Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Should the government raise the driving age Essay
Should the government raise the driving age - Essay Example The only failure that the training institutes do not cover is how a driver can react to a situation that may determine the safety of the driver and other road users. The safety of the driver and the road users is thus dependent on the physical, emotional and psychological form of the driver. As a result, various factors have led to the occurrence of various accidents. The situations have caused the various governance bodies in the region to enact laws in an attempt to control the number of accidents that occur. One of the measures is the regulation of the generation that is suitable for issuing a license for driving. After many years, the federal government of the United States has given mandate to issue licenses to new drivers. The age limit is however national and is sixteen. The argument thus lies on what is the best age to give consent to with the aim of ensuring safety in the roads. There is a need to rise the age of driving from sixteen to a more mature age. (Heidi E. Nemme). Research has reveled that the teenage individuals who are at the tender age of sixteen do not possess the necessary capacity to deal with the risky situations that the roads pose. The teenagers tend to be immature in the dealing of critical situations. More studies show that the teenagers have a thrill with the speed and are more prone to over speed while driving. Most of the teenagers do not have an inherent knowledge to analyze the various dangers that the urge of over speeding can bring. Over speeding is dangerous and causes accidents numerous studies have revealed. Research shows that about seventy-seven percent of the accidents in the US include people who are miners who tend to be behind the wheel. Therefore, there is a serious urgency of rising the age to a more self-realistic age (Reports). The ideal age is above eighteen years since people of the age are mature in their consequen t decisions. The psychological wellbeing is also a key issue
Monday, October 28, 2019
How the United States of America will respond to German Cars Essay Example for Free
How the United States of America will respond to German Cars Essay German cars are famous worldwide for their luxury, durability, innovation, exoticism and sophistication in terms of design and production. Whatever they make is perceived of high value in terms of money and exhibits high cultural values of the Germans. Over the decades the German philosophy of management is structured in such a way that it bring out an element of extremely reliable quality and focuses on the aspects of giving something new to the world. Their cars are known to the world and most preferred by their target market because of the reputations that have been able to maintain over the decades. The German apply the concept of high level engineering in the manufacturing of the product add extreme level quality management is applied. In order to explain the German concept let us take the example of Mercedes, a German car manufacturer. The brain child of Karl Benz, this company has grown up to the limits of providing high value cars to the market it caters. Mercedes is a brand that has attached its values with luxury and comfort which encompasses extreme engineering that focuses on precision engineering. The target market of Mercedes is the highest socioeconomic group given in any country in terms of income. The target market includes people who have a sophisticated life style and prefer luxury of any of the factor. Mercedes goes by the philosophy of providing more for much more. Obviously high and reliable product offerings are then associated with higher cost which the customers of Mercedes are ready to pay. Mercedes has always been known to come up with innovation in its products which are always shown in the new model which Mercedes launches. The values that are attached to the brand are always taken care of by the manufacturer and as a result, reflected on the end product. Mercedes philosophy is based on providing the best of what is required. Its product has now become a prestige for its owners who stand out from the rest of the population. Mercedes has a reputation of maintaining customer retentions and high customer satisfaction. This is done in terms through the medium of providing high quality cars and much better customer service that comes in the form of car maintenance and part a service supply. The customers enjoy the convenience of getting better maintenance because they become a part of the Mercedes family. The reputation has become a part of the brand that lives up to its value. The German car manufacturer on which we will be focusing has a product that caters to the higher class of customer as they would be differentiated on the basis of their income. Our customer is a person of age around 25-35 years, a person who is lively, energetic and more fun loving. He prefers luxury and comfort over economy of the product and would mind spend money that gives him satisfaction. If we classify our target market’s need on the Maslow’s chart of hierarchy of needs, we would place it on the end that is self-actualization. The personality of our customer is a healthy and active individual, who is also very classy and has a good taste of products. He prefers to go to clubs rather than normal bars and would celebrate his success with wine rather than a glass of champagne. Our customer is a winner and would never settle for something low. If we were to diagnose of how reactant our consumer is then we would rate it as an early adopter who is highly informative about the newly arriving product and is a connoisseur for fine products. Our aim is to target the higher class of people and also the younger segment because of the sustenance of our business. To make thing more specific, our cars that are luxurious and we are not willing to expand our product line. The whole concept to cater to this segment of the target market is because of the rich tradition and culture attached to German products. German philosophy in the car manufacturing industry is to provide something innovative and high-tech. So this target market is chosen to order to align with what are philosophy is. And the whole objective to expand our domain to other countries is solely based on the feasibility of the plan which includes profits and sustainable development of the expansion. These things will be emphasized upon when giving analysis of the expansion plan of the company in the following countries. Plus we will also look in to business and operations process reengineering which will be needed in different countries in order to align with the consumers of the country and their traditions also. United States of America: USA is a country that has a blend of people living in it. They include Caucasians, Latin Americans, Mexicans, Afro-Americans, Asian and many more. The majority of the population that lives in the U. S is Caucasian or white Americans . However this majority is in terms of the relative ratio to the different races. The American culture includes a variety of aspects in it and is a very complex system in itself to analyze it. If we analyze the country as a whole then we will have to analyze the geographical, economical cultural, demographical, and social concepts of people living there. The geographical design of U. S is divided in to two categories which further have been divided for other studies. These categories are defined as cities and country side. An important thing to note is that the lifestyle of people who live in the two different categories is extremely different to each other. The city life is perceived as fast paced and more inclined towards professional environment. The residential areas are either near the business hubs which are expensive and are in the form of apartment and penthouses or separated from the city center and are located in the outskirts of the city. These places are residential areas that have houses, bungalows, schools, supermarkets etc. The standard of living in the United States is high which is also reflected in the lives in people living in cities. However people who live in the out skirts are usually those who have their own family and own a house in those places. The people who live near the city center usually reside in apartment and are singles. The people who live in the outskirt residential areas have their own cars for traveling, while those who live near the business hub are the ones who not use cars to travel to office and use public transport like buses, subways and taxis also. So the business should emphasize on catering to the segment that lives in the residential area. People can afford the car because of higher income status and because of the lifestyle that aligns with the product’s positioning. More over its customers live in expensive areas that prefer big luxurious cars. Right now the personal transportation mode of the American is automobiles. It is estimated to be 80% of the land transport. This mean that out of 100 American, 80 of them have their own car; which in the European countries is approximately 51%. This is an added benefit for the automobile manufacturers. The market which will be focused upon are mostly cities like New York (population of 20,000,000 approximately), Washington D. C. 6,000,000 approximately), Los Angeles (12,500,000 approximately), Chicago (9,600,000 approximately), Miami (5,500,000 approximately) and other cities. The political system of the country is based on the democratic system of government. Everyone has certain rights that are stated in the charter of democracy. Everyone one has a right to vote in the elections which determine who will lead the country for the next four years. The country has had an advantage of having wise president and a clever and socially binding congress which has the responsibility of passing laws for the better of the people as well as to contribute to the world. U. S. A has been lucky to not to face political turmoil and the law and order situation in the country is very good. The crime rates even though high do not majorly affect the economic functioning and are able to withstand any sudden disruption. After the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center the government has increased its budget on social security in order to prevent any further assault on the US soil and has been able to achieve its objective of maintaining peace in the country. This is also proven by the fact that the country has until now not encountered another attack since the last nine years. The government gives very much importance to the social expenditure which is aimed at improving the socioeconomic aspect (education, medical etc). This in turn increases the standard of living if the people who further help in maintaining a sustainable economy by creating opportunities for new entrant in the market. U. S. A has high investment opportunity. It is because the economy is capitalist economy which means that it is based on the free market trade and that there is no government intervention. Due to this, there is high investment on other businesses and the high growth opportunities. The tax rate in the U. S is high, which is a symbol for a developed economy. The taxes given by the people to the government further help the government to contribute to the social expenditure it incurs. The tax rate, even though; are cost are outweighed by the profitability of the companies operating in the U. S. USA is a huge market for potential businesses to enter. This can be seen from the fact that it has a GDP of $14. 4 trillion. This shows that how big an economy US is. The private sector contribution to the economy is 55. 