like transactions consistently; significantly influence the development of International Financial Reporting Standards; identify areas requiring fundamental review and introduce standards to cover those areas; and promote globally consistent application and interpretation of accounting standards. The Standard-Setting Process The following diagram is a simplified view of the standard-setting process. Organisational Structure The following diagram shows the relationships between other bodies and the AASB. Source: Adapted from AASB (2009) As an independent standard setting body, AASB is responsible for the development of accounting standards for application by companies and by other entities in the private and public sectors, and for the development of Statements of Accounting Concepts. (Lundqvist k, 2003) The policies and activities of AASB are subject to the supervision of an advisory body, FRC. AASB implemented the broad strategic direction from FRC to adopt International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) standards for financial reporting Financial Reporting Council (FRC) FRC (2009) in its website makes a broad understanding on its responsibilities, functions and objectives. The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) is a statutory body under the Australian as amended by the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004. FRC is responsible for providing broad oversight of the process for setting accounting and auditing standards as well as monitoring the effectiveness of auditor independence requirements in Australia and giving the Minister reports and advice on these matters. Responsibilities of FRC on accounting standard setting functions: appointing the members of the AASB (other than the Chairmen); approving and monitoring the AASBs priorities; business plans; budgets; and staffing arrangements (including level, structure and composition of staffing); determining the AASBs broad strategic directions; giving the AASB directions, advice or feedback on matters of general policy and on the AASBs procedures; monitoring the development of international standards that apply in major international financial centres; furthering the development of a single set of accounting standards for world-wide use with appropriate regard to international developments; promoting the continued adoption of international best practice accounting standards in the Australian accounting standard setting processes if doing so would be in the best interests of both the private and public sectors in the Australian economy; monitoring: the operation of accounting standards to assess their continued relevance and their effectiveness in achieving their objectives in respect of both the private and public sectors of the Australian economy; the effectiveness of the consultative arrangements used by the AASB seeking contributions towards the costs of the Australian accounting standard setting processes; monitoring and periodically reviewing the level of funding, and the funding arrangements, for the AASB Objectives of the FRC in relation to Accounting standards The FRC operates within a framework set out in the ASIC Act. Main objectives are: Accounting standards should require the provision of information that: allows users to make and evaluate decisions about allocating scarce resources; assists directors to discharge their obligations in relation to financial reporting; is relevant to assessing performance, financial position, financing and investment; is relevant and reliable; facilitates comparability; and is readily understandable. Accounting standards should facilitate the Australian economy by reducing the cost of capital and enabling Australian entities to compete effectively overseas. Accounting should facilitate the Australian economy by having accounting standards that are clearly stated and easy to understand. Accounting standards should maintain investor confidence in the Australian economy, including its capital markets. Functions and Objectives of FRC clarifies its limitations on standard setting. According to Leo (2008, pp 16) FRC has the power to do all things necessary to perform its functions, including establishment of committees and advisory groups. In particular FRC has to ensure that standards set by AASB are in harmony with standards established in international level so that there is no competitive disadvantage overseas for Australian businesses. To ensure that AASB as an independent standard setter there is a provision under the ACT that expressly limits the FRCs ability to become involved in the technical deliberations of the AASB. It provides that the FRC does not have power to direct the AASB in relation to the development, or making, of a particular standard, or to veto a standard formulated or recommended by the AASB .(FRC,2009) Bowrey G (2007) in his article has a significant argument on the independence of AASB. In ASIC Act 2001 the role of the FRC could be summarised as providing broad oversight for setting accounting standards in Australia. Indeed section 225 of the ASIC Act 2001 outlines that the FRC does not have the ability to be become involved in the technical deliberations of the AASB, nor does it have power to direct the AASB in the development of a particular standard and nor does the FRC have the power to veto a standard made or recommended by the AASB. These limitations placed on the FRC are to ensure the independence of the standard setter. The notion of independence of the AASB is eroded by the fact of direct control on the appointment of the members. The notion of independence is even further eroded because the FRC sets the AASBs priorities, its business plans, budgeting and even it staffing arrangements. The government through department, Treasury, has financial and operational control of the FRC and in turn the AASB. In this article again question of independence arises where, the budgets of all government organisations go through a significantly in-depth evaluation process through the Senate Estimates. So even though the FRC sets the AASBs budget, before any money is provided the budget estimates need to go through the senate for approval. So how is it possible for the AASB to be independent? The fact that current and potential government (opposition) members have