Thursday, November 28, 2019
Bilingual Education Essays (2455 words) - Linguistic Rights
Bilingual Education Bilingual education programs have been implemented for decades. Non-English speaking students in bilingual education programs, however, have shown no academic or social improvement compared to similar students in English-only schools. The disadvantages of bilingual education programs outnumber the advantages. In addition, recent statistics suggest the need for reconstruction of the present bilingual education programs. Schools began teaching academics in languages other than English as early as the 1700's, but not until the 1960's did society recognize the hundreds of thousands of non-English speaking students struggling in the current system. Before that time, immigrants were enrolled in non-English schools. The fight for a bilingual education program started during the Civil Rights Movement. Immigrants, especially Latin and Mexican Americans, observed the progress that African Americans were making and decided to fight for "equal education." More than 50 percent of Spanish speaking students were dropping out of school each year. The schools found a definite need for intervention. In 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Bilingual Education Act which provided federal assistance to school districts to develop bilingual education programs. Bilingual education programs were designed to teach non-English speaking students in their native language. Theoretically, with this kind of instruction, students' test scores and college admittance would increase and lead to brighter career paths for students not proficient in English. Federal law was expanded in 1974 when the Equal Education Opportunity Act was signed in order to strengthen the rights of non-English speaking students. This act ruled that public schools must provide programs for students who speak little or no English. Rosalie Porter, author of "The Case Against Bilingual Education," additionally points out that this was the first time that the Federal Government "dictated" how non-English speaking students should be educated (28). With such government support, bilingual education looked like a program that would be the solution for the education of non-English speaking students. Erie 2 The bilingual education program has a noble purpose and worthwhile objectives. The purpose of the bilingual education program is to teach non-English speaking students in their native language, therefore improving their academic achievement and giving them more educational opportunities. Noted writer Brian Taylor author of "English for the Children," points out the many objectives of the bilingual education program: the first objective is to teach students basic academic subjects in their native language therefore increasing their academic progress. The program was also designed to teach the students both reading and writing skills in their native language and eventually to immerse them into classes taught in English. Students in bilingual education programs learn English from the time they enter school. All their academic classes, however, are taught in their native language. After three years of English instruction, students are put into English-only classes. The purpose of these objectives is to preserve the students' culture at school (Taylor). As reported from "Education Week on the Web," bilingual education programs are based on a maintenance program which preserves the students' native language skills while teaching English as a second language ("Bilingual Education"). This program would make it easier for the student to learn English without risking success in academic classes. Bilingual education programs sound beneficial; however, after implementation for over 30 years, the results seen from bilingual education are not as positive as one would expect. Bilingual education programs have not lived up to expectations. Bilingual education programs are costing the United States billions of dollars. Statistics show that students in these programs are not showing academic improvement. The programs rely too much on native languages which leads to further segregation. Students in California have suffered the most from bilingual education programs. More than 25 percent (1.4 million) of the students in California public schools are not proficient in English, and only five percent are gaining proficiency each year. Many students leave school with limited spoken English and almost no ability to read and write in English (Taylor). In some cases, California students in bilingual education programs have taken more than eight years to complete, rather than the expected three years. Each year, only six Erie 3 percent of Californian children in bilingual education classes are adequately prepared to move into English classes. Unfortunately, drop-out rates are also increasing. Seventeen percent of Hispanics in bilingual classes drop out compared to the ten percent in English instruction classes. Latinos in bilingual education programs have statistics similar to those of students in English-only schools (Taylor). Bilingual education programs are not solving the problem they were intended to solve. National test scores have shown that bilingual education students are improving at the same rate as students taught only in
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Book Review Of Huck Finn
Jim’s escape from freedom is not a well-laid out plan, just rather a lucky turn of events. Jim heard of being sold down river and ran away for the island in the river and if Huck didn’t fake his death and preoccupy the town Jim probably would have been captured. When the two got on the raft and headed down river Huck protected Jim in a couple of close encounters like in the small pox incident. After meeting the Duke and King Jim had a easier time of hiding out, yet his search for freedom took a back seat to the Duke and King’s greedy exploits. The King then turns around and sells Jim for $40 and Jim is locked away. Huck has a moral decision to make then whether or not to help Jim. I credit Huck with Jim’s freedom even if it was planned out Huck still did it. Like when being on the raft with Jim, Huck was glad to have company I don’t think he realized he was helping Jim. When the two slave hunters came up and questioned Huck, Huck was just saving his own skin and it just turned out to save Jim’s as well. With the Duke and King Huck made sure they helped hide Jim and when Huck was not around Jim was sold. In the end Huck finally realized he needed to help Jim and this time he was going to do it knowing he was helping Jim as where before he didn’t realize it. Even though Huck followed Tom in rescuing Jim in the end I would still credit Huck with Jim’s freedom. The question would be whether Huck knew what he was doing when him and Jim first took off on the raft. When Jim and Huck are on the river the two seem to enjoy some good times and seem to have some freedom. Their freedom is they do what they want and just lazy away the days. Huck is use to this because his old â€Å"unsiziled†ways is close to what they do on the river. Huck on the river does what he wants, when he wants, and does not have to explain himself to anyone just like it was on land before the widow tried to change him. Jim on the other hand probably neve... Free Essays on Book Review Of Huck Finn Free Essays on Book Review Of Huck Finn Jim’s escape from freedom is not a well-laid out plan, just rather a lucky turn of events. Jim heard of being sold down