3%, which is a majority and it shows the strength of the private sector. This means that U. S has high private investment firms who are also high tax payers. The United States of America also has the privilege of having the world’s largest stock exchange in terms of volume which is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). More over as it is a country that has diverse group of people living in it; the chances of success are very high. Secondly the country has started to come out of recession which hit back in 2008. This means that the dark period for the US economy will in very short time become a thing of the past and the only thing which is anticipated now is the economic growth of the country. Another thing which will add to the benefit of the transfer is that the interest rates in the US are all time low. Which means that cheap financing is available to people and due to this there will be an increase in consumerism which will further add up to the advantage of sales in the automobile manufacturing. Moreover the competition in the automobile industry is low in the US because of the bankruptcy of the automobile company due to the recession. These companies have either packed up or either been bought by Chinese or Japanese companies. Now the competition remains with only the Chinese or the Japanese manufacturers. German cars comparatively have more edge to other manufacturers because of the higher quality and a very good reputation. Then to add further USA ranks third in the oil production industry. It is also the largest importer of oil. This means that there is no problem of availability of fuel for those who can afford it. The culture of a country is defined by the people living in it. It is the representation of the behavior and practices of the people in their daily lives. Everything what people feel, think and learn is a part of learning that comes from culture. The culture of U. S is a blend of people living in it. As described above there are many races in the United States. And since it is known that culture is adaptive and changes according to time, the mixture of their cultural values has evolved to form what is called the American way of life. U. S is also a house for people who belong to different religion and practices. The majority of the population living in U. S belongs to Christianity. There are also Muslims, Jew, Buddhists, Hindus and people of other religions living in America. What is unique about the people is that even though they consider themselves as American, they do not necessarily share a common set of ideas and beliefs. This is because even though they live in America that adds up to their social learning that comes through interacting with other people, their parenting and inherited learning is different from one another. This means that people belonging to different groups may have different behavior in different situations. This adds to the out benefit since the values related to luxury and satisfaction is espoused value that all the people of different races tend to share. Humans have always had the tendency to develop. People strive to in order to increase their standard of living. This means that with the growth of economy and socio-political environment people develop the tendency to get to the next level of their needs which are then changed into their wants and they demand for thing that gives them satisfaction. The change in the wants of people is reflected by their demand for a particular thing. So it won’t be wrong to say that growth in the economy is directly proportional to the demand of products which is an added benefit to the businesses. During the nineteenth century, the American philosophy was of working hard to become well off evolved into the increase in the social status. This is was the belief that was prevalent among the whites. This philosophy has now shifted to the Asians.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Absence of Childrens Wisdom in the Bosnian Conflict Essays -- Bosnia
Absence of Children's Wisdom in the Bosnian Conflict â€Å"There was never a time when, in my opinion, some way could not be found to prevent the drawing of the sword†(1). In the films, Pretty Village, Pretty Flame, No Man’s Land, and The Fourth Part of the Brain, the Bosnians were not particularly nationalistic or savage, rather; they were normal people whose leaders led them into a violent struggle with their friends and neighbors, which was exacerbated by a lack of effective assistance from the international community and the UN. These films depict the majority of combatants as either people who did not entirely support the war or people who supported the war because they had been misinformed. Furthermore, the mindless atrocities, which became an unfortunate characteristic of the Bosnian War (1992-1995), were not the results of mass xenophobia or collective hatred amongst Bosnian Serbs, Croats, and Moslems, who had lived together in relative harmony for generations. Rather, these acts of senseless violence resulted from a combination of socio-economic and political factors that created a climate of fear, which radical Bosnian political leaders and their imperialistic neighbors exploited to benefit their respective countries and ethnic groups. The multi ethnic and religious composition of Bosnia would appear to indicate that underlying xenophobic and racist sentiments may have existed before the war and contributed to its outbreak. Although the Slavic population of Bosnia shared a common language and a very similar ancestry, there were minor ethnic differences between them. Bosnian Slavs were part of an early migration of Slavic tribes into the Balkans that occurred in the third century C.E., Croats and Serbs migrated... remember that a friend is a friend regardless of their ethnic composition. It is a shame that the people who fought in the Bosnian conflict did not have the simple wisdom of children, such as those from The Fourth Part of the Brain. Quotes (1) General Ulysses S. Grant Works Cited The Fourth Part of the Brain. Nenad Dizdarevic. Bosnia, 1996. Malcom, Noel. Bosnia: A Short Story. â€Å"The global menace of local strife.†The Economist. 24. May, 2003. No Man’s Land. Tanovic, Danis. Bosnia, 2001. â€Å"The poorman’s curse.†The Economist. 24. May, 2003. Powel, Samantha. The Atlantic Online. â€Å"Bystanders to Genocide.†15. June, 2003. Pretty Village, Pretty Flame. Dragojevic, Srdjan. Yugoslavia, 1996. Rogel, Carole. The Breakup of Yugoslavia and the War in Bosnia. Schom, Alan. Napoleon Bonaparte. First Harper Perennial, 1998.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Louisa and Sissy: Fact Against Fancy in Hard Times
Louisa and Sissy: Fact against fancy in Hard Times. Two female characters in Hard Times, Louisa Gradgrind and Sissy Jupe could be considered contrastive by fate and there is moral fable in this contrast. It is significant that in last two paragraphs of the novel Dickens applies to motherhood as a sense of woman happiness. Daughter of main educator of Coketown, have got only the bitter questionnaire: â€Å"Herself again a wife – a mother – lovingly watchful of her children, ever careful that they should have a childhood of the mind no less than a childhood of the body, as knowing it to be even a more beautiful thing, and a possession, any hoarded scrap of which, is a blessing and happiness to the wisest? Did Louisa see this? Such a thing was never to be. †(Chapter 9, Final, p. 274) But Sissy, â€Å"Girl number twenty†(Chapter 1,p. ) in Gradgrind list, was granted with love and motherhood in return for her human virtue: â€Å" But, happy Sissy's happy children loving her; all children loving her; she, grown learned in childish lore; thinking no innocent and pretty fancy ever to be despised; trying hard to know her humbler fellow-creatures, and to beautify their lives of machinery and reality with those imaginative graces and delights,†¦ or fancy dress, or fancy fair; b ut simply as a duty to be done, – did Louisa see these things of herself? These things were to be. †(Chapter 9, Final, p. 274) What is the major difference between two of them and why author gives credits to simple-minded Sissy, and left sorrows for educated Louisa? The reader can understand, that Gradgrind was disappointed with Sissy from the very beginning. He didn’t like the fact, that her father works in the circus. Fun and imagination were beyond Gradgrind’s acceptation. Sissy failed with factual definition of the horse in the very beginning of the novel and becomes a loser in his eyes. But his own daughter, Louisa, has to struggle with inner conflict:†fire with nothing to burn†(Ch. 3) Her imagination was suppressed up to degree of starving under the pressure of that utilitarian educational virtue of â€Å"fact†. Trying to see a circus she and her brother Tom peep though the loophole. Being asked about, she simply answered: ‘Wanted to see what it was like†(Ch. 8). Somehow she neglected her father’s slogan: †Louisa, never wonder! †(Ch. 8) In the article Charles Dickens, Hard times: for these times Chris Bilton says: â€Å"The only escape from this relentless grind of alculation and rationality is the horse-riding circus, glimpsed tantalisingly by Gradgrind’s children through a hole in the tent. Here is food for the ‘idle imagination’ and ‘fancy’ their father denies them†Louisa and her brother are deemed to have the best, as their father is a very knowledgeable man and they are â€Å"model children†in â€Å"model house†, but â€Å" starved imagination keeping life in itself somehow, which brightened it’s expression†. Dickens is depicturing that Louisa knows so many facts, but has not much to imagine. This â€Å" metallurgical Louisa†used to look out the window at the factory chimneys and observe: â€Å"There seems to be nothing there but languid and monotonous smoke. Yet when the night comes, Fire bursts out. †She can only state a fact about her surroundings. Dickens shows how forced education in a militant style can hurt a developing mind more than help it. Attentive reader can recognize intonation of reproach in her timid speech: â€Å"You have been so careful of me, that I never had a child's dream. You have dealt so wisely with me, father, from my cradle to this hour, that I never had a child's belief or a child's fear†. But the most dramatic moment happened in the very end of Book The Second, then mental breakdown happened to Louisa and Gradgrind â€Å"laid her down there, and sow the pride of his heart and the triumph of his system, lying, an insensible heap, at his feet†(p. 204) Sissy Jupe in other hand, also was treated by Gradgrind’s system. But she was a daughter of the circus clown, and spent early childhood in lively atmosphere, surrounded by emotional people, who taught her other things, then facts: In the article â€Å"Taking Dickens to task:Hard Times once more†Malkolm Pittok states: †For the circus has as its raison d'etre the development of ‘useless' and ‘unproductive'acrobatic skills, the dramatic enactment of highly coloured fictions, and a mode of fanciful, and fancifully advertised, play. In direct contrast to the selfish individualism promoted by Gradgrindism, its members show a generous solidarity and human directness of response. †(p. 116) Gradgrid was trying to influence this foil with his utilitarian approach, but he failed. She depictured as emotional girl from the very beginning: â€Å"Sissy Jupe, Sir†, explained number twenty, blushing†¦(Ch 2, p 8) Sissy began living with the Gradgrind family, and indirectly helped them to understand, that something in their life was missed. Love and care were unknown virtues in this family. â€Å"Only Sissy Jupe, the finest flower of the ircus way of life, has influence where it matters and becomes a beacon of effective light and goodness – a model for all of us to aspire to†, says Pittock. Louisa and Sissy have significant dialog in the Book The Third, Chapter 1. Louisa begging for her friendship: â€Å"Forgive me, pity me, help me! Have compassion on my great need, and let me lay this head o f mine upon a loving heart! †(p. 210) So the â€Å"poor girl†becomes the only â€Å"loving heart†for Gradgrind’s family. She took care of Mrs. Gradgrind and after he death becomes a mother to younger children of this family. So it is right time to conclude, that fancy wins the fact as far as Sissy granted with female happiness in the very end of Hard Tines and educated Louisa went through mental suffer and appeared childless. To state, that motherhood is the only virtue of female life is not right, but there not too much left for woman, if she never ever experienced the happiness of motherhood. Works Cited: Bilton, Chris Charles Dickens, Hard times: for these times. International Journal of Cultural Policy Vol. 16, No. 1, February 2010, 15–16 Web 03 Nov 2011 Dickens, Charles. Hard Times. Oxford University Press, New York, 2008. Print.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Cultural and Cross Cultural Psychology Essay