the power to decide for what and how much to fund the board certainly supports the argument about the lack of independence. There doesnt appear to be any independence on the contrary the AASB seems to be highly dependent on both FRC and the Parliament. The argument in this article ended without reaching a specific conclusion as there is specific legislation this government has enacted to ensure there is independence in the accounting standard setting process. Hockey J (1999) in his speech addressing to the Group of 100 Executive Dinner Meeting in Sydney suggested that the FRC might have too much power and too much control over the standard setter. He said that even though 225 of the ASIC Act 2001placed some limitation over FRC the new AASB, though independent, will be fully accountable to the FRC in much the same way that the UK Accounting Standards Board is to the UK Financial Reporting Council and the US Financial Accounting Standards Board is to the US Financial Accounting Foundation. Under a strategy adopted by the Financial Reporting Council [1] in July 2002, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) is obliged to work towards the full implementation of the International Accounting Standards (IAS) (now known as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) [2]) in Australia.(Hay A, 2004). The primary objective of the new accounting standards is the expected efficiency of the capital markets that will arise from the existence of a set of globally acceptable accounting standards that result in high quality comparable and transparent financial reporting. In short, an objective of the harmonisation of international accounting standards is a worldwide effort to restore confidence in corporate reporting and create a free flow of capital worldwide. A second objective is the facilitation of cross border comparison of accounts by investors, leading to a reduced cost of capital for Australian companies and assisting them to raise capital or list overseas. From this it is clear that IASB is not directing to adopt any standard but it is for the efficiency of capital market and for a reduced cost of capital AASB does so. In an article, Brown AM (2007) consider AASB, as one of the operating bodies of FRC which does the functions of FRC.In this article it is said that FRC oversees the activities of AASB and has no technical role on the standard setting . In adoption of international accounting standards when started from 2005 FRC said that the Australian Accounting Standards Board would decide the appropriate time at which future amendments to those standards would be made law in Australia. (Tom, R 2006).This also an indication of the AASBs independence in standard setting and the amendments of those standard set. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is an independent, privately-funded accounting standard-setter based in London, England. The IASB is committed to developing in the public interest, a single set of high quality ,understandable and enforceable global accounting standards that require transparent and comparable information in general purpose financial statement .In addition IASB cooperates with national accounting standard setters o achieve convergence in accounting standards around the world.( Leo (2008, pp 21)) IASB as an independent, private-sector body develops and approves International Financial Reporting Standards. The IASB operates under the oversight of the International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation. The IASB was formed in 2001 to replace the International Accounting Standards Committee. IAS Plus International Accounting Standards, explains the objectives of IASB To develop, in the public interest, a single set of high quality, understandable and enforceable global accounting standards that require high quality, transparent and comparable information in financial statements and other financial reporting to help participants in the worlds capital markets and other users make economic decisions; To promote the use and rigorous application of those standards; To fulfil the above objectives and, to take account of, as appropriate, the special needs of small and medium-sized entities and emerging economies; and To bring about convergence of national accounting standards and International Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards to high quality solutions. Adoption of IASB Standards by AASB Adoption of IASB Standards by AASB is explained by AASB(2009) in its website. AASB made Australian equivalents to International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) standards on 15 July 2004. The overall approach of AASB is to adopt the content and words of IASB standards, accommodating the Australian legislative environment with only the words being changed. Main focus of IASB is on for-profit entities whereas AASB is responsible for setting accounting standards for all types of reporting entities. Suitably identified additional text, is included in the AASB standards to deal with those limited cases where there is a need to have different or additional requirements for not-for-profit entities. These additions do not impact on the requirements in relation to for-profit entities There are circumstances in which a not-for-profit entity complying with the Australian equivalents to the IASB standards will not be able to simultaneously comply with the IASB standards because the additional requirements for not-for-profit entities are inconsistent with the IASB requirements. In some cases, existing AASB standards contain helpful commentary that is not included in the equivalent IASB standards. The AASB retains this commentary as guidance that is not part of the standards where it is considered to be of benefit to users of AASB standards and provided it does not contradict the content of Australian equivalents to IASB standards. Thus AASB is aiming for the highest quality financial reporting in adopting IASB standards. Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) According to ASIC(2009) ,ASIC is Australias corporate, markets and financial services regulator, which is an  independent Commonwealth Government body set up under and administer the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act (ASIC Act), and carry out most of work under the Corporations Act. ASIC ensures that Australias financial markets are fair and transparent, supported by confident and informed investors and consumers. ASIC regulate Australian companies, financial markets, financial services organisations and professionals who deal and advise in investments, superannuation, insurance, deposit taking and credit. ASICs Statutory Role and Responsibilities Cameron A (2000) discuss the role and responsibilities of ASIC ASICs role in the financial reporting system is not well understood Responsibilities and Obligations in regard to financial reporting imposed on ASIC by the Corporations Law are as follows Monitoring and enforcing compliance with financial reporting requirements of the Law, including the accounting standards. Powers to exempt companies from the requirements of Accounting Standards and other provisions of the Law, and to modify the application of the Law. Relationship Between ASIC and the AASB ASIC is in full support of the AASBs standard setting process. Both agencies share information and regulatory concerns. ASIC gives information of concerns of accounting practices that come to their attention under their activities and ensures that the Board is aware of the views on their proposals for new standards and revisions to existing ones, as market regulator. All contributions made by ASIC have to be considered by the Board on making a final decision on Standards. (Cameron A, 2000) ASICs role is to contribute to the development of high quality standards to promote market integrity generally, and to enforce the individual Standards made by the Board. Even though ASIC does not have authority to establish or veto accounting standards, ASIC does have the power to exempt or modify them. ASIC also develops policy on applying financial reporting requirements of the Law in new and problem areas. For example, development of transitional reporting requirements of building societies, credit unions and friendly societies. Functions under Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (ASIC, 2009) Maintain, facilitate and improve the performance of the financial system and entities in it Promote confident and informed participation by investors and consumers in the financial system Administer the law effectively and with minimal procedural requirements Enforce and give effect to the law Receive, process and store, efficiently and quickly, information that is given to us Make information about companies and other bodies available to the public as soon as practicable. Conclusion To conclude the above statement can be agreed only to some extent .The statement specifies the activities of AASB are under the supervision of FRC, and it is the function of FRC to oversee the process of setting accounting standards, but the Act has placed limitations on FRC to ensure the independence of the standard setter.AASB aims for the high quality financial reporting in adopting IASB standards. The role of ASIC is to contribute towards the development of standards by AASB.In short, the combined effort of the bodies will help develop and maintain high-quality financial reporting standards for all sectors of the Australian economy
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Cause and Effect of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis :: Financial Crisis Mortgage Sub-Prime
The subprime mortgage crisis is an ongoing event that is affecting buyers who purchased homes in the early 2000s. The term subprime mortgage refers to the many home loans taken out during a housing bubble occurring on the US coast, from 2000-2005. The home loans were given at a subprime rate, and have now lead to extensive foreclosures on home loans, and people having to leave their homes because they can not afford the payments. (Chote) The cause and effect of this crisis can be broken down into five major reasons. When subprime mortgages began to flourish, the term housing bubble came into existence. The term relates to the time in which houses sharply increased in value, and consumers often borrowed at less than the lowest rates. People believed that the price of their homes would rise and they could then refinance for lower payments. The problem with that mentality is many people didn’t just refinance for lower payments, they also refinanced for personal spending. Inflation of home prices meant homeowners suddenly had more equity and were able to spend the money as they chose. All good things must come to and end. In late 2005, the housing bubble burst, and housing began to decline in price. People who refinanced, particularly those who financed with variable interest rates suddenly found their homes were valued at much less. The housing market became flooded with homes for sale, because the homeowners with variable rates and interest only loans could not continue to make their payments. (Greenspan) The rise in the number of homes for sale caused further lowering of home values. Keeping in mind that the main reason for the mortgage crisis is the high number of defaulted home loans, which triggered foreclosures and sell offs. The other four contributing factors include high-risk loans, the bust in the housing market, mortgage fraud, and speculation. High-risk loans are loans that are over leveraged, where the financing is done more than the suggested values to be given. (Greenspan) This can result in immediate sell off when the property falls below that loan amount and to avoid further loss the banks start raising the installment. The housing market has seen pressure as a result of the over pressure on most homeowners by increasing rates. This affects people ability to make the payments, resulting in defaults. This is the problem with the burst in the housing market. The third major factor that is causing the mortgage crisis is, mortgage fraud.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Jude the Obscure :: Jude the Obscure