river and ran away for the island in the river and if Huck didn’t fake his death and preoccupy the town Jim probably would have been captured. When the two got on the raft and headed down river Huck protected Jim in a couple of close encounters like in the small pox incident. After meeting the Duke and King Jim had a easier time of hiding out, yet his search for freedom took a back seat to the Duke and King’s greedy exploits. The King then turns around and sells Jim for $40 and Jim is locked away. Huck has a moral decision to make then whether or not to help Jim. I credit Huck with Jim’s freedom even if it was planned out Huck still did it. Like when being on the raft with Jim, Huck was glad to have company I don’t think he realized he was helping Jim. When the two slave hunters came up and questioned Huck, Huck was just saving his own skin and it just turned out to save Jim’s as well. With the Duke and King Huck made sure they helped hide Jim and when Huck was not around Jim was sold. In the end Huck finally realized he needed to help Jim and this time he was going to do it knowing he was helping Jim as where before he didn’t realize it. Even though Huck followed Tom in rescuing Jim in the end I would still credit Huck with Jim’s freedom. The question would be whether Huck knew what he was doing when him and Jim first took off on the raft. When Jim and Huck are on the river the two seem to enjoy some good times and seem to have some freedom. Their freedom is they do what they want and just lazy away the days. Huck is use to this because his old â€Å"unsiziled†ways is close to what they do on the river. Huck on the river does what he wants, when he wants, and does not have to explain himself to anyone just like it was on land before the widow tried to change him. Jim on the other hand probably neve...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Analyse the political regime of Russia and its level of democracy by Essay
Analyse the political regime of Russia and its level of democracy by using the Varieties of democracy - Essay Example They have executed these principles through several formal institutional measures and informal procedures and practices. Based on the seven verities principles, this essay will intellectualize and empirically analyze this variety within the established democracy of Russia. Electoral Democracy is the foundation on which most of the other conceptions build; the electoral principle of democracy identified with the elite, competition and contestation. Minimal Schumpeterian or realist democracy is the idea that democracy is attained through tough competition among leader groups, which contest for approval from the electorates. Elections and parties form the core part of the procedural account of the process. In most cases, it involves an active media, civil liberties, an independent judiciary and a written constitution among others (Joshi, 2012). The populace within the country determine the individuals that govern them, or have the ability and right to vote. However, on numerous occasions, such democracies are only so by name; real political opposition may be lacking Currently, the electoral democracy of Russia is facing limited success. The judicial system is highly influenced by the elite and rich in society. The electoral process has lost potential and as a result, the elections have damaged party organizations, which is the biggest problem to attaining electoral democracy. Recent studies have proved that the ability of parties to engage the public on critical issues is faced with limited success. Recent evidence indicates that under the current structure, proximity to elections decelerates the party-building progress. Most coalitions amongst parties do not agree on economic, political and cultural issues salient to the electorate. In addition, with this election system as in the earlier systems, voters are confronted with an entirely revised political
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Revolution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Revolution - Assignment Example On average, the ratio of a British citizen’s tax to that of a colonist was 30-1. Although the issue of ‘taxation without representation’ enraged the colonists, it was barely the main reason for the American Revolution. The French and Indian war, which had put the Brits in bad debt, started mainly as a result of the colonists’ failures (Webster, 1802). However, I agree with the fact that the war was unavoidable although my reasons for this stand are different. One of the reasons I believe the revolution was unavoidable is because independence is inevitable. The idea of equality was fast spreading in Europe and this influenced the colonists into fighting for their own freedom. Additionally, harsh economic conditions contributed to the colonists’ agitation further making the revolution unavoidable. I agree with the writer on the role played by the American Revolution in the institution of slavery. The main contradiction brought by this revolution was the whites trying to gain their freedom while at the same time enslaving the blacks. According to Webster (1802), this was abusing the doctrine of political equality which allows all people to have equal rights to life, property and security. However, it is worth noting that the whites viewed the revolution as a means to political-economical liberation rather than personal repression the blacks suffered
Monday, November 18, 2019
Effects of Cannabis on Cognition Research Paper - 2
Effects of Cannabis on Cognition - Research Paper Example The use of the drug is common among the young and productive age bracket that tend to abuse the substance for leisure or relaxation. Ideally, the effects of the substance may be extensive as they may include loss of concentration and diminished planning abilities. According to a study by Grant et al (2011), volunteers within the study exhibited no prior disorder except after indulging in the use of cannabis substance. The study sought to establish the effects of the substance among young people over a period of one week and a year. The findings established that the use of the substance immensely affected decision-making and planning abilities for this age bracket (Grant et al, 2012). This was because of the using the drug at different intervals that in turn affected the neural functioning and decision making that led to the having problems with law authorities. Overly, the use of the drug reflects on the driving abilities of adolescents that in turn attract the charge of driving under the influence of an intoxicating substance. In addition, the study also proved the substance abuse had effects on the adolescents’ school performance hence increasing the number of school dropouts because of their limited productivity in school. Sequentially, the teenagers who were under the influence of the drug also portrayed withdrawal symptoms where they could not relate properly with their peers who were not indulging in the use of the drug. In summary, the study showed that teenagers and young adults were more likely to indulge in the substance use more than any other age bracket because of their poor judgment and decision-making skills. Additionally, this age bracket is more susceptible to pressure from peers and influence on their behavior hence making them indulge in the use of the drug (Grant et al, 2012).Â
Friday, November 15, 2019
Recovery Plan in a Nuclear Scenario