Cultural psychology and cross-cultural psychology is no more new, as it has had its momentum picked up for the past few decades. Developmental psychology is something of the same kind and it was a buzzword in between at the turn of the century. The question is how is it possible to study human’s development though we intend to study. Human development is also reflected from the repeated efforts and interests on culture analysis in getting to know the interpretation of signals, code words and gestures. When it comes to testing, research and analysis in psychology related subjects it is quite difficult to understand the significant relation between the test samples and the findings. As there is never a reliable empirical formula. Cross cultural psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes, including both their variability and invariance, under diverse cultural condition. It’s primary aims are to investigate a) systematic relations between behavioral variables and ethnic-cultural variables, and generalizations of psychological principles. Cross cultural psychology is the science by virtue of the scientific principles and methods it employs. Cross cultural psychology is not primarily concerned with the comparative study of culture, that si the enduring characteristics that mark a culture apart from other countries. (Leonore Loeb Adler, Uwe P. Gieglen, Florence L. Denmark. Cross cultural topics in psychology – Second edition) â€Å"Cross-cultural psychology is the empirical study of members of various culture groups who have had different experience that lead to predictable and significant differences in behavior. In the majority of such studies, the groups under study speak different languages and are governed by different political units†(British, Lonner, Thorndike, 1973, p. 5 – John W. Berry, Ype H. Pootinga, Marshall H. Segall, Pierre R. Dasen. Cross cultural psychology Research and Applications – Second edition, p. 1) â€Å"Cultural Psycology is the study of the culture’s role in the mental life of human beings†(Cole, 1996, p. 1- John W. Berry, Ype H. Pootinga, Marshall H. Segall, Pierre R. Dasen. Cross cultural psychology Research and Applications – Second edition, p. 1) Cultural psychology is the study to examine ethnic and cultural sources of psychological diversity in emotional, social cognition and human development. (Richard A. Shweder, Maria A. Sullivan. Cultural Psychology: Who needs it? 1993 – Internet edition Cultural psychology is nothing but the practices, customs and beliefs we follow differs from place to place and ethnicity to ethnicity. It is the study of various cultural practices, customary traditions and beliefs that influence a particular sector of people, who decides to improve their society by improvising the existing practices and trying to reason few satisfactory logic to get convinced with the practices. The degree of variance is sometimes measurable and sometimes not. The most interesting part is to analyze how and to what extent the traditions, customs, practices and beliefs developed in a region based on something are made use in favor of personal purposes. Whereas cross-cultural psychology is the effort to establish a connection between psychology that is being framed on the basis of the customs and traditions practiced. It simply deals with the different set of experiences and different set of environment which shows a significant influence on the behavior of the person in a place. The cultural psychology stops with the traditions, customs, beliefs and practices in a system whereas cross-cultural psychology is deep about analyzing the effect of these cultural practices in the behavior and thought process of an individual in the system. For eg, the traditional practice of Sati (burning a woman alive after her husband’s death) was followed in India. Learning the practice and the origin of Sati and analyzing its logic, superstitious beliefs is the cultural psychology. Cross cultural psychology tends to explain why women in India are able to accept the practice and get convinced when it is not possible with the other women in the rest of the world. Critical thinking in the cross cultural psychology Cross cultural psychology is interesting to deal with, but actually speaking is highly uninteresting when it comes to experiment and research. It is difficult to format a methodology and bring it in practice, even if brought into practice it is not all that easy to interpret the results of the psychological tests and tasks. How can researchers make out the differences between the results obtained for the same tests from different groups though the questions are same and the groups are different based on the brought up and experience. Is it possible to exhibit a connection between the psychology and the culture with just the interpretation of the results of the tests conducted, and the fact being no one knows to what extent the interpretation falls right. The difference in the thinking may occur due to the difference in the culture influenced thought process, still it is difficult as there is no concrete or empirical formula formulated to decide on it. There is no assurance that the difference in thought process is because of the cultural difference, as there could also be reasons such as bewildered nature of the question, the puzzling nature of the tests, the mood and ignorance of the people and the literacy rate and understanding power of an individual. It does not stop with cross cultural psychology as developmental psychology also faced the similar kind of problem in formatting the research to get to know the exact demand of the scientists and the researchers from the test samples. In addition to that few man made minor errors in the research and process leads to an unexpected and unwanted finding and the errors are sometimes left undetected too. The methodology associated with cross cultural research When it comes to methodology of cross cultural psychology, it involves the qualitative methodology to analyze the practices, customs and habits of different cultures, on the other hand it requires quantitative methodology to compare, analyze and juxtapose the difference in psychology of different individuals influenced by the cultures and practices they follow. Psychological and cultural psychology experiments always require the need of qualitative analysis, as the cross cultural psychology is all about analyzing a huge mass of test sample quantitative analysis also comes into picture, perhaps the problem is sometimes the methods are treated mutually exclusive and the results are not compatible all the time. In addition to this, there is a report that researchers employ artificial and unfamiliar methods leading to ambiguous results. The issue is research is done based on the questions answered by individuals in a society rather than the collective answer from a society, that makes the major difference and inconvenience. Conclusion Though the subject is interesting, it is poignant to know the investigation methods have not taken the right direction. Conventional methods and sampling techniques are most desired all the times, perhaps when it comes to bringing out the difference between two cultures and the influence on the thought process of an individual because of the culture, it is advisable not to stop with these conventional techniques, as even previous literature works, media interviews, assumptions can be taken into significant consideration. Apart from all these standard quantitative techniques should be given the appropriate attention too, the results from the conventional sampling techniques and the standard quantitative techniques can be compared and related. This way a convincing analysis can be expected. Reference: Richard A Shweder. Thinking through cultures – Expeditions in cultural psychology John W. Berry, Ype H. Pootinga, Marshall H. Segall, Pierre R. Dasen . Cross cultural psychology Research and Applications – Second edition James W. Stigler, Richard A. Shweder, Gilbert Herdt. Cultural Psychology- Essays on comparative human development. Lumei Hui. (2003)Theoretical and Methodological Problems in Cross-Cultural Psychology. Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior John W. Berry, Ype H. Pootinga, Marshall H. Segall, Pierre R. Dasen. Cross cultural psychology Research and Applications – Second edition
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Significance of the Relationship Between Eddie and Beatrice Essays
The Significance of the Relationship Between Eddie and Beatrice Essays The Significance of the Relationship Between Eddie and Beatrice Essay The Significance of the Relationship Between Eddie and Beatrice Essay The next crucial point is when Eddie implies that Rodolpho is gay. Rodolpho and Marco go to work on the piers, and whilst working Rodolpho sings. Rodolpho sings the first night he is with the Carbones and Eddie is quick to tell him to stop, saying he will get picked up. After this, he has a campaign solidified in him and Eddie believes Rodolpho is gay. Rodolphos qualities- singing, cooking and dress making, are seen as signs of weakness by Eddie and this campaign sees Eddie start to believe that Rodolpho is only after Catherine so he can get legal papers into the USA. At one point, Eddie goes to see Alfieri- lawyer and narrator in the play, to see if there is any law against what he thinks Rodolpho is doing. Alfieri is the first person to tell Eddie what is implied throughout the play- that he has more than a fatherly love for Catherine. ALFIERI: She wants to get married, Eddie. She cant marry you, can she? EDDIE [Furiously]: Whatre you talking about, marry me! I dont know what the hell youre talking about! Eddies desperation for something to change what is inevitable is ominous. Beatrice and Eddie have grown apart throughout this whole episode, because Beatrice is perfectly happy to let Catherine grow up and gain independence, whereas Eddie is determined to come between Catherine and Rodolpho. As the play develops into Act 2, there is a turning point in Catherines life- she loses her virginity. Then follow a series of events that lead up to the climax of the play. Eddie catches Rodolpho and Catherine, and throws the cousins out. The cousins then move upstairs to a vacant apartment with two other submarines after talking to Alfieri, Eddie phones immigration and turns Marco and Rodolpho in. Eddie and Beatrice talk about Catherine and the whole situation, and this is when Eddie says I want my respect! he feels that Beatrice has not been the wife to him she should have been, and has not supported him in his choices. He wants her to support him, and feels she is not doing that. This conversation signifies the sway the pair have grown apart. At the beginning of the play Beatrice stood by Eddie, but as the play has developed she hasnt backed him up as much as he would have liked. However, Beatrice feels she has not changed, and it is Eddie who has made things different. Eddies love for Catherine has driven them apart because he has been too consumed in splitting Rodolpho and Catherine up to worry about Beatrice. He feels he is being victimized and is not treated the way he should be- Its a shooting gallery in here and Im the pigeon. The climax of the play is the fight between Marco and Eddie, which results in Eddie being stabbed. This event occurs because immigration come and take Marco, Rodolpho and the two submarines away, and Marco realizes that it is Eddie who has snitched on them. The realization hits Catherine and Beatrice, and Catherine turns against Eddie. Marco spits in Eddies face, a significant event that shows Marcos hatred for Eddie. It is this event that enrages Eddie and makes him determined to seek revenge- Marco spitting in his face and accusing him has turned everyone against and he has lost his name. Marco and Rodolpho are released until their trial, and Catherine and Rodolpho press ahead with their wedding plans in order for Rodolpho to gain legal access to stay in America. Marco comes after Eddie as revenge for turning them in and `killing his children` and Eddie is ready for a fight to regain his `name. ` This fight results in Eddie being stabbed and dying in Beatrices arms. Eddies last line My B.! indicates his love for Beatrice, although he feels he has been wronged by all of the protagonists and was, in fact, in the right throughout the play. Eddie has deluded himself throughout the play, and this delusional behaviour continues to his very end. He still believes he was in the right throughout, and will not compromise this view for anyone, not even Beatrice- his wife.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Bishop Bossuet, Thomas Hobbes, essays