Jude the Obscure     In Jude the Obscure, Thomas Hardy presents the characters Jude Fawley and Sue Bridehead, who violate the conventions of the repressive Victorian society while attempting to follow their natural instincts. By studying the novel, one sees that Hardy's intentions in doing this are to arouse the reader's sympathy for the characters, and to join in their ridicule of the codes of conduct they are breaking.     The trial of Jude and Sue evoke a sympathetic response from the reader because the couple reflects the values which are prevalent in modern society. They suffer persecution for yielding to emotions which are no longer considered unacceptable or forbidden, as they were then. This portrays Victorian society as being cruel and unnatural, thus creating affection for the characters. Hardy understood the tendency for society to swing like a pendulum from one extreme to the other. He knew that the Victorian era would not last indefinately, and that future generations would become more liberated. This is beautifully illustrated in this reflection of Sue's: 'When people of a later age look back upon the barbarous customs and superstitions of the times that we have the unhappiness to live in, what will they think?’ (p.276) According to modern values, it is wrong to condemn people for following their pure and natural instincts, though they ‘have wronged no man, cond emned no man, defrauded no man.’ (p.378) Therefore, by predicting these shifts, and exposing the injustice of Victorian society, Hardy evokes sympathy in the reader for Sue and Jude.     Hardy also uses the two characters to reveal that he finds the society in which they live ridiculous. He joins Sue and Jude as they laugh at ‘the artificial system of things, under which the normal sex-impulses are turned into devilish domestic gins and springes to noose and hold back those who want to progress. (p.279) In rare times of ‘Greek joyousness’ (p.366) Jude and Sue live by ‘Nature’s law’ and are able to enjoy, unabated, the ‘instincts which civilisation has taken upon itself to thwart.’ (p.413) It is during these times that the two are truly able to laugh at the conventions they have violated, as they are content and unaffected by the repercussions.
The History of the Metis :: World History
The History of the Metis The Metis were partly french and partly indian. Their leader was called Louis riel. Following the Union of the Hudson's Bay Company and the North West Company in 1821, trading had been reorganized in order to reduce expenses. Since there was no longer competition in the fur trade, it was unnecessary to have two or more posts serving a single trading district. For this reason, some posts had been closed and the number of brigades reduced. This reorganization had led to some unemployment amoung Metis who for years had been working in the fur trade. The Hudson Bay Company had attempted to assist these these men by encouraging them to engage in farming in what is now South Manitoba. A few families take to agriculture, but most of the metis found it difficult. To them, the excitement and the adventure of the buffalo hunt held more appeal than farming. Hundreds of Metis were content to earn a living by hunting buffalo, making pemmican or finding employment as freight drivers. After a while Canada bought Rupertsland from Hudson Bay Company. When the Metis heard this they were alarmed. They feared their religion,their language, their lands and their old, free way of* life. They had known for some time that Canada was busy constructing a colonists highway from Lake Superior to the Red River. The situation became tense surveyors were sent into the flow of settlers, and it was considered a wise move to have the surveying well under way before settlement began in earnest. It was decided to use a system or land survey similar to that used in the western part of the United States. Townships were to be divided into thirty-six sections, each containing one square mile or 640 acres. The sections were then to be divided into, the quarter-section was thought to be enough land for each family settling in the North West. (An interesting aspect of the survey system was the plan of the setting asside two sections in each township for the future support of education. The idea to sell these sections at a later date and use the money for the construction of schools.) When th survey began, friction occured in those areas where the french specking Metis had settled along the river, occupying long narrow strips in the manner common in New France. Attempts were made by the surveyors to avoid disturbing the pattern, but in some cases the survey lines crossed the narrow holdings,
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Water Level Indicator
Water LeveL IndIcator WIth aLarm VIJay D. SaThE H ere is a simple, versatile circuit which indicates the level of water in a tank. This circuit produces alarm when water level is below the lowest level L1 and also when water just touches the highest level L12. The circuit is designed to display 12 different levels. However, these display levels can be increased or decreased depending upon the level resolution required. This can be done by increasing or decreasing the number of level detector metal strips (L1 through L12) and their associated components. In the circuit, diodes D1, D2 and D13 form half-wave rectifiers. The rectified output is filtered using capacitors C1 through C3 respectively. Initially, when water level is below strip L1, the mains supply frequency oscillations are not transferred to diode D1. Thus its output is low and LED1 does not glow. Also, since base voltage of transister T1 is low, it is in cut-off state and its collector voltage is high, which enables melody generating IC1 (UM66) and alarm is sounded. When water just touches level detector strip L1, the supply frequency oscillations are transferred to diode D1. It rectifies the supply voltage and a positive DC voltage develops across capacitor C1, which lights up LED1. At the same time base voltage for transistor T1 becomes high, which makes it forward biased and its collector voltage falls to near-ground potential. This disables IC1 (UM66) and alarm is inhibited. Depending upon quantity of water present in the tank, corresponding level indicating LEDs glow. It thus displays intermediate water levels in the tank in bar-graph style. When water in the tank just touches the highest level detector strip L12, the DC voltage is developed across capacitor C2. This enables melody generating IC1 (UM66) and alarm is again sounded. ELECTRONICS PROJECTS Vol. 20
Friday, August 16, 2019
Reading a Book or Watching Its Adaptation: Which Is Better?
