Thursday, January 30, 2020
Brief Analysis of Music Essay Example for Free
Brief Analysis of Music Essay In Joel and Ethan Coen’s unique take on referencing Homer’s Odyssey in the form of a 1930’s Great Depression comedy-adventure film, â€Å"O Brother, Where Art Thou? †, the most noticeably intelligent attribute was the genius song and music choice that, in more ways than one, dictated scene build-up, characteristic, and transition, thus keeping the theme of the â€Å"old-time,†old-country†atmosphere well intact throughout. The variety of American roots music songs used in the scenes gives cinematic emphasis to the characters’ circumstances and plot situations. Moreover, the assortment highlights the realness of time and setting presentation in telling the story of trio convicts and just where, when, and how their adventure unfolds. Brief Analysis of Music Selection in Joel and Ethan Coen’s â€Å"O Brother, Where Art Thou? †As the film opens with a lengthy line of hard-toiling inmates along the rail-road iron linings, collectively and heavily chanting verses from a rather hauntingly soothing blues tune entitled â€Å"Po Lazarus†(Track 1), the audience is at once audio-visually oriented and introduced into the state of the times, surroundings, over-all atmospherics, and mood of the film. The relative simplicity of life through the rather depressed and trying times is kept through notable scenes. An example of which is when the odd trio of Ulysses Everett McGill, Delmar O’Donnell, and Pete, together with Cousin Wash, all enjoyed an after-meal, quality-entertainment radio offering via Norman Blake’s country classic â€Å"You are My Sunshine†(Track 3). Moreover, the music presented in each of the scenes not only offers musical genre variety of roots country and folk, blues, bluegrass, gospel, and much in between through certain scene transitions, but more importantly highlights the tone of each separate scene in between dialogue, one distinct from the other, effectively and memorably. An example of this was the on-going quarrel of Everett and Pete which was overshadowed by the mass baptismal gathering and singing of a traditional gospel hymn â€Å"Down to the River to Pray†(Track 4), wherein all except Everett opted to clean his spiritual slate. Another was the scene seduction by the sirens, which is musically accompanied with â€Å"Didn’t Leave Nobody but the Baby†(Track 10) by Emmylou Harris, Alison Krauss, and Gillian Welch, and also with Tommy’s would-be hanging in the sound of â€Å"O Death. †All of these scenes are observably different from one another, but the rather musically enchanting versed sung melodies even give the scenes both an emotionally accessible and later-on cinematically nostalgic feature which stays with the viewers even after the film is over. The song selection provides the proper build-up, eventual transition through, and even main story twists which fuel the story’s eventualities. An example of this was when the trio headed to a local radio station in hopes of garnering a means of self-financial aid, they sang â€Å"Man of Constant Sorrow†(Track 7), disguised on the airwaves as the â€Å"Soggy Bottom Boys†accompanied by musically skillful, guitar-equipped Tommy Johnsonâ€â€who played a particularly important scene role for the film’s story. The song performed was not only quite entertaining, but its definitions also constituted what a traditional American folk song truly is, which gave the scene much credibility and realness in every extent. The music also provides the film with a sense of scene consistency without compromising the story and, as the quality of song recordings are kept to its truest form even more enriching the old-time aspect of the film. As Evan Cater (2009) points out, â€Å"These recordings, which were made without the meddling clarity of digital technology, give the film much of its power and authenticity†(n. p. ). The excellent selection and execution of music and scene inter-play gives the film a characteristic of its own and none like other. References Burnett, D. (2000). Man of Constant Sorrow [D. Tyminski, H. Allen P. Enright]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records. Cater, E. (2008). O Brother, Where Art Thou?. AllMusic. com. Retrieved January 21, 2009 from http://www. allmusic. com/cg/amg. dll? p=amgsql=10:hifixqu0ldse. Coen, J. (2000). O Brother, Where Art Thou?. California: Touchstone and Universal Pictures. Davs, J. Mitchell, C. (2000). You are My Sunshine [N. Blake]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records Harris, E. , Krauss, A. , and Welch, G. (2000). Didn’t Leave Nobody but the Baby [E. Harris, A. Krauss, G. Welch ]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records. Lomax, A. (2000). Po Lazarus [J. Carter]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records. Traditional (2000). Down to the River to Pray [A. Krauss]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records. Traditional. (2000). O Death [R. Stanley]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Connecting Magical Realism and Psychology :: Magical Realism Psychology