Recovery Plan in a Nuclear Scenario Introduction This paper will focus on a recovery plan that is designed to offer a better approach on how different matters should be handled on a different platform. This reflect the fact that a recovery plan determined the reliable application on different notions, so that all situation can be handled in a more resilient perspective. More so, a recovery plan defines a target that is to be fulfilled which means it offers a recovery strategy on an incident that has occurred and what is supposed to be done in order the situation can be in control. However, in order to have an efficient recovery plan, some credentials ought to be facilitated so that there will be no effects due to the course of recovering any incident. In this case, technological aspect ought to be considered, data obtained ought to be analyzed, resources available so that the recovery aspect can be effective. Among other factors that are required is that consideration of different vulnerabilities that are prone to emerge during the recovery plan ought to be defined so that disruption during the process can be enhanced. This paper will prissily focus on a recovery plan on Nuclear Scenario in San Francisco. It out of this that highly enriched uranium (HEU) has massively destroyed the building and immediate surrounding areas and other factors in the city. Hence, the main idea is to initiate a structure that will help the people involved and the city at large more so, to analyses the problem and know how the issue can be dealt with, including the emerging factors. When a nuclear disaster occurs, it is important to learn the outcomes that are expected in order to deal with the affected casualties; this is the main agenda of th e recovery plan. Objectives of the recovery plan The plan aims at ensuring that the nuclear scenario will not affect more people in the society than it has currently. This will be achieved by ensuring that all the factors to control the situation are identified, and hence the outcome will not be that adverse. Additionally, mitigating any influential elements is the best way to decide which of the ways are essential in order to reduce the number of causalities. This will cut across various agencies, and thus the help of the government will be needed this is as stated by McFee, (2007). Another aim is to provide measures, which can be used in a case such a situation occurs again. This will serve as a plan, which will serve the purpose in future. Therefore it is also subjected to changes in order to fit the nuclear situation at that time. To offer a solution to the situation is another objective and for this to be achieved then various factors are necessary this include the overall element of resources and time not forgetting dedicatio n. Explain the specific agent used in the attack and the effects of the agent on the victims and surrounding areas. Any agent can respond the nuclear attack that occurred better since every agent is trained to have the ability to detect, prevent, preempt and deter any signs that may result to any emergencies. For this case, the agents should be in a position to protect and restore essential service so that the environment can be maintained. More so, to compensate victims is another aspect that specific agent should offer because it is quite evident that many people are highly affected because San Francisco is referred to as the heart of the city which means that many people show up in the city. More so this is related to the fact that people who are affected area seek shelter in safe areas because they are left displaced these impacts are caused by the blast, thermal radiation, prompt radiation that occurred (Mahan, Griset, 2013). However, every agent should be in a position to react because the actual occurrence of injuries does not stop when a nuclear attack is experienced. This means that measures should be enhanced like lifesaving efforts so that life can be saved in one way or another since there is reflected the fact that San Francisco is affected by the nuclear attack which means that the building and immediate surrounding areas are completely destroyed. More so, mass casualties are reported which means every agent should be proactive in issues that emerge by addressing the evacuation or sheltering-in-place decisions for the potential victims. Additional the agents should offer short evacuation so that effectiveness can be obtained in offering victim car. In this recovery plan, all people involved should be in a position to quickly leading to a shortage of willing, qualified, and trained workers so that every situation and casualties can be help in a more efficient manner. This is done so that effective action can be taken and safe what is left after the nuclear attack. The attack and the effects of the agent on the victims and surrounding areas are that attribution activities will be enhanced so that the affected victims can be given care. More so, compensation can be done because most of the people are left homeless federal authority, or any military will be in the for the front to offer apprehension in dealing with the situation. Explain symptoms victims will experience and display. A nuclear attack has both short-term effects and long terms effects, which affect the victims are affected in a different way depending on the exposure aspect that was involved in the blast that emits radiations. Different symptoms will be seen in one way or another this means that symptoms like vomiting, skin rashes, and an intense unquenchable thirst as their hair falls will be highly experienced to the affected victims. Due to the light that is emitted from the explosion, most of the people are affected and are prone to be blinded in one way or another. This is a common effect the affects people in San Francisco because most of the people are prone to look the light directly due to the mass that the city has which means that victims lost their eyesights. Death is another effect that is facilitated due to the nuclear explosion because the gamma ray burst this is a symptom that will be experienced in one way or another. In addition, the nuclear attack displays different effects in the environment, for instance, the building, and immediate surrounding areas are completely destroyed. This means that the environment structure is highly affected because the nuclear setting is designed to explode and bring down all things that are within. On the other had theirs the aspect of Mass casualties that are reported this means that some symptoms are depicted. Since San Francisco is known for its dense fog, mild temperatures and cool breezes this factor highly motivate the nuclear attack since explosion  increase the radiation aspect, which means that it is hard, so the factors to be emitted since the radiations that are emitted are highly motivated. Identify which government agencies (local, state, and federal) will need to be involved in response to the terrorist attack. All Federal authorities or the military setting in all local, state and federal should be enhanced in respect of the attack. This is because they can be in a position to respond to the attack on a more professional aspect since they have the credentials that are required to provide the basic care to the affected people by delivering them to the hospital facilities so that care can be offered. Additionally, there is the aspect of clearing and determining what the cause and how the explosion occurred. Federal authorities or the military can define detection of a small nuclear device with highly enriched uranium (HEU) so that if there is another explosion that is vulnerable can be deterred in a more professional aspect so that people cannot be affected. It is out of this that the situation can be held in control because the situation can be kept under control. This is the primary reason every agent should be involved in responseing to the terrorist attack so that they can control the situation since they cannot be affected due to the protections aspect. However, the response that is offered is based on preparedness, which is updated by mutual aid in emergences that are to emerge, in addition all agenesis are structured to have a response plan for any attack that I venerable, this means that a better manner of handling the situation can be obtained in a more critical aspect. More so, activeness and determination define different government agencies since they recognize and believe in assisting and eradicating attacks that occur. Still, all government agencies setting is to find and address perceptions of threats that are caused by the nuclear attack.  