Reading a book or watching its adaptation: Which is better? When a film is made from a book, it is called  an adaptation. From the beginning, film-makers have made films based on novels, short stories, biographies and plays; of these adaptations,  novels have always been the most popular choice (Difference). And what are the main differences between books and adaptations? Films have limited time, whereas books can be lengthy, so books can develop more of a plot and characterization.A classic complaint about movie versions concerns the omission of material that the reader finds important. If the director must make a film that is the proper length for a theatrical release, there is no way to include everything, especially when it comes from a long novel. Some people consider this an advantage of adaptations; others, on the contrary, find it a great disadvantage. Here are two opinions of people discussing Peter Jackson’s Fellowship of the Ring in the co mments on â€Å"WiseGEEK†website.Anon272367 writes: â€Å"Imagine, for example, a â€Å"Fellowship of the Ring†[sic] movie that covered every single damn detail in the book. Trust me when I say this: I wouldn't watch it†(Better). His opponent, anon260109, writes: â€Å"Jackson's ear was deaf to Tolkien's elaborately crafted back story of ancient mysteries and he threw away their music, not realising that the books are unlike any other fantasy novel in that they were written by a man who constructed them on an intimate knowledge of the Old English language, mythology and storytelling†(Better).One more difference is that books require the reader to use his or her imagination to visualize what is happening while films normally visualize it for the viewer. Films leave little to viewers' imaginations. When reading, a person is creating his or her own movie in a sense, and he or she decides many of the important parts: how the characters speak, what they lo ok like, and what their surroundings look like. Hr30 expresses the same opinion: â€Å"Often when a writer uses description, the way I imagined it is far different to the way it is interpreted in the film.I think the beauty of books is that you can develop your own way of thinking about them, whereas often (though not always) a film directs you into one way of thinking†(Prefer). Films have one thing that is a book cannot: sound. Music, environmental sounds and sound effects make adaptations thrilling and interesting. Even some boring (in my personal opinion) episodes from books, such as battles of war, look fascinating in films. There is no right answer to the question stated in the title of this text, and there is no common opinion.There are people who prefer books; for example lou1987 wrote the following: â€Å"I prefer the books. I suppose, [sic] one of the main reasons is that the books are what the films are based on, and so contain far more detail than can ever be por trayed in a film. Also, films present to you what is happening visually, and for me, I prefer to read a book and create the setting and build characters in my head†(Prefer). Some people, though there are few of them, choose films. Anon122072 writes: â€Å"i [sic] think movies are better because it's easier with a visual aid†(Better).But the majority of people like both books and their adaptations. Anon272367: â€Å"Reading for me is not more enjoyable than watching a movie. They are on 100 percent equal footing. Why would anyone ever in a million years walk into a theater and expect a similar experience to opening a book? It's foolish to expect them to be the same†(Better). Sometimes people who prefer books admit that there are good adaptations: â€Å"I guess what I’m trying to say is that sometimes movies do get it right.There are quite a few examples that fall into this category: The Wizard of Oz, The Lord of the Rings, and Gone Wit h the Wind are ones that spring to mind†(Page). To my mind, books are better than films because watching a movie is almost always a passive experience, so there is far less thought process involved. I like closing the book and thinking about the problems it deals with. Don't get me wrong; I love watching movies, but nine times out of ten, watching movie adaptations is disappointing. Sometimes it is bad to read a book before watching its adaptation, but it is even worse to read after you’ve watched the movie.So I still read books and watch adaptations and try to find something good in every version. Works Cited 1) â€Å"Book Adaptations: From the Page to the Big Screen. †Bookosaur. Web. 17 Nov. 2012 ;http://www. thebookosaur. com/2012/01/book-adaptations-from-the-page-to-the-big-screen/; 2) â€Å"Books vs. Movie Adaptations – which do you prefer? †The Student Room. Web. 17 Nov. 2012 ;http://www. thestudentroom. co. uk/showthread. php? t =198 2240; 3) â€Å"What is the difference between books and films? †Kvenno Web. 17 Nov.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Hunger in America