Bishop Bossuet, Thomas Hobbes, essays English Civil War and Glorious Revolution followed the Dutch revolt against Spain as the second of the Western Revolutions that ended absolute monarchy and finally led to democratic representative government. As tradition had it that the English leaders in 1641-49 and 1688-89 that their acts were revolutionary. Parliament chopped of the head of one king and replaced him by another because of the traditional liberties of England. Statesmen and pamphleteers arguing for royalist, parliamentary, or radical principals made this a impressionable period of modern political thought. The Three main theorists of the time Bishop Bossuet, Thomas Hobbes, and John Locke had similarities and differences between their beliefs. Bishop Bossuet was a tutor to Louis XIVs son in the 1670s, and the most religious and the main theorist of the kings absolutism. He believed that the royal power is absolute. That the king does not even need to give an account of his day to anyone, and so it is not possible for writers to try to write about the confusing subjects of absolute government and arbitrary government. In addition, he believed that if the king does not have absolute power he is not able to conduct a advantageous act for the state or put down evil and rebellions. The king he believed is not a private person, but a public one, which has the state and will of people with him. As all perfection and all strength is united in God, so all the power of individuals is united in the person of the prince . He found it magnifying that one man could manifest so Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher and political theorist and one of the first modern Western thinkers to provide a non-religious justification for the political state. Hobbes wrote the Leviathan which distilled the political insights of the civil war. Hobbes saw in humanity a perpetual ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definition and Examples of Backronyms in English
Definition and Examples of Backronyms in English Definition A backronym is a reverse acronym: an expression that has been formed from the letters of an existing word or name. Alternate spelling: bacronym. Also known as an apronym or reverse acronymy. Examples include SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), ZIP code (Zone Improvement Plan), and USA PATRIOT Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism). The word backronym is a blend of backward and acronym. According to Paul Dickson in Family Words (1998), the term was created by Meredith G. Williams of Potomac, Maryland, to cover the likes of GEORGE (Georgetown Environmentalists Organization against Rats, Garbage, and Emissions) and NOISE (Neighbors Opposed to Irritating Sound Emissions). See Examples and Observations below. Also see: Back-FormationFolk EtymologyInitialismIntroduction to Etymology: Word HistoriesMnemonicName That -nym: A Brief Introduction to Words and NamesNeologism  Examples and Observations SOS is an example of a backronym, with people claiming it stands for save our ship or save our soulswhen, in fact, it doesnt stand for anything.(Mitchell Symons, Where Do Nudists Keep Their Hankies? HarperCollins, 2007)Antonyms and BackronymsThis particular kind of etymological myththe after-the-fact association of a word with a phrasehas become so common that it has acquired a whimsical name: backronym. The difference is timing: which came first, the phrase or the word? Scuba, for example, is a true acronym, evolved from self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. Golf, on the other handcontrary to widely circulated mythdoes not stand for Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden. Thats a backronym. Other backronyms wrongly believed to be actual etymologies include Constable on Patrol and For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.(James E. Clapp, Elizabeth G. Thornburg, Marc Galanter, and Fred R. Shapiro, Lawtalk: The Unknown Stories Behind Familiar Legal Expressions. Yale University Press, 2011) ACHOOSome people, like me, inherit a genetic oddity that causes them to sneeze when confronted by bright light. Im afraid this syndrome has been given the overly cute acronym of ACHOO (autosomol dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst).(Diane Ackerman, A Natural History of the Senses. Vintage Books, 1990)COLBERTWhat do you do when youre NASA and comedian Stephen Colbert wins your contest to name the new wing for the International Space Station? You name an orbital exercise machine after him.The Combined Operational Load Bearing External Resistance Treadmill, or COLBERT, is expected to keep astronauts in shape.With the help of a legion of fans, Colbert got the most votes in the space agencys online poll soliciting names for Node 3, which will be called Tranquility after the Sea of Tranquility, where Apollo 11 landed on the moon.(NASA Names Cosmic Treadmill After Colbert. CNN Entertainment, April 15, 2009)SHERLOCK and RALPHFans of Arthur Conan Doyle have a society called Sherlock Holmes Enthusiastic Readers League of Criminal Knowledge, or SHERLOCK, a creative, if strained, backronym. In 1982, admirers of comedian Jackie Gleason organized the Royal Association for the Longevity and Preservation of the Honeymooners, or RALPH, which happens to be the first name of Gleasons TV character, Ralph Cramden.(Chrysti M. Smith, Verbivores Feast, Second Course: More Word Phrase Origins. Farcountry Press, 2006) CabalThe backronym cabal was formed from the names of five ministers of King Charles II. The ministers, Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauderdale, were at the bottom of various political intrigues in the early 1670s. According to history, these five, plus others, defaulted on the national debt by closing the exchequer in 1670, started a war with Holland in 1672, and entered into an alliance with the hated French in 1673. The English use of the word cabal to mean a group of conspirators predates the nefarious schemes of these five men by at least 25 years.(David Wilton, Word Myths: Debunking Linguistic Urban Legends. Oxford University Press, 2009)PerlPerl is a word that has backronyms. Various expansions attributed to the letters in Perl were invented after the programming language was named. Practical Extraction and Report Language is a popular backronym for Perl. A less gracious backronym is Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister.(Jules J. Berman, Perl Programming for Medicine and Biology. Jones Bartlett, 2007) Pronunciation: BAK-ri-nim Alternate Spellings: bacronym
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The use of official corruption by transnational organised crime groups Essay
The use of official corruption by transnational organised crime groups - Essay Example The aim of this project is to compile a 10,000 word research paper following independent research in the area of transnational crime prevention. The topic selected by the author to research is the use of official corruption by transnational criminal groups to further their illegal activities. The topic is relevant to transnational crime prevention in that transnational criminal groups greatly rely on the use of various forms of official corruption to facilitate and grow their illegal activities. Transnational organised crime groups exist in all types of societies, whether or not there is a high incidence of official corruption. However, they are able to operate, remain viable and sustainable, grow and even become a serious threat to the state and civil society when certain conditions prevail. Such conditions include: Where the state is weak or corrupt or, more commonly, both. The agencies that are meant to control crime are unable to do so or else are unwilling, and instead are happy to be paid off by criminal groups or even work with them. The legal, political and economic systems fail to meet the needs of the society, or at least a significant section of them. In such circumstances, desire for illegal goods and services, such as drugs or other contraband, is often high and organised crime groups can and will fill any vacuum created by the weakness of the state to and provide essential and non essential services, including protection. If, for example, people do not believe that the police can or will protect them and their property, then paying criminals for protection may, in many circumstances, seem necessary and inevitable. Official corruption takes many forms and involves many different types of officialdom, from elected politicians, to officials in various ministries, including law enforcement agencies. The aim of this project is to put forward a definition of official corruption that best suits the purposes of research into the ways
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Relationship Between Institutions and Economic Development Essay
The Relationship Between Institutions and Economic Development - Essay Example Neoclassical growth theory limits to identify the prerequisites of economic performance, such as capital accumulation and technical progress. To explain why people save, invest, learn and seek knowledge, different institutional systems and values that success or failures are based on must be paid special attention. The relationship between institutions and economic growth has been a central debate of the economic arena for a long time. A century ago, the free society realized that the institutional system plays a fundamental role in economic development-no longer seen as an inevitable gradual transition from local autarky to specialization and division of labor. The establishment and the functioning of institutions reflect the transition from chaos to order by the creation and enforcement of rules or procedures guiding economic and social life. Thus, the institutional system ensures the normal course of real and nominal economy. However, only efficient institutions are growth-promoti ng (Milo, 2007, p.23). There is a vast empirical literature that studies the impact of institutions on economic performance, particularly on growth (Easterly and Levine (2003), Acemoglu et al. (2001), Fukuyama (2006)). From the reverse connection perspective, the first hypothesis stating that economic growth enhances the good functioning of institutions is associated with the name of Martin Lipset, who argued that increased income and human capital accumulation are the best ways to have effective institutions. The second hypothesis states that limited central authorities and therefore, good institutions, lead to superior economic performance. This point of view is also included in the works of Montesquieu and Adam Smith and, later, in those of the ambassadors of neo-institutionalism (Buchanan, Coase, North, and Williamson). In short, the basic idea of institutionalism is that institutions create the rules of economic game; the latter provide economic incentives and thus influence th e behavior of economic agents. Competition, productivity, innovation and private firms develop in an institutional environment that fosters efficient behaviors and penalizes inefficiency. If economic performance is unsatisfactory, ultimately, institutions will be changed. Reformulated, economic and social changes are institutional changes. One of the most important issues that influence the analyses of linkages between institutions and economic development is that there is no general consensus on the definition of institutions. Chang (2005) highlights three key functions of institution in fostering economic performance: Coordination and administration; Learning and innovation; Income redistribution and social cohesion. In some Asian economies in transition from socialism to capitalism, the rapid progress of free market institutions has reduced the transaction costs. In other situations, they have remained high as a result of insufficient knowledge of market mechanisms, of ambiguous rules and bureaucracy, weak legal system and corruption. Stable political structures, well-defined and recognized property rights and legal enforcement of contracts have reduced transaction costs, explaining the success of the world’s most powerful economies. Transaction cost theory was used in the analysis of general interest issues such as the role and governance practices, definition of market institutions or in explaining the differences between economic performances of nations. Related to the last element mentioned, the theory developed in close connection with the role of institutions in fostering economic efficiency by reducing trading costs. North concluded that capitalist and democratic institutions (free market, state, justice) are the result of efforts to minimize transaction costs (North 1991,