Explain the appropriate role and responsibility for all agencies involved. Appropriate role and responsibility for all agencies involved in a nuclear attack are to offer a framework that will respond to the emerging factors of the attack. To begin with, the first responsibility is that all state agenesis has the responsibility for the public health and welfare of the people involved in the attack. This means that they should respond effectively and offer first aid care in a more transparent aspect so that lives can be saved. The local agenesis has the responsibility of communicating to other agenesis so that action can be taken in all aspect. The federal agenesis should offer the responsibility of maintaining a wide array of capability and resources that can be used to deter another attack hence they secure every person involved and the recourses in general. The appropriate role of all agencies is to respond in a dynamic manner that will make that the situation is standardized, this can be enhanced by establishing a strong working relationship. By doing this, the situation can be dealt with in a more appropriate manner that will be defined. In addition, all involved agencies should be in a position to support participation in all mitigation efforts that will enable people who are affected fell more secure. All agencies role in the nuclear attack is narrowed down to three factors, which are to ensure that every emergency plan is well emulated and take account the needs of individuals who are involved. More so, it is to protect person, property, and structures that are affected by the explosion. Another significant role the involved agenesis should play is to encourage residents to participate in volunteering aspect that will see to it the situation is under control. . List communication methods between first responders and involved agencies; and identify necessary information that will need to be communicated to the public Emergency preparedness is based on the communication platform that is developed between the first responder and involved agencies. Hence, the use of use of interoperable, backbone communications systems will offer a clear understanding of the situation. Hence, in it important to identify a better communication aspect that will deliver the message effectively. The communication method that should be enhanced involves all aspect of communication so that the situation can be controlled more so by providing a plan on how to take charge of the situation. This is done so that the masses of people can get information in different ways and know how they will deal with the emerging factors. It is by doing this that the purpose of the how to handle the situation will be identified and better logistics will be facilitated in more competence aspects. The type of communication methods between first responders and involved agencies that are involved will define the concept of operation. Hence everybody will be assigned different responsibilities to undertake this is as stated by Apikyan, Diamond, (2015). In addition, the plan that is developed and maintains the whole situation, like emergency planers should anticipate both active and passive aspect in the whole process which will include addressing all hazards and should elicit participation in acquiring assumption about the threats. However, the necessary information that will need to be informed to the public involve how to they should keep off the place that has been attacked. More so, if there is relevant information about expected attack their agencies should be informed immediately so that the situation can be deterred. This are so of the fundamental principles that should be expected to be portrayed when certain situation occurs so that an immediate plan can be facilitated in an effective manner. Explain the unique challenges first responders will face when responding to the attack. A nuclear attack is one the dangerous attack that can occur within a given area; this is because it is hard to come up with a plan that is effective in dealing with the situation on effective measures. This is because the grammar rays that are emitted when the explosive occur are reflected back even after some time, hence the first responders might be faced with different challenges while dealing with the situation. Since the nuclear attack is a technological accident, first responder may not be in a position to identify which are the appropriate approach that is supposed to be offered in the situation. This means that different responders can offer a different view on how the situation will be dealt with without knowing the repercussions that will be resulted in the situation. Another challenge is that there will be challenges to command and control the people involved for instance in the San Franciscos City Hall, which is in the heart of the city it will be hard for the respondent to act because there will be a reaction all people reacting due to the explosion. More so, managing is a vital aspect that ought to be counterchecked so that the attack can be controlled this means that the first responders will not be in a position to manage effectively since nuclear attack causes tension because of the light that is emitted and the heat. This means that first responders will be faced with the challenge of not being able to achieve the core factor of being in a position to bring the whole situation in control. Identify the proper Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) that will be needed when responding to the attack. To respond to a nuclear attack, radiation safety equipments ought to be facilitated so that the person who is responding to the attack cannot be affected as well. In this case, facilitation of StemRads solution can be used since it is evident that this type of Personnel Protective Equipment is equal to the grammar rays that are elicited from the explosion. In this case, StemRads solution offers protection in all parts of the body, and this is the only protection aspect that can be used in order to deal with a nuclear attack since there are not repercussions that are facilitated in the process since it is a full package of that is designed for that purpose only. More so, it is a sensitive Personnel Protective Equipment because it offers innovative measure in protection aspect and detecting aspect as well. On the other hand, it is designed to overcome selectively shields tissues increased radio sensitivity, and lighter is weight. Health issues are not vulnerable is the person responding to