****** Willingham M. Handran English 112 Hunger in America We live in a nation where a large percentage of its inhabitants suffer from economic hardship and are left with no other option but to pick and choose between certain necessities over other fundamental needs due to a lack of financial resources. Many of these people are forced into having to choose between taking their life-saving medications or being able to eat for that day, while others simply have no choice at all.These people simply have no other choice but go hungry despite the copious amounts of food produced in this nation. Some of the primary factors responsible for this heartbreaking predicament stem from a lack of consistent public awareness outside of the quick fix Band-Aid approach during Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday food drives and other short-term feeding campaigns coupled with an inadequate job market for both the unemployed and the underemployed which causes poverty.Insufficient and inconsistent charita ble donations to assist those in need are also contributing factors along with the physical and financial barriers which prevent general access to food to a large population of children, the elderly and the disabled. Another high profile reason for this wide spread problem is due to the direct relationship between the increase in the cost of fuel and how it affects the price of food. Hunger is an equal opportunity destructive force which gives no preference to sex, age, race, religion or educational background.Food insecurities in the United States alone affect an outrageous percentage of citizens in the world’s most affluent nation, afflicting millions of Americans on a daily basis. Hunger in America is neither widely acknowledged nor highly publicized due to the fact that the United States is the world’s wealthiest nation. In light of the facts as stated by our government’s Department of Agriculture and in the minds of all hungry persons in this country, Ameri ca should be recognized as being the world’s most wasteful and irresponsible nation on earth.The United States disposes of billions of pounds of high-quality edible food every single year. Hunger in America is an egregious and inexplicable indictment against our society, and it has created an environment of extreme hardship and suffering that is completely inexcusable in a land where hunger should not even exist and where something more must be done to alleviate hunger in our great nation. Our Citizen’s Health and Sustenance We live in the world’s wealthiest and most plentiful country, yet almost 15 percent of U. S. amilies, about 49 million Americans, including 16. 2 million children struggle to acquire sustenance (Bread for the World). About 15 percent of the American population find themselves struggling at varying degrees from day to day in order to provide food for themselves and their families. Why, in the midst of plenty, are people forced to go without b asic necessities? Tens of millions of Americans are directly affected by this silent plague known as the American hunger crisis which is directly proportional to the level of poverty existing in the United States.As a matter of fact, â€Å"The nation’s official poverty rate in 2010 was 15. 1 percent, up from 14. 3 percent in 2009†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Income, Poverty and Health Insurance in the United States: 2010). These proximate percentages between hunger and poverty blatantly illustrate the relationship between the two. Without poverty, hunger doesn’t exist. In the discussion of poverty and hunger, inevitabilities such as food, healthcare, basic and adequate shelter, utilities and transportation expenses are severely limited and some of these necessities are either cut back drastically, or they are simply inaccessible.One might have enough money to feed their family, but not have the ability to pay for their children’s health expenses or clothing. â€Å"The numbe r of people without health insurance coverage rose from 49. 0 million in 2009 to 49. 9 million in 2010†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Income, Poverty and Health Insurance in the United States: 2010). The vast number of people without health insurance is simply another statistic where the figures are obviously too much of a similarity to be justified as mere coincidence.Without their health, how can any American citizen be expected to obtain, much less maintain an adequate paying job and continue to be able to provide sustenance for themselves and their families? Regarding jobs, for a significant number of Americans, the U. S. labor market is not very efficient and doesn’t work as a reliable way to create a steady career to provide for their families (Bread for the World). The job market in the United States has continued to remain stagnant with an unemployment rate that has surpassed eight percent since February 2009, and it has been projected that the very same percentage is oing to exist i n our country until 2014 (Understanding and Responding to Persistently High Unemployment). When the unemployment rate is coupled with the rate of underemployment, those who are employed only part-time but possessing the skills necessary for full-time employment, the percentage of food insecure individuals more than doubled. People that are having a hard time finding full-time work, and those who are