Imploymet Trend in Iformation Systems Management feild Essay
Imploymet Trend in Iformation Systems Management feild - Essay Example But these are my observations. It would do me a lot of good to research what the industry really requires on one of its potential members. First off, I should realize what the Universities can do in order to make me the best of the IS employee out there since every great man probably started in one. Universities are aware of the importance of computers these days. Life simply cannot function without them. Therefore, there is a steady need for people that would know how to install, operate, program, and analyze the system, and Universities are prepared just to provide these personnel. Universities are offering varying computer science programs. The industry expects a lot from these. The industry expects these programs to adequately equip the graduates with knowledge on management systems analysis, computer concepts, data processing, data base design, file organization, data base management systems. The graduates in order to qualified also need to be very adept in planning and controlling of systems projects, analyzing information needs, using computer systems, organizing structures and information systems as well as hum an relations in systems development. The potential employee should at least understand the workings of statistics, and operations research. The graduates, when they have been studying still should have already been exposed to the industry through field projects. Finally, the University should have familiarized all the graduates it had produced with COBOL, a computer language and the students should be very knowledgeable with computer control and auditing. (Hinomoto, 405-406) Of course, a university education could only get one aspirant so far. He would probably land an interview but in the end, do not get hired. There are of course, qualities that should be inherent and learned by a person in order to fulfill the job requirements as well as please their bosses, prominent figures in the information systems management field. Knowing technical computer stuffs just won't cut it for everyone. Computers and their processes can change quickly in a blink of an eye, all it takes is one innovative idea and this will set forth numerous transformations in the field as well. Therefore, it is acknowledged that the job requirements and the associated knowledge or skills needed from the Information Systems professionals would change quite as rapid as well. The need to improve IS human resources is a highly prioritized and a person who could provide that would be most welcome to join the group of IS professionals. Specifically, an employed person of the information systems management industry should possess these skills. First is the technical specialty knowledge, for instance, knowledge on operating systems, programming languages, database management systems, networks, telecommunications and other more. And than, the person must be adept with technology management knowledge skills. These are concerned with how to organize these technologies in order to accomplish strategic business objectives. Then these lead us to the person needing sufficient business functional knowledge and skills. After all, most of these technologies are in use to achieve business goals. Therefore, they have to have business sense so they can reengineer business processes. Lastly, like every job in the world, or most of them anyway, they have to have
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The philosophy of nonviolent protest Term Paper
The philosophy of nonviolent protest - Term Paper Example This was substituted with active voices and progressive actions that led to change against injustices. The basis of nonviolent protest came from the philosophies of Henry David Thoreau. This followed with several political and cultural leaders that followed the main philosophies of Thoreau and which focused on creating higher levels of equality and freedom for the cultural and social aspects of society. More importantly, each of these leaders was able to create a voice that was based outside of violence and which instead gained prestige from the use of actions and alternative forces to change the current political environment. The basis of the philosophy of non – violent protest was known to come from Thoreau’s book, Civil Disobedience, which was written in 1848. The main concept that is pointed out in this book is based on the current government and the injustices and lack of freedom that came from policies of the government. Thoreau points out that any violent protests are an arm of the government and represent a sense of injustice that is associated with politics. Thoreau believes that the use of violence and the army is one that creates a lack of integrity from the government. More importantly, Thoreau points out that the army alone is one that eventually leads to the inability for a country to be free or to function through the democratic ideals in which it is founded on. The challenge that Thoreau places is to create a better environment, which is specifically based on adding in integrity and an initiation to end violence through the country. The first ideology that Thoreau gives with the basic concept of the government and using non – violent protest is based on the moral obligations that are in the government. Thoreau believes that the use of violence is one that initiates a lack of integrity and the inability to have responsibility to humans and life. More importantly, the use of violent force doesn’t allow men to act with
Competition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Competition - Essay Example Competition can serve as a driving force that motivates children to work harder. In a school setting, competition can be a driving force towards better performance. When children recognize that they have rivals at a similar level, they face the compulsion of moving beyond their comfort zone. If there were no rivals, children would remain in their comfort zone without any additional efforts. For this reason, teachers should promote healthy competition within the school setting. In sports, competition can help children improve their talent and become more successful. When children are aware that there is always a winner in sports, they are more likely to nurture their talent. In addition, competition in sports makes children more excited a factor that makes them look forward to participating. Many children who have won in sports recognize the value of hard work and are willing to exert more efforts in other sectors of their lives. In different games, children require competition so that they may find the find the games exciting. Competition in games introduces children to the realities of life, which is defined by different levels of competition. Games that do not encourage competition are less thrilling for children. Many children prefer games that have a winner so that they can have more fun. Introducing children to competition helps them learn how to address losing, which is a common aspect of life. For this reason, healthy competition should be promoted in different aspects of children’s
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The philosophy of nonviolent protest Term Paper
The philosophy of nonviolent protest - Term Paper Example This was substituted with active voices and progressive actions that led to change against injustices. The basis of nonviolent protest came from the philosophies of Henry David Thoreau. This followed with several political and cultural leaders that followed the main philosophies of Thoreau and which focused on creating higher levels of equality and freedom for the cultural and social aspects of society. More importantly, each of these leaders was able to create a voice that was based outside of violence and which instead gained prestige from the use of actions and alternative forces to change the current political environment. The basis of the philosophy of non – violent protest was known to come from Thoreau’s book, Civil Disobedience, which was written in 1848. The main concept that is pointed out in this book is based on the current government and the injustices and lack of freedom that came from policies of the government. Thoreau points out that any violent protests are an arm of the government and represent a sense of injustice that is associated with politics. Thoreau believes that the use of violence and the army is one that creates a lack of integrity from the government. More importantly, Thoreau points out that the army alone is one that eventually leads to the inability for a country to be free or to function through the democratic ideals in which it is founded on. The challenge that Thoreau places is to create a better environment, which is specifically based on adding in integrity and an initiation to end violence through the country. The first ideology that Thoreau gives with the basic concept of the government and using non – violent protest is based on the moral obligations that are in the government. Thoreau believes that the use of violence is one that initiates a lack of integrity and the inability to have responsibility to humans and life. More importantly, the use of violent force doesn’t allow men to act with
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Business Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Business Decision Making - Essay Example The purpose of the market research is normally to choose the right customers for the business. This is to ensure that the business meets the needs of the customers and there is no wastage of resources in marketing to people for whom the business is targeted. Choosing the people to be included in the survey refers to defining the population for the research. Broadly, for any research it is essential that the targeted segments who use the products and services and are concerned with the company in some way. Thus it is essential to rightly define the population as it would allow the marketing efforts to be more effective and would also led to a gain results from the survey and any money that is spent on the business. The next section allows for a clearer understanding of why the defining of population is essential while undertaking a research. There are a number of aspects of defining the population which will be clearly understood by these examples. In short, aspects like the importanc e in terms of the marketing efforts, also to gain reliable results which can form a strong basis for the company. (i) A survey on driving: While conducting a research on driving, it would be unnecessary to interview people who do not drive or even do not have a driving license. In a case like this, if a company surveys interviews and conducts a survey of people who do not know how to drive, or people who do not have a car, or even interviewing minors, the solutions to the result will be unreliable. This is mainly because while conducting a research it is essential to rightly choose the people who are related to the research. Hence the defined market will be individuals who are above the age for obtaining a driving license, people who know how to drive and also who either have a car or have access to a car. These groups of people will form the right target for the research, and will provide reliable answers for the research. (ii) A survey on attitudes to smoking at the work place:
Keri 2006 Advertising Campaign Essay Example for Free