Connecting Magical Realism and Psychology At first, German art critic Franz Roh used the term "Magical Realism" to describe a style of painting (Roh 15). Eventually, Arturo Uslar Pietri adapted the term in order to describe a type of literature (Leal 120). While the exact definition of Magical Realism is open to interpretation, it is certain that Magical Realism gives a deeper meaning to ordinary life by unearthing mysteries that hide behind the world (Roh 16-17). In order to uncover these mysteries, Magical Realism combines fantasy with reality (Flores 110-111). Although Magical Realism is now well-known as a genre of literature, Magical Realism extends into "real life" through a treatment in psychology known as Traumatic Incident Reduction. In order to see how Magical Realism is found in this treatment, one must first consider at least one of the identifying marks of Magical Realism. Among the characteristics that identify Magical Realism is the feeling of transcendence that the reader has while reading a Magical Realist text (Simpkins 150). During transcendence, a reader senses something that is beyond the real world. At the same time, however, the reader still feels as if he or she were rooted in the world (Sandner 52). After the reader undergoes transcendence, then he or she should have a different outlook on life. Secondly, one must consider what the process of Traumatic Incident Reduction involves in order to see how Magical Realism relates. In this treatment, the patient who has experienced some type of traumatic incident will replay the incident in his or mind. Then, he or she will describe the event to his or her therapist. After the patient views the event several more times in his or her mind, he or she will usually go into more extensive detail about the incident. Eventually, the patient is supposed to reach a point at which he or she replaces negative emotions regarding the event with positive emotions. Additionally, the patient usually gains new insights concerning life. Most importantly, the Traumatic Incident Reduction offers the patient an opportunity to "confront the trauma at the time it occurred," enabling the patient to move on with life (Schiraldi 209-210). While feeling rooted in the world, the patient must go beyond the physical world in order to overcome his or her post-trauma stress. Even though the patient does not literally go back in time, the results of replaying a traumatic incident and confronting it in his or her mind have real effects in the patient's life.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Course outline
Aims This course will provide students with an understanding of six ancient civilizations through archaeological and documentary sources. These SIX ancient civilizations are Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, northern China, Mesospheric, and the Andes. The course has three related goals: (1 ) to trace the historical formation and collapse of these six societies; (2) to examine explanations that attempt to account for their trajectories; and (3) to explore the methods researchers use to study these topics.Outcomes By the end of the course it is expected that the student will be able to: locate six major ancient civilizations and their cities on maps; understand and critically analyze the range in current theoretical approaches to the development of violations; recognize and critically evaluate the methods employed to access the past organize material and to articulate arguments effectively Grading Quizzes The quizzes will consist of multiple-choice questions and map identifications .Quiz 1: Quiz 2: Quiz 3: Examinations examination: 30% Final examination: 30% Extra Credit Students may add 5 points to their midterm or final through extra credit work at museums or lectures relevant to this class. Among the suggested exhibits are the permanent Egyptian displays at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Brooklyn Museum, and the Micronesian and South American exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History, but many other exhibits may also be appropriate. Students must write one page assessing the exhibit or lecture and provide proof of visit.Knowing them well will allow you to proceed to graduation efficiently and with a strong transcript. Study carefully everything in Brush's statement about academic honesty. You can access it easily from the Burch College home page, where the link â€Å"For Current Students†leads to a page where you can find a link to â€Å"Academic Honesty Policy' under â€Å"Resources and information†. Also feel free to ask a ny instructor for clarification or for explanation of why professors take this issue so seriously. This course has a ‘zero tolerance' policy on cheating and improper behavior during quizzes and exams.Any student who breaks academic rules in this course has violated the mutual trust on which teaching and learning are based and will receive not only a zero on that assignment, but a grade of F for the course. For serious infractions the instructor will ask the College's Disciplinary Panel to suspend the violator from all Burch courses. By College policy, all suspected violations, whether infirmed or not, are reported to the Dean of Students. Disruption of class is not permitted. Rude behavior is disruptive. Arriving late/leaving early is also not acceptable and repeated latecomers/early leavers will be penalized. Pods and cell phones off before class. Please do not eat food within the classroom. It is distracting to other students and to yourself (you should focus on the lecture! ). Content Overview The areas that we will study are Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, northern China, Mesospheric, and the Andes, that is, the birthplaces of the pristine states that armed the core of early civilizations. Their societies occupy a special place in human history, because they produced the first social classes, economic specialization, state government, and urban settlements.Their populations created the earliest formal philosophies, religions, monumental architecture, legal codes, market economies, institutionalized militaries, and writing systems. Their members began to define separate spheres of secular and religious activities and public and private life. In short, if we want to understand how human societies were transformed from small roofs to diversified empires organized on a grand scale, these are the regions that we study. Brief description of teaching and learning methods: Illustrated lectures requiring preparatory reading.Students will take a midterm and a final. Students have the option of an essay. Blackboard Most lectures in this course are illustrated with a substantial number of visual images, typically maps, site plans, and architectural and artifact