willing and able to work, but who have been discouraged from searching so long has risen to 17. percent in the month of September 2010 (Record Underemployment Devastates American Workers). Far too many people are in desperate need of both food and full-time employment. Hunger in America – Hidden in Plain Sight Not only is it extremely disconcerting and an indictment against the government at both the federal and state levels, but it’s also a direct reflection of American society in general that the issue of hunger in America has not been given the recognition or public awar eness that is warranted for such a national and catastrophic epidemic.While there are organizations and individuals that continue to bring this concern into the light of the public eye, it is still neither adequate nor consistent enough to bring a broad awareness to our current hunger plight in this country. Members of Bread for the World continue to write letters to members of Congress to emphasize the severity of this situation hoping that those with the political power and clout will actually do something (Bread for the World). Many American children are at risk because they have not been recognized as being the victims of this national disaster which is American hunger (Lichter et al, 97).While there is promising news on the war against hunger, there are many more battles to be won. The House of Representatives recently passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act which was signed into law on December 13, 2010 by President Barrack Obama (Advocacy). This legislation authorized the fu nding and set the policy for the United States Department of Agriculture’s primary child nutrition programs (Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act). This is definitely a step in the right direction but much more must be done.For example, becoming an advocate for individuals suffering from food insecurity is critical to fighting hunger because it offers many ways to become active not only in important public policy issues of the day, but also within our communities (Advocacy). More focused and stringent efforts from the public and private sectors are necessary to keep this critical issue in the arena of public awareness since a large majority of the American population is completely unaware of the reality that almost 50 million of their neighbors, friends, family and coworkers suffer daily from this silent epidemic.Single Mothers and Others Among the several millions of people that do suffer from food insecurity in America, there are certain groups of people from distressed backgrounds that tend to deal with much more pressure than others when it comes to hunger and poverty. Fathers all over our nation are deserting their partners and children. In merely three decades, the percent of children living without their fathers increased from 17 percent to 36 percent, more than doubling the number ( Popenoe, 33). As disturbing as it may seem, the percentage that exists today continues to grow.Young developing children and their struggling mothers that strive to endure the difficulties of life without a father in the home or with an estranged father who doesn’t pay child support has resulted in huge numbers of women and children to be left in great need of financial aid. In fact, single mother families are the group of citizens that are most at risk. Their numbers are rapidly growing, and they are becoming the poorest segment of the population in the country (Dodson, 109). Many of the worst tragedies in situations like these are the children that go to bed without enough to eat at night.Millions of children are left to sit in hunger and are helpless because their guardians cannot provide an adequate amount of food for their nourishment. In fact, one in five children or 20 percent suffered from hunger in the year 2000. That was ten million children. Even worse, three million of those children underwent an even more stomach wrenching hunger predicament where they had no other choice but to eat even less and were forced to skip meals due to a lack of food (Food First). A major contributing factor that has had a direct negative impact on these families is the seemingly ever increasing cost of fuel or access to energy.Whenever the price of oil and gas increases, every aspect of our economy is affected. The worst of which is the increase in the cost of food. Beginning with the farmers who require fuel to operate their tractors and other farm equipment along with oil-based pesticides and other chemicals needed for large crop production, this is jus t the beginning (Heinberg ). As manufacturers require energy to produce food for public consumption, they must increase their costs of production to cover the extra energy expense.The large semi-trucks that deliver those food products have to pay more for fuel, and the grocery store is forced to increase their prices in order to remain in business (Gas Prices Start to Affect Food Prices). While single mother families are at the top of the food insecure pyramid, another group of individuals is suffering just as much. These people are our senior citizens and the disabled who