Keri 2006 Advertising Campaign Essay This is a 2006 advertising campaign of Keri new skin-care product, Keri Nourishing Shea Butter lotion. It is a remake and reproduction of a well-known painting â€Å"La Grande Odalisque†by French artist Jean-August-Dominique Ingres. The written message states this â€Å"experience the timeless beauty of being a woman with Keri Shea Butter. Enriched with nourishing Vitamin E, it makes skin feel truly touchable†. It seemingly means that this new product can help improve the consumer’s skin performance. But indeed, this ad contains intended meanings which include symbolic properties and commodity fetishism. First of all, this Keri’s ad produces symbolic meanings. In this ad, it is not a simply a case that the conventions and themes of an artist or a style are copied, but rather it is a carefully and close reproduction of the original painting. If we compare it to the origin, the head cover, the fan and pose of the nuked woman is almost the same. The product itself has no meaning. However this careful reproduction of particular elements obvious makes the ad as a reference to the original painting, a classic and wide international recognized work of art which is meaningful to most consumers. As a masterwork of art in the history, the painting is regarded as an important icon of an immortal and timeless signifier of classical female beauty. By creating correlation between the ad and Ingres’ painting, the image, ideas of Ingres’ panting become attached to Keri’s new product. The sexy female nude, the material object, becomes the signifier, and it signified the idea of timeless female beauty. Therefore, Keri’s new product becomes a sign of timeless female beauty. Moreover, the advertisement creates differentiation between new product and the other products in the same series (Williamson, 1978, p24). Keri’ ad introduces a new product that is enriched with nourishing Vitamin E, an important element to make skin smooth and vibrant. In fact, there are more six more products in this category. The function and content of Keri Nourishing Shea Butter make it unique and independent to other product, such as Original, Advanced and Moisture Rich Oil. In addition, the advertisement makes the product and a feeling of â€Å"experience of the timeless beauty of being a woman†equal in value. Every woman wants to be beautiful and timeless. However money cannot buy you beautiful and timeless. Thus, by generating a connection between Keri’s product and feeling, it adds a value to timeless beauty, because money can buy Keri’s product. Secondly, the Keri’s lotion product exists as a commodity in the market place. The lotion has a nature priority of making skin smooth. As Marx says the nature priority decides the use value (Marx, 1867). The use value of Keri’s product is to improve your skin quality. In Capital, Marx says the objective form of social relations is called reification (1867). As the advertising campaign says â€Å"experience the timeless beauty of being a woman with Keri Shea Butter†, the consumers will experience â€Å"timeless beauty of being a woman†if they purchase and consume the product. The human relationship of timeless beauty is expressed in a commodity form of lotion. The abstracted social relations are taken out of their actual organic context†, abstraction separates the use value and exchange value of a commodity (Goldman, 1992, p21). In this ad, the meaning of using its product is transformed into the experience of timeless beauty. In this process, the exchange value of Keri’s product now refer to the timeless beauty. It equivalents the value of the product and the value of a history work of art of beauty female by putting the product and reproduction image together into the same frame.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Graphite Electrodes Production and Optimization Practices
Graphite Electrodes Production and Optimization Practices Graphite electrodes are used in both DC and AC electric arc furnaces. Companies who use electric arc furnaces have to cover the cost of these consumable electrodes during production, so optimizing the usage of graphite electrodes is a money-saving opportunity. This paper aims to discuss the production process of graphite electrodes as well as industry practices that are used to enhance the life of electrodes. To produce a graphite electrode, carbon is required. The carbon source for graphite electrodes comes from the petroleum industry as a by-product from the oil refining process. In the refining of crude oil, hydrocarbon chains are cracked in coking units and the resulting fuels are then separated as kerosene, gasoline, and diesel. As chains of hydrocarbons are being cracked in this process, pure carbon becomes deposited on the sidewalls of the coking units. The carbon on the sidewalls accumulates up to a certain point when it is the ground out of the unit. This carbon is called petroleum coke, or petcoke. This is the carbon source for graphite electrodes. After the petcoke is obtained from the oil refinery, it is blended with pitch to make a plastic-like material. (Making a UCAR ® Graphite Electrode) This blend of petcoke and pitch is then extruded through a circular die and cut off in sections. It is then baked at a temperature of above 800 degrees Celsius for a period of one to two weeks. After baking, the electrode is impregnated with more pitch to increase the density of the electrode which lowers electrical resistance and makes it stronger. The electrode is then re-baked at a slightly lower temperature to drive off volatiles found in the pitch. Finally, the electrode is heated to a temperature of about 3000 degrees Celsius to recrystallize the carbon into graphite. This final heating is called graphitization. Graphitization is very important in electrode manufacturing because it provides better mechanical strength and also improves electrical conductivity. The final step in electrode production is machining. The electrodes are machined to specific tolerances. This is especially important at the ends of the electrodes where the joints connect. (D. Klein) A good connection between joints is necessary for mechanical and electrical properties of the electrode. Electrode consumption takes on two forms: Continuous consumption and discontinuous consumption. (Richard J. Fruehan) Continuous consumption contributes 90% of total electrode consumption while discontinuous consumption only accounts for 10%. Even though discontinuous consumption accounts for far less than continuous consumption, discontinuous consumption can also account for furnace downtime which can cost a lot of money. So even though it is a small percentage, it is worthwhile to try to prevent it for the sake of productivity. In continuous consumption, the tip and sidewalls oxidize and the mass of the electrode is reduced. Tip consumption is a function of current and angle. Higher currents and steeper tip angles both yield faster oxidation rates of electrodes. (A. Lefort) Higher currents increase the temperature of the electrode which favors a faster oxidation rate. The steeper the tip angle, the closer the electrode needs to be to the steel bath to arc. Steel is more likely to splash onto the electrode if it is closer to the bath. One way to reduce the oxidation rate of electrodes is to cool them. Water cooled electrodes have been shown to reduce the oxidation rate of the sidewalls by 40% and the tip by 50%. One issue with water cooled electrodes is the flow rate of the water. If the flow rate is too high, water will pour into the furnace and increase the heat loss. The loss of heat can end up costing more than the money saved from reducing electrode consumption, so this is an important factor to conside r in this process. In discontinuous consumption, one of the most obvious techniques to prevent electrode breakage is simply to not ram the electrodes into the steel scrap. Graphite is a soft, brittle material and steel scrap is pretty hard and durable. If these two materials come head-to-head, the steel wins. Another method of discontinuous consumption is tip spalling. (A. Lefrank) This is more prevalent in DC furnaces than in AC furnaces because the DC electrodes see higher temperatures and therefore higher thermal stresses. The temperature gradient can be significant in the tip of a DC electrode and the thermal expansion of graphite can cause enough stress on the tip to break off small pieces. (J. E. Surma) Normally, the arc in a DC furnace will move about randomly, but occasionally the arc will sit in one spot, heating up that portion of the electrode tip creating thermal stresses that cause the tip to spall. Arc deflection control is a practice that has been implemented so when the arc becomes fixa ted on one spot, it will essentially â€Å"push†the arc out from that spot to get it to move about in a random fashion once more. Another practice to prevent the discontinuous consumption of electrodes is to ensure proper torque is applied when installing new electrode segments. The vibrations from the furnace and electromagnetic forces due to the flow of electricity give electrodes a good shaking. This can jostle the segments loose from their joints. This is mainly a problem in DC furnaces because AC furnaces are designed to ensure that the electromagnetic forces work to their advantage. In AC furnaces, the phase sequence is counterclockwise, so the forces on the electrodes due to the electromagnetism of the system only ever tightens the electrode joints. Below is a chart of recommended torque according to electrode diameter from SGL Carbons website and an AC furnace schematic of forces due to phase sequence. One final practice that helps prevent the failure of electrode joints is to turn off the water spray for a few minutes after the addition of another electrode segment. (Richard J. Fruehan) The temperature gradient is much steeper when the water spray operation is active. This thermal gradient can cause a problem when it reaches the joint because of the thermal expansion of graphite. Even if the electrode was tightened with the proper amount of torque, the effects of temperature on the electrode joint is enough to loosen it. This coupled with the furnace vibrations could be enough to cause the electrode joint to fail. In conclusion, graphite electrodes are an essential part of electric arc furnace steelmaking. Since they are consumable, any way to improve the life and efficiency of an electrode saves money in the steelmaking industry. Practices such as water cooling electrodes and optimizing current and tip angle are effective ways of reducing the oxidation of electrodes while taking care not to impact the scrap during melting, ensuring proper torque during installation, and turning off the water spray while adding another segment all help reduce breakage and joint failure. Works Cited: A. Lefort, M. J. Parizet, S. E. El-Fassi and M. Abbaoui. Erosion of Graphite Electrodes. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 26 (1993): 1239-1243. A. Lefrank, W. J. Jones, and R. G. Wetter. DC Steelmaking Conditions and Electrode Performance. Electric Furnace Conference Proceedings 53. Warrendale: Iron and Steel Society, 1995. 337-346. D. Klein, K. Wimmer. DC Electrodes A Key Factor for Progress in EAF Production. Metallurgical Plant and Technology International 18:4 (1995): 54-63. Graphite and Carbon Electrodes. 6 December 2009 . J. E. Surma, D. R. Cohn, D. L. Smatlak, P. Thomas, P. P. Woskov, C. H. Titus, J. K. Wittle, R. A. Hamilton. Graphite Electrode DC Arc Technology Development for Treatment of Buried Wastes. Waste Management 93 Symposia. Tuscon, 1993. Making a UCAR ® Graphite Electrode. 2007. 6 December 2009 . Richard J. Fruehan, Ph.D. The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel 11th Edition. Richard J. Fruehan, Ph.D. The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel 11th Edition. Pittsburgh: The AISE Steel Foundation, 1998. 562-574.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Fight Club: The Destruction of Society Essay -- essays research papers
Fight Club is a social satire directed by the talented David Fincher and was adapted from the book of the same title written by Chuck Palahniuk. The film attempts to show the despair involved in living in a consumer driven society and the emptiness that fills people when commercialism takes over their lives. As well done as the movie is, when watching the film you can not help but feel the irony involved that Brad Pitt delivers the most biting lines in the film. Brad Pitt plays Tyler Durden whose Unabomber philosophy on life completely contradicts Brad Pitt’s image as a poster child for the new young pretty boy Hollywood star. Interestingly enough Edward Norton and Brad Pitt play the same schizophrenic character; though this is not evident until the end of the film. Every scene in the movie is some form of social commentary, because of this it is necessary to limit the scope to the most interesting scenes.      The â€Å"narrator†played by Edward Norton is as he describes himself: â€Å"I was the warm little center of the universe that the delight of this world crowded around.†He has it all, a good job, nice clothes and even a nice place to live. Despite all the things the narrator has, he still feels hollow and incomplete. In the beginning he believes that this emptiness can be filled with personal possessions, but eventually through his relationship with Tyler Durden he learns that his emptiness is something deeper. The narrator was looking for a way to c...