a nuclear attack is equipped with this aspects, this is because they cannot get any contact with gamma radiations. In addition, actuate radiation system offers transparency in dealing with the situation in a more professional manner. Address how first responders should establish a perimeter and how large the containment effort should be. Managing nuclear attach consequences calls for valid and appropriate measures that will be facilitated by certain parameters that define the whole function. In this case, the responders should enhance constitute a potential parameter that is based on an accurate overview of potential events that gives a brief description of the information in the nuclear attack so that the response actions, including the suggested elements, can be affirmed. In this case, the parameter that the responders ought to enhance should be based y the environmental factor of the region, the population of the region, and resource that are within the region where the nuclear aspect occur. This means that initial warning parameter should be offered so that the protocol followed should remain consistent hence clarity can be obtained in the situation. This depends on how the affected people are willing to be helped to so that they can get out of the situation. On the other hand, there is the aspect of defining the potential targets as a parameter so that their wellbeing is not interference. More so, this aspect offers an in depth vulnerability in the parameter perspective since first responders are in a position to identify the root cause of the problem and know what is expected for them to do, it is out of this that decision making should be in line with the parameter offered. On the other hand, there is the aspect of first responders whole should provide an initial assessment that will embark in the parameter formulation should define what should be done in the surveillance of a hazard caused by the nuclear attack. This is done so that information of the people involved can be delivered in a more resilient aspect. By facilitating this mass, care can be obtained by determining the safety parameters. This fact that reflects that containment effort should be effective and efficient in order to deter all protocol that is enhanced when the attack occurs. Explain what sort of decontamination procedures and equipment will be necessary to treat victims. Nuclear attach causes skin related problems due to the heat and radiations, more so the eyes are affected, and to forget due to the blast the ears will be affected. However, the sort of decontamination procedure and equipment that will be necessary to treat victims will be based on therapy aspect. This is because various disorder are caused due to the blast that occurs for instance, there are diagnosis and therapy procedures that ought to be initiated. For the affected people in terms of external aspect ought to be treated in medical care facilities that are well equipped so that it can offer different capabilities of how the will deal with emerging situations. The decontamination procedures are based on nature the nuclear attack that has occurred, this means effectiveness should be offered in all facilities so that affected victims can be treated appropriately. The equipments that are necessary to treat affected victim are radioactive iodine which is used in therapy aspect and can treat issues like cancer and other related medical conditions in victims. Another equipment is the use of scans radioactive materials called radiopharmaceuticals or radiotracers, which is used to deter the situation in victims (Aà ¯Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ¡blokov, Nesterenko, Nesterenko, Sherman, 2009). Identify the appropriate decontamination stage for the attack, and explain initial decontamination considerations. The appropriate decontamination process for the nuclear attack is identifying the situation, and what factors led the attack. By defining the problem, a better understanding can be enhanced in all agencies involved so that a better respond can be obtained and take charge of the situation. The use of securing decontamination can be enhanced so that people can be eradicated from the seen with quick measurers as possible. More so, some consideration can do by educating different people so that they can be in a position to control the situation. More so, a gross decontamination should be reflective to the mass decontamination by considering this it means that responders can be in a position to control the attack and save people, by having a close relationship with other volunteers the situation can be controlled in a more resilient aspect. Explain the type of evidence first responders should be looking for, and how first responders can preserve any evidence. As it is clear, the first responders need to look for any signs or symptoms that the people may have regarding the attack. This includes the mentioned signs and symptoms and hence reduce the reactions that will be taking place among the victims. Out of this and with the use of appropriate procedures, then identifying the evidence will not only be easier but also ensure that mitigating factors are controlled. In order to achieve this, they need to look for evidence in the affected area, to identify this they need to have a little knowledge on how the highly enriched uranium reacts with the metal and other substance. They can be in a position to identify some of the identifiable reactive substances, which hence will enable diagnose of the scene. This can include metals or other elements like as plastic, and how they react with the highly enriched uranium element. Once they are aware, then it is evident that they shall restrict the people from going close to the reaction. This is not limited to the area of explosion alone but also to the scene which has been affected. Radiation occurs through waves. Therefore it is important for the responders to carry some of the equipment, which can help identify the waves of the radiations. With such response, they will be able to not only find the evidence but also prevent any further damage. Discuss the effect the attack will have on the area. Having known that San Francisco has a range of approximately 200 to nearly 1000 feet, and then it is clear that the highly enriched uranium will have adverse effects on the city. This is supported by various properties, which make Uranium a highly dangerous element. In this case, the surrounding will be destroyed and due to the range, that San Francisco has. The area affected will not only be large but also the destruction caused will be massive thus considering it as part of the effect on the area. Additionally, the losses incurred will not only be many but also result in a huge setback. Putting in mind that there is the use of one-way street, it clearly explains how great a commotion can occur; this is based on the confusion, which can be experienced. Out of this, then it clear that the effects can be broadly categorized into various ways. The overall confusion can affect people who are traumatic, and since the place is suitable to support the highly enriched uranium element, it makes it suitable for the attack. Conclusion To sum up, the recovery plan, having leant the outcome and effects and mitigating factors it is clear that appropriate measures can be taken to deter such a situation. More so, with the help of first responder and identified agencies either in the local aspect, state or federal agencies can be can play a huge role in the recovery of the city. Since San Francisco has suitable condition for highly enriched uranium (HEU) that attack may result in adverse effects, however with the help of the first responder and other influential bodies within the state the recovery plan will be a success. References Aà ¯Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ¡blokov, A., Nesterenko, V., Nesterenko, A. Sherman, J. (2009). Chernobyl : consequences of the catastrophe for people and the environment. Boston, Mass: Published by Blackwell Pub. on behalf of the New York Academy of Sciences. Allison, G. (1996). Avoiding nuclear anarchy : containing the threat of loose Russian nuclear weapons and fissile material. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. Apikyan, S. Diamond, D. (2015). Nuclear Terrorism and National Preparedness. Dordrecht u.a: Springer Netherlands Hoffman, B. (2006). Inside terrorism. New York: Columbia University Press.Leikin, J. McFee, R. (2007). Handbook of nuclear, biological, and chemical agent exposures. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Mahan, S. Griset, P. (2013). Terrorism in Perspective. San Francisco: SAGE. Retrieved from Rosenbloom, D., Williams, M. Watkins, B. (2010). The effects of nuclear war. Honolulu: University Press of the Pacific. Retrieved from
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay on The Picture of Dorian Gray as a Moral Book -- Picture Dorian
The Picture of Dorian Gray as a Moral Book The Picture of Dorian Gray was a remarkably well-written book due to the reaction of its themes by society. In the preface of the novel, Wilde introduces the opinion that "...there is no moral or immoral book. Books are well written or badly written. That is all." Numerous views can be taken upon this fastidious comment. Many would agree that Wilde is justifiably correct because the preface was written with the intention that his readers understand the deeper meaning of the themes than worrying about whether it is considered morally acceptable; or perhaps, the view that it could be considered moral or immoral by the impact it has on the readers' lives. Even though there are several positions held on what The Picture of Dorian Gray's most important meaning is about, the most prominent is the novel as a moral book. Lord Henry Wotton immediately begins to corrupt Dorian's mind after they first meet by forcing his immoral thoughts of "yielding to temptation" which allows Lord Henr y to hold his attention. After listening for quite a while to Lord Henry's views, Dorian begins to change his own to match them, and therefore begins to live a life of immorality. The yellow book is a device that Lord Henry uses to further corrupt and drive Dorian deeper into the pits of sin. Through Lord Henry's influence, the changes in Dorian Gray, and the impact of the yellow book, Oscar Wilde efficiently reveals The Picture of Dorian Gray as a moral book. Lord Wotton sees Dorian as "wonderfully handsome...all of youth's passionate purity," and cannot resist the t... ...self from the influence of this book. Or perhaps...that he never sought to free himself from it." Dorian procures nine copies from Paris to have them bound in different colors to fit his mood, which implies that he was in all probability never without it. From the yellow book the moral learned is "all access as well as all renunciation" leads to punishment. In conclusion, it has been reiterated that Lord Henry's influence, the changes in Dorian, and the immorality of the yellow book further enforced The Picture of Dorian Gray as a moral book. Oscar Wilde allows for those who could understand the real meaning of the novel by comprehending the importance of these three things to discern that he fully intended on writing this novel as a moral book.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Charles Dickens’ Diary for Writing Great Expectations Essay
I cannot but thoroughly criticize the lackadaisical social and moral abuses in this country. The will to take action has urged me to write Great Expectations in order to assail the abominable conditions that exist in England. In this novel, my dear characters are idealized in order to heavily contrast with the ugly social truths that I reveal. For it is fully my intent to raise the awareness of these corrupting and unjust conditions that we so nonchalantly live with. Oh what a pity! A grief indeed, that the once innocuous and simple Pip may be transformed into the snobbish and opinionated character he becomes. For what was the reason for Pip’s unexpected transformation? Of course, it is naught but the social-class division that feeds the desire of selfish ambition. Here in England, the social-class determines how a person is treated and his access to education. This most discriminatory attitude is displayed when the otherwise indifferent tailor servilely attends to Pip after hearing of his fortune despite turning a cold shoulder to him earlier. Is money enough to turn a man into a mouse? Why is it that charisma does not command respect but pounds and shillings? After attaining a vast amount of wealth, Pip even begins to treat his closest friend and protector, Joe, with a superior air. Was Joe not plenty a’ gentle and fair to Pip? Had Joe been an inadequate friend? Absolutely not, twas’ being Pip now belonged to a higher social class. Not only does social standing determine how one was treated daily, but also played an unfair and villainous part in court reasoning in our society. In the case of the two convicts, the main perpetrator, a gentlemen, stated in his defense speech â€Å"† you has afore you, side by side, two persons as your eyes can separate wide; one, the younger, well brought up†¦ one; the elder, ill brought up†¦ which is the worst one?†The most incredulous and vile aspect is not the use of an ad hominem, but the court promptly basing the entire decision of the trial strictly on this statement regarding social appearance. I assure you, this is not uncommon at all in this country. Trials and disputes are unfairly biased and integrity comes arm in arm with class and money rather than logic and proof. Ah! Though it is true that social class plays an enormous role in everyone’s lives, it all but affects one’s character. One’s character is still left intact despite the obstructive society divide. An honest but poor man today shall unquestionably hold more truth than a sly rich man. Alas’, sadly this is far from the case today. The secondary reason that had prompted me to write this novel was the physical condition of London. Being a local resident of London, I bore firsthand witness to the effects of industrialization. At the cost of clean air and green living space, London transformed into a merchant city full of jobs and people. O how I do miss the crisp clean fields of the countryside. This sentimentality was the reason that provoked me to write about the descriptive settings and bustling activities within the city. Not to mention the crowded condition people lived in, primitive sewage and poor working conditions. As a result, I am not particularly fond of aristocrats and express this through my characters. Through them, I expose the malignant social norms such as Magistrates courts and the social divide. As well, my reminiscent memories of familiar settings and my want to explore the conditions in the city have compelled me to write this novel. The end product cannot help but evoke a sense of awareness and social conscientiousness from the reader.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Colorful History of the St. Patricks Day Parade