must survive on fixed incomes, the majority of whom depend solely on the federal government through social security payments they receive along with certain entitlement programs if they qualify (Sepulvado).Furthermore, the fact that the United States of America disposes of over 100 billion pounds of editable food annually is an ignominious slap in the face to the masses of hungry American citizens (Hunger In Ameri ca). Hunger in America – Conclusion Alleviating hunger in America may be a disheartening and seemingly overwhelming task, but there is an untold and extremely underpublicized confidence among many public and private organizations and individuals that it is possible with persistence and dedication. The facts are clear. Approximately 50 million American citizens suffer from a lack of food.In our politically correct society, the phrase ‘food insecure’ was adopted as a more palatable euphemism to avoid and hide the harsh reality that the wealthiest nation on earth is filled with millions of desperately hungry people, over 16 million of whom are children. Lack of consistent public awareness, inadequate government funding and insufficient charitable contributions, the unemployment and underemployment rates and the increasing costs of fuel are all contributing factors that continue to feed the national disgrace of American hunger.There are quotes from famous individuals concerning hunger that seem fitting to include and conclude this research. â€Å"Most of our citizenry believes that hunger only affects people who are lazy or people who are just looking for a handout, people who don’t want to work, but, sadly, that is not true. Over one-third of our hungry people are innocent children who are members of households that simply cannot provide enough food or proper nutrition. And to think of the elderly suffering from malnutrition is just too hard for most of us. UnlikeThird World nations, in our country the problem is not having too little – it is about not caring enough! Write your elected representatives and promote support for the hungry. â€Å"-Erin Brokovich. Another quote from the most iconic civil rights leader in the United States said this: â€Å"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic nec essities of life? There is no deficit in human resources. The deficit is in human will. â€Å"-Martin Luther King, Jr.The 32nd President of the United States said this about hunger: â€Å"But while they prate of economic laws, men and women are starving. We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by human beings. †-Franklin D. Roosevelt. This final quote comes from a woman who many would claim was the most selfless individual in our lifetime: â€Å"When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed. -Mother Teresa. Hunger in America is an incomprehensible condemnation against our nation. This social injustice directly inflicts extreme hardship upon millions of Americans and causes unnecessary and completely avoidable suffering simply because we as individuals and federal and state agencies are poor stewards of the food resources which we have in an abundant supply; yet we deliberately dispose of billions of pounds of good edible food which is more than enough to alleviate hunger in the most prosperous and the most powerful country on earth.Works Cited â€Å"Advocacy. †Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Bread for the World: Have Faith. End Hunger. â€Å"U. S. Hunger††Homepage. Web. 17 Mar. 2012. . Dodson, Lisa. â€Å"Chapter 5. †Lost Fathers. By Cynthia R. . Daniels. New York: St. Martin's, 1998. Print. Food First. â€Å"Ch. 1. †Poverty: Opposing Viewpoints. â€Å"Hunger Is a Serious Problem for America’s Poor†San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 2004. 19-21. Print. â€Å"Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. †Web. 18 Apr. 2012. . Heinberg, Richard. â€Å"Article. Soaring Oil and Food Prices Threaten Affordable Food Supply. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Hunger In America. †Hunger in America Diminished by Gardeners and AmpleHarvest. org. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. â€Å"Income, Poverty and Health Insurance in the United States: 2010. †Census Bureau Homepage. Web. 17 Mar. 2012. . Lichter, Daniel T. , Vincent J. Roscigno, and Dennis J. Condron. â€Å"Chapter 7. †Challenges for Rural America in the Twenty-first Century. Ed. David L. Brown, Louis E. Swanson, and Alan W. Barton. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 2003. 97-98.Print. Popenoe, David. â€Å"Chapter 2. †Lost Fathers. By Cynthia R. . Daniels. New York: St. Martin's, 1998. Print. â€Å"Record Underemployment Devastates American Workers. †GOP. gov. Web. 27 Mar. 2012. . Sepulvado, John. â€Å"Rising Food Prices Could Drive up Rates of Hunger. †CNN. Cable News Network, 16 Mar. 2011. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Understanding and Responding to Persistently High Unemployment. †CBO. Web. 25 Mar. 2012. . Vivek, S. â€Å"Chapter 8. †Global Obligations for the Right to Foo d. By George Kent. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008. Print.
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