Friday, October 11, 2019
A few factors Essay
Investigation A few factors (the gradient/height of ramp, the mass of the object, friction, gravity, the energy act on the object or the length of object) can affect the final speed of an object at the end of the ramp. Planning I am going to do my investigation on ‘ mass of the object’ which I think it is one of the factors that will affect the final speed of an object at the end of the ramp because when gravitational potential energy equals to mass times gravity times height, so if mass is increased, the gravitational potential energy will increase in proportionally. I will do the experiment by adding weights on top of a wooden cart to increase the mass, and then I will time how long it takes to fall down from the ramp and calculate the final speed by: Diagram Weight add to the cart (grams) 0 100 200 300 400 Time (sec) 6’78 6’07 7’21 6’86 6’93 Weight add to the cart (grams) 500 600 700 800 900 Time (sec) 7’19 7’03 6’61 6’77 6’57 My experiment results are: According to the results, mass does not affect the final speed of an object at the end of the ramp. I think this is because when something is dropped, it will transfer from gravitational potential energy to kenetic energy So I am going to change my investigation on the height of the ramp. I think height of the ramp will affect the final speed of an object when height of the ramp is increased, the gravitational potential energy will increase proportionally due to: G. P. E. = mass x gravity x height Method of doing the experiment I am going to do it by using a ramp that I can increase the height. Then I will release the cart at the top of the ramp and time how long it will take for the cart to come down. I will increase the height by 5cm each time (5cm, 10cm, 15cm, 20cm, 25cm and 30cm). I will take down the time thrice to get the average time of it because it is more reliable. Then I will work out the average speed. I will divide the length of the ramp by the time taken and work out the final speed by doubling the average speed. The length of the ramp is one metre and the weight of the cart is 900 grams. I can make this a fair test by not pushing the cart, doing average on the time, and keeping the mass the same. Apparatus I will need. A clamp to hold the ramp, A ramp, A wooden cart as the object and A stopwatch for timing for the experiment. Safety features I will make sure it is safe by putting books at the end to stop the cart from bumping into others’ feet and I will make sure no one is standing near it. I will do the whole experiment on the ground because this can stop things from falling down the table and hit people’s feet. Diagram Evidence/results I have my experiment results after all of this and they are: Height(cm) 5 10 15 20 25 30 Average Time(sec) 4’09 2’31. 1’80 1’54 1’37 1’10 According to the results, there seems to be a trend. So, I think I will calculate the final speed. Height(cm) 5 10 15 20 25 30 Final speed(cm/s) 0. 489 0. 865 1. 111 1. 299 1. 46 1. 818 The trend is obvious now. It shows that whenever the height is increased, the time taken will decrease and the final speed of the cart will increase. From we calculate gravitational energy (mass x gravity/acceleration x height), height seems to be one of the main factors that can affect the G. P. E. because as height increases, the G. P. E.will be affected by it. Example: if an object with constant gravity (x), constant mass (y) but falls from changing heights (5 and 10), the outcome will be 5xy and 10xy and this also proved that when the height is increased, the G. P. E. will increase. The forces of gravity pulls down on all objects have on Earth. If objects are allowed to fall, they accelerate downwards. Therefore, if an object is allowed to fall from a higher place, the gravity will pulls down the object with a greater force and the object will accelerate faster as it comes down. If the object falls from a higher place, there will be more time for the object to accelerate, so the final speed of the object will be faster, and as the gravitational force is greater, the object is being pulled harder and quicker. Therefore, this explains why an object will have a faster final speed at the end of the ramp whenever the height of the ramp is increased. At first, I did an experiment on ‘mass of the object’ that the experiment doesn’t work. I have found out that mass doesn’t affect the final speed of an object. When an object is held at a certain point, gravitational potential energy is stored; when it is dropped, it will transfer gravitational potential energy to kenetic energy. So that means: Gravitational potential energy = kenetic energy Mass x gravity x height = 0. 5 x mass x velocity This shows that ‘mass’ exists on both sides of the equation, that means it can be cancel out to simplified the equation. So the equation will become: Gravity x height = 0. 5 x velocity That means ‘mass’ does not affect the ‘velocity’ on the right side of the equation. Graph I have also plotted a graph of height against final speed, and after that, I have drawn a line of best fit. The graph shows a straight line of best fit. The graph shows a straight line of best fit and this shows height and final speed are in direct proportion. This proves when the height of the ramp is increased, the final speed is increased and this means the object accelerates faster. Evaluations My results are quite accurate because on the graph, all of the results go very near the best-fit line. My results are quite reliable, as I do every height for three times and take the average of it. I can make the results more accurate by using a light sensor with the computer. This will be more accurate then using a stop watch because human need a time to react before their brain do what it is told to do which is the reaction time. I think my method of doing the experiment is quite good because I can get accurate results from it. I can improve it by putting the ramp more stable and firmer because the ramp keeps on sliding down the slide. I think the method of doing the experiment is quite good because it gives me a quite accurate result and it takes less than half an hour to finish the experiment. At first, I did an experiment on ‘mass of the object’ that takes about 45 minutes but I got results that are not appropriate for my experiment. So I quickly change the investigation on another topic. Although it wastes lots of time, I learn that mass of an object will not affect the final speed of a falling object.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Are Teen Age Years The Best Essay
Are Teenage year the best of your life? The teenage years are considered the best years of your life that is what magazine. I’m going to tell you why they are not. First you are always looked at to succeed by your parents, the lack of freedom we get and last but not least we are considered lairs and criminal among today’s society. One of the disadvantages of being a teenager is that we are always looked to succeed in school so you can do and be better then them. They also say if we fool around the future for us is going the extinguished. Other disadvantage of being a teen is the lack of freedom we get. Sure we might live in a free country but are we all free? The freedom that I’m talking about is staying up late, working and school. Staying up late I don’t know about you but I have to get home before my parents I can’t even be in front of my house to the wee hours of the morning. Working is another one we another one we can’t work on weekdays because my Dad says it will effect my school work how will he know if he doesn’t give it a chance. School is the worst of all we can’t even wear earrings because it’s not part of the uniform I understand that but the shaving is just stupid how could you order someone to do something that comes in naturally. It is like telling someone you have to get a hair cut every week. It’s violating our freedom of expressing. The worst part of being a teenager is that we are considered lairs and criminals among our society. For example if a bunch of teens walk into a variety store the owners automatically think we are going to rob them but the only thing we want is a little snack. The other thing is lying adults never believe teens why you ask? I don’t really know. For example a teacher and a student get into an argument and it’s the teacher’s fault the principle is going to believe the teacher because they don’t tell lies. So with the facts that I just stated that is why I have to say the teenage years are not what people say they are.