The Colorful History of the St. Patrick's Day Parade The history of the St. Patricks Day parade began with modest gatherings in the streets of colonial America. And throughout the 19th century, large public celebrations to mark St. Patricks Day became potent political symbols. And while the legend of St. Patrick had ancient roots in Ireland, the modern notion of St. Patricks Day came into being in American cities in the 1800s. Over more than two centuries the tradition of the St. Patricks Day parade flourished in American cities. In the modern era the tradition continues and is essentially a permanent part of American life. Fast Facts: The St. Patrick's Day Parade The earliest St. Patricks Day parade in America was conducted by Irish soldiers serving in the British Army.In the early 1800s, the parades tended to be modest neighborhood events, with local residents marching to churches.As Irish immigration increased in America, the parades became large an raucous events, sometimes with dueling parades held on the same day.The famous New York City St. Patricks Day parade is massive yet traditional, with many thousands of marchers yet no floats or motorized vehicles. Roots of the Parade In Colonial America According to legend, the earliest celebration of the holiday in America took place in Boston in 1737, when colonists of Irish descent marked the event with a modest parade. According to a book on the history of St. Patricks Day published in 1902 by John Daniel Crimmins, a New York businessman, the Irish who gathered in Boston in 1737 formed the Charitable Irish Society. The organization comprised Irish merchants and tradesmen of Irish of the Protestant faith. The religious restriction was relaxed and Catholics began to join in the 1740s. The Boston event is generally cited as the earliest celebration of St. Patricks Day in America. Yet historians as far back as a century ago would point out that a prominent Irish-born Roman Catholic, Thomas Dongan, had been governor of the Province of New York from 1683 to 1688. Given Dongans ties to his native Ireland, it has long been speculated that some observance of St. Patricks Day must have been held in colonial New York during that period. However, no written record of such events seems to have survived. Events from the 1700s are recorded more reliably, thanks to the introduction of newspapers in colonial America. And in the 1760s we can find substantial evidence of St. Patricks Day events in New York City. Organizations of Irish-born colonists would place notices in the citys newspapers announcing St. Patricks Day gatherings to be held at various taverns. On March 17, 1757, a celebration of St. Patricks Day was held at Fort William Henry, an outpost along the northern frontier of British North America. Many of the soldiers garrisoned at the fort were actually Irish. The French (who may have had their own Irish troops) suspected the British fort would be caught off-guard, and they staged an attack, which was repulsed, on St. Patricks Day. The British Army in New York Marked St. Patrick's Day In late March 1766, the New York Mercury reported that St. Patrick’s Day had been marked with the playing of â€Å"fifes and drums, which produced a very agreeable harmony.†Prior to the American Revolution, New York was generally garrisoned by British regiments, and it has been noted that usually one or two regiments had strong Irish contingents. Two British infantry regiments in particular, the 16th and 47th Regiments of Foot, were primarily Irish. And officers of those regiments formed an organization, the Society of the Friendly Brothers of St. Patrick, that held celebrations to mark March 17th. The observances generally consisted of both military men and civilians gathering to drink toasts, and participants would drink to the King, as well as to â€Å"the prosperity of Ireland.†Such celebrations were held at establishments including Hull’s Tavern and a tavern known as Bolton and Sigel’s. Post-Revolutionary St. Patrick's Day Celebrations During the Revolutionary War the celebrations of St. Patrick’s Day seem to have been muted. But with peace restored in a new nation, the celebrations resumed, but with a very different focus. Gone, of course, were the toasts to the health of the King. Beginning on March 17, 1784, the first St. Patrick’s Day after the British evacuated New York, the celebrations were held under the auspices of a new organization without Tory connections, the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. The day was marked with music, no doubt again by fifes and drums, and a banquet was held at Cape’s Tavern in lower Manhattan. Huge Crowds Flocked to the St. Patrick's Day Parade Parades on St. Patrick’s Day continued throughout the early 1800s, and the early parades would often consist of processions marching from parish churches in the city to the original St. Patricks Cathedral on Mott Street. As the Irish population of New York swelled in the years of the Great Famine, the number of Irish organizations also increased. Reading old accounts of St. Patrick’s Day observances from the 1840s and early 1850s, it’s staggering to see how many organizations, all with their own civic and political orientation, were marking the day. The competition sometimes became heated, and in at least one year, 1858, there were actually two large and competing, St. Patricks Day parades in New York. In the early 1860s, the Ancient Order of Hibernians, an Irish immigrant group originally formed in the 1830s to combat nativism, began organizing one massive parade, which it still does to this day. The parades were not always without incident. In late March 1867, the New York newspapers were full of stories about violence that broke out at the parade in Manhattan, and also at a St. Patricks Day march in Brooklyn. Following that fiasco, the focus in following years was on making the parades and celebrations of St. Patricks Day a respectable reflection on the growing political influence of the Irish in New York. The St. Patrick's Day Parade Became a Mighty Political Symbol A lithograph of a St. Patricks Day parade in New York in the early 1870s shows a mass of people assembled in Union Square. Whats noteworthy is that the procession includes men costumed as gallowglasses, ancient soldiers of Ireland. They are marching before a wagon holding a bust of Daniel OConnell, the great 19th-century Irish political leader. The lithograph was published by Thomas Kelly (a competitor of Currier and Ives) ​and was probably a popular item for sale. It indicates how the St. Patricks Day parade was becoming an annual symbol of Irish-American solidarity, complete with ​the veneration of ancient Ireland as well as 19th century Irish nationalism. 1919 St. Patricks Day parade in New York City.  Getty Images The Modern St. Patrick's Day Parade Emerged In 1891 the Ancient Order of Hibernians adopted the familiar parade route, the march up Fifth Avenue, which it still follows today. And other practices, such as the banning of wagons and floats, also became standard. The parade as it exists today is essentially the same as it would have been in the 1890s, with many thousands of people marching, accompanied by bagpipe bands as well as brass bands. St. Patricks Day is also marked in other American cities, with large parades being staged in Boston, Chicago, Savannah, and elsewhere. And the concept of the St. Patricks Day parade has been exported back to Ireland: Dublin began its own St. Patricks Day festival in the mid-1990s, and its flashy parade, which is noted for large and colorful puppet-like characters, draws hundreds of thousands of spectators every March 17th.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Abraham Lincoln Essay Example
Abraham Lincoln Essay Example Abraham Lincoln Essay Abraham Lincoln Essay Abraham Lincoln in the US History Abraham Lincoln, the greatest man in U.S. history, had many great accomplishments for this nation throughout his presidency. The most significant of these accomplishments was the abolishment of slavery.His love for America motivated him to do what he knew to be just.Lincoln had a meaningful, but shortened life, but he still accomplished more things than most other people in their lifetimes.Abraham Lincoln, the greatest man in U.S. history, had a childhood, education, and achievements that are exceptionally commendable. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. (Donald 22; Neely 347)Abe liked to work outdoors, and was raised to do farm work. (Sandburg 14; Neely 347)When Abe was seven, his family moved to Indiana. (Donald 23)Partly on account of slavery, Abraham recalled, but chiefly on account ofdifficulty in land titles in Kentucky. (Neely 347)His formal education he received in an Indiana Blab School, using only the spelling book. (A ngle 23)He loved to read, especially the Bible, Aesops Fables, and Robinson Crusoe, to name a few. (Angle 23-24)In 1817, his grandparents Tom and Betsey Sparrow died of milk sick.Abes mother also died from this on October 15, 1818. (Sandburg 11) Lincoln reached his full height, 64, before he was 20.Abe was thin, awkward, big-boned, and strong in the arms. (Baritt 313)Abe was interested in politics, and would walk 30 miles to a courthouse to hear lawyers speak and to see how they argued.Abe also heard political speakers and mimicked them.In 1830, he made hisfirst political speech, on improving the Sangamoon River for better navigation. (Sandburg 15, 21) On March 1, 1830, he left for Illinois to the town of New Salem, looking for a career to pursue. (Sandburg 20)In 1831, however, he was still unsure of his career.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Effects of violent media on children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Effects of violent media on children - Essay Example One of the most significant effects of violent media, especially movies, on children is that some of them develop a lack of horror at any form of violence that they witness. This creates a situation where children are more likely to act violently in the belief that doing so is a normal part of life. Furthermore, there are instances where children, instead of behaving in a normal manner, will end up attempting to emulate their heroes in violent movies. This might go to such an extent that they end up causing harm or serious injuries not only to other children but also to themselves. There have been reports that some children, being more likely to imitate the actions that they seen in movies than adults, begin displaying violent tendencies from an early age with some being reported to have stabbed their friend in what seemed to be normal play (Elizabeth & Morton, 2008). The effect of violence in movies is often a long term among children and this should be a matter of great concern for all individuals in the society because it means that children in coming generations, if still exposed to such content, are most likely to be increasingly violent. Children, when they see violent content in movies, often have a hard time differentiating what is real from what is not and this creates a dilemma where it is impossible for them to make proper decisions about whether their actions are right or wrong in real life. There are instances where children who have been exposed to a lot of violent movies tend to react in the same manner as those individuals who have post traumatic stress disorder. This is such that children end up feeling as if the violence that is being meted out on the characters in the movies is actually being done on them. The result is that many of them begin displaying symptoms which are normally associated with those children or individuals who are living in abusive
Friday, November 1, 2019
Prevention of Medication Errors and Safety Measures Assignment
Prevention of Medication Errors and Safety Measures - Assignment Example Another important requirement is the right storage of medicines and accounting for the stocks at appropriate intervals. In many cases drugs are delivered to the patient by means of certain devices such as tubes and inhalers. In such cases it is necessary to ensure that the equipment is sterile and also monitor the system constantly (Anderson & Townsend, 2010). In addition to the above potential errors, environmental issues such as increased workload of the medical staff, distractions while procuring or administering drugs to the patient and fatigue and ill-health of the caregivers can also lead to grave medication errors. In one hospital setting a â€Å"no interruption zone†has been instituted in places where nurses procure medications from automated dispensing machines. Such actions will facilitate better concentration from the staff and hence fewer error risks (Anderson & Townsend, 2010). One of the main methods by which medication errors can be prevented is through proper and adequate information about drugs which needs to be provided to nurses and other medical staff attending the patient, pharmacists in charge of dispensing medications and to the patient themselves. Nursing staff and others dealing with medications should be constantly updated about new medicines procured by the facility as well on potential medication errors that could occur (Anderson & Townsend, 2010). In addition, physicians should educate every patient on the risks and benefits of the drugs prescribed to them and clarify the doubts of the patient regarding the long-term effects and dosage regimen of the drugs (Patel & Balkrishnan, 2010). Awareness on errors occurring in other... One of the main methods by which medication errors can be prevented is through proper and adequate information about drugs which needs to be provided to nurses and other medical staff attending the patient, pharmacists in charge of dispensing medications and to the patient themselves. Nursing staff and others dealing with medications should be constantly updated about new medicines procured by the facility as well on potential medication errors that could occur (Anderson & Townsend, 2010). In addition, physicians should educate every patient on the risks and benefits of the drugs prescribed to them and clarify the doubts of the patient regarding the long-term effects and dosage regimen of the drugs (Patel & Balkrishnan, 2010). Awareness on errors occurring in other facilities should also be created as it will help to provide a broader picture about the issue. In cases where negligence has been found to be the major cause of the error strict action needs to be ensued against the conce rned staff as they will serve as a caution for other members. Nurses and other caregivers should always bear in mind the five important rights while administering medicines that include identifying the right patient and the drug and administering the same in the correct dosage at the right time and via the right route (Anderson & Townsend, 2010; Patel & Balkrishnan, 2010). The use of information technology has also become a key factor for reducing errors related to medication over the past years.
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