Investment Decision Methods Essay
Financial managers use many different kinds of investment decision methods while making capital investments. The four widely used and major methods are i. Payback ii. Net present value (NPV) iii. Internal rate of Return (IRR) iv. Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) The payback method tells us the time that is needed to retrieve a projects cost. When we have to select between two projects we will choose the one which has a shorter payback period or which is returning the costs in a shorter time period. Advantages of the payback method are that it is easy to calculate and that it gives a good indication of projects liquidity. But the disadvantages are that it does not consider the time value of money and does not consider those cash flows which occur after the payback period. The Net Present Value method tells us the sum of the present value of the projects cash inflows and cash outflows. When deciding for NPV the first consideration should be whether the two projects are independent or mutually exclusive. For the independent projects accept all projects which have a NPV greater than zero. While for mutually exclusive projects; the project with the highest NPV should be selected. Some advantages of the NPV method are that it gives information if the invest will increase the firm’s value. Moreover it considers three important aspects; the time value of money, all cash flows involved and the risk associated with the future cash flows. While its disadvantages are that it has to approximate the cost of capital for the calculation of NPV and it gives the result in absolute terms rather than percentages. Internal Rate of Return method tells us the discount rate at which the present value of future cash inflows is equal to the cost, the NPV at such a point is zero. In case of IRR method; if the IRR is greater than the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) the project should be accepted while if it is less than WACC it should be rejected. The IRR method and NPV method have many common advantages and disadvantages as discussed while discussing NPV. In case of the IRR method the basic advantage is that it gives the rate of return on the original investment. While the disadvantage is that it can give you conflicting values for the IRR when calculating for mutually exclusive projects. Modified Internal Rate of Return method tells us the discount rate at which the present value of the projects terminal value is equal to the present value of the cost. In this scenario the terminal value is calculated by compounding the future inflows at WACC or any suitable rate chosen by the analyst. When making the accept reject decision the project should be accepted when the MIRR is greater than the NPV and rejected if the case is opposite. The advantages of the MIRR method are almost similar to the IRR method but one added advantage is that it gives only one rate even in case of mutually exclusive projects. The disadvantage is that it assumes a rate while finding the terminal value this assumption can make the whole project doubtful. Deciding which method is the most accurate and reliable is a tricky job sometimes. The payback method and the MIRR method are not considered to be reliable because of their major disadvantages mentioned above. While the NPV and IRR methods are both considered reliable and are the basic tools to judge any investment decision. Both give similar results when deciding independent projects. While deciding mutually exclusive projects the NPV method is considered more reliable and accurate because the IRR method sometimes provides two IRR values, it is rather difficult to calculate and it makes a reinvestment supposition which is very unrealistic. Due to the factors mentioned above NPV is considered the most reliable and accurate investment decision method.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Virginia Woolf Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Virginia Woolf - Essay Example The Hours are novels that represent life as it truly is rather than the way that society demands it should be and this is a theme that will be discussed in this paper. Mrs. Dalloway is a story that has as its main focus life in Britain during the interwar period and it attempts to deal with issues that individuals in this society were not willing to talk especially in public. Among the issues that were taking place in this society, yet nobody was willing to address is the existence of homosexual and lesbian relationships. These were issues which were hardly ever addressed in the relatively conservative society of Britain during the first half of the twentieth century and it created a situation where such relationships were often looked down upon. The same situation occurs in The Hours where while there has been considerable progress since the time of Mrs Dalloway, where the so-called non-traditional relationships were hardly ever recognized, Cunningham addresses the new issues that have become a reality in the modern world, specifically HIV and AIDS. Cunningham uses Richard, a prominent writer who has just won an award and suffers from AIDS, to pe rsonify the manner through which individuals in the modern society have come to suffer from this disease. One would argue that it is through the characterization of Richard from Clarissa’s perspective that Cunningham comes to inform the reader of how while the modern world may have accepted homosexuality, it has yet to come to terms with AIDS. The myths and stigma that are attached to this condition seem to be the cause of the depression that Richard seems to be suffering as seen through his not being excited about the party that Clarissa is preparing for him for winning the award. When one compares Mrs Brown’s character in The Hours with that of Mrs Dalloway, one will find these characters to be very similar. One would argue that this is mainly because they both seem to be unsatisfied with the life that they are
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
The Black Arts Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Black Arts Movement - Essay Example Rising of the Moon, To Kill a Mockingbird, Ice Age and Jazz are examples of modern protest literature, which vehemently protest against social injustices, ethnic biased ness and gender discrimination. Thus, protest literature aims to shield and proclaim the human rights bestowed upon man from Almighty God without discrimination. The violation of human rights on biased grounds is emphatically condemned by the protest writers, dramatists and poets. The literature, protecting the rights of African Americans and highlighting their miseries, while living with the White majority in USA, is also considered as a form of protest literature. A piece of art or literature, claiming the additional rights and favors for any group of society, cannot be claimed as the protest form of expression, because it does not fulfill the prescribed criteria. It is therefore, one school of thought does not consider the writings of the African Americans as the true form of protest literature. Larry Neal, America n writer and editor, does not believe such substance as conforming to the criteria of protest literature in a comprehensive way and in its true spirit as well. Neals definition in the Notron Anthology states that Black Arts Aesthetic in not equal to protest literature because protest literature appeals to the white culture elite. As such, it envisions an art that speaks directly to the needs and aspirations of Black America. Protest literature cannot be judged on the basis or disliking of one single community. On the contrary.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Rhetorical_analysis_assignment_description Essay
Rhetorical_analysis_assignment_description - Essay Example Benjamin states that the conflicting idea between works of art is an indication that art is thriving in the economy and he uses some persuasive strategy to make his points clear. The rhetorical elements used in Walter Benjamin’s analysis shall be established in this paper in terms of logos, ethos and pathos. Benjamin’s Appeal to Logos Walter Benjamin’s use of solid theoretical background, which paves the way for his forthcoming arguments, is a clear indication of how he appeals to logos. Benjamin did not just make points without giving concrete evidence to back these points and his ability to do this shows that he tried to persuade his readers through his use of logical reasoning that would induce some sort of cognitive response from readers. Thus, Walter Benjamin’s analysis is effective in the sense that it appeals to logic. Benjamin makes his hypothesis as clear as possible as he uses it as a basis to develop a solid theory on the subject matter and this shows the effectiveness in his writing. Benjamin’s appeal to logos is also clear from his explanation of the theoretical framework that his study is built around. The fact that Benjamin explained the reproducible nature of a work of art, how it is reproduced in a capitalistic society, and what the meaning of this whole process of reproducing a work of art in the beginning of his essay is a clear sign of how he appeals to logos in his writing. Benjamin’s ability to differentiate between the replicas of art works made by craftsmen and replicas made by mechanical reproduction and his use of these theoretical frameworks to form the basis of his argument shows his appeal to logos. Thus, Walter Benjamin’s analysis is effective in terms of its appeal to logic. Benjamin’s ability to draw from historical analogies gives his audience the required information they need and clears the way for him to develop his arguments and concepts on the subject matter. By this a ct of rhetorical induction, a logical infrastructure is laid down by the writer which would ultimately lead the readers into a new realm of thought. All the historical facts presented by him are established facts and the only thing that he has done to prove his point is to put them in their places as if unraveling a mystery. This further emphasizes the effectiveness of Benjamin’s analysis as it is logical in all ramifications. Benjamin’s Appeal to Ethos Walter Benjamin’s open-minded presentation shows the author’s credibility as he is unbiased in his presentation and this is one of the ways that his analysis appeals to ethos. Benjamin uses a language that is appropriate to the audience and the subject alike as he is careful enough not to use words that would be too complex for the audience to grasp their real meaning. This is an essential rhetorical element that Benjamin uses in his analysis and it would make the readers willing to read what Benjamin has to say. The difference in value that exists between the works of art and its mechanical reproduction is something that the readers are also aware of and this is actually one of the ways that Benjamin respected the values and ideas of his esteemed readers. Benjamin could
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Research and Employability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Research and Employability - Essay Example I have already decided how to accomplish this goal of mine. My plan is to get enrolled in one of the premium law institutes and graduate with a full time law degree. This will be the first step in achieving my ambition. I also feel that having a law degree coupled with in-depth knowledge of information technology will definitely help me succeed in life. In order to attain professional success one has to learn to stay employable in every possible economic scenario. Therefore it is evident that knowledge of labor markets as well as the understanding relationship between skill sets, education and employability is of critical significance. It has been found that the definition of employability as defined in the official statements that is used as a basis by the policy makers does not reflect the true picture. Hillage and Pollard (1998:1) suggest that ‘employability is about having the capability to gain initial employment, maintain employment and obtain new employment if requiredâ €™. According to this definition employability primarily depends on individual capability to stay in one job or have the ability to get employed in a new job. It is evident that given the today’s market scenario, this definition is incomplete and does not consider all the factors that have a bearing on individual employability. To begin with, this definition ignores the impact of external factors, such as labor markets trends, and financial position of the economy on employability. In other words, Hillage and Pollard consider employability to be primarily a function of educational qualifications and the requisite skills required to perform on a particular job which is not the case at all. In actual fact employability is both a relative as well as an absolute concept. Philip Brown was successful in recognizing this fact and his description of employability is more comprehensive and in line with the requirements of the modern business world. Employability is impacted by the changes in the labor markets which in turn are affected by the national economy. For instance if there is a shortage of labor supply in relation to the jobs, then even the unemployed will be successful in getting jobs. On the other hand if there is a shortage of jobs as compared to labor, then there is a very high possibility, that despite of having all the professional qualification, one may not be able to get a job of choice or in line with his expertise. Another concept in relation to employability recognized by Brown et al is the role positional competition plays in determining the employability of professionals especially fresh graduated who are looking for employment opportunities. In other words according to Brown, employability not only depends on how good or educated you are but also your competence levels when compared with other who are applying of similar job positions. Only if you are perceived as more qualified by the employers as compared with your competitions, you will be successful in getting the job of your choice. Therefore in order to succeed in remaining employable one had to have the understanding of this concept of duality. In addition to the above mentioned aspects of employability, there is another dimension which has a close relationship with this concept. This dimension is termed as social identity. According to this
Saturday, October 5, 2019
The History of Cotton Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The History of Cotton - Literature review Example The plant has a leafy green shrub that has pink flowers that become the fruit or cotton balls. The cotton plant has deep roots, which go deep into the soil about 1.5 and is drought resistant but requires constant adequate moisture supply to produce healthy balls (Williams, Bolton & Moneyhon, 2013). Cotton is the most commonly used fiber in the manufacture of products regularly used such as the jeans pants, T-shirts, towels and shirts (Riello, 2013). The fiber from the cotton wool is transformed into yarn and fabric while seeds broken to oil and animal feeds and mulching purposes. The unprocessed form of the fiber is known as the lint. The lint exists within the fruit of the cotton plant or the ball and within each ball are around 30 seeds of cotton with numerous lint fibers connected to each seed. The fiber is protected within the ball until it ripens and breaks up. The word cotton originated from an Arabic word quantum or kutum referring to soft textiles. It is one of the oldest fibers ever. The archeologists discovered the cotton fabric 5000 years old at Mohenjo-Daro an ancient Indus River valley of West Pakistan and the same Egypt and Mexico. Cotton grew wildly in East Africa but first cultivation in Pakistan where it was used for the clothing purposes and binding on sandals and harnesses for elephants (Parker & Parker, 2012). Cotton has its origin from many countries globally, for instance, India where the fine quality cotton fabric originated making India the leading producer and exporter of cotton materials since 1500 BC until the end of the 15th century AD. The other countries, which started the cotton production after India, were China, Japan, and the Middle East. In America, Christopher Columbus began growing cotton in the early 17th century. However, the southern American colonies began producing cotton and manufacturing coarse clothing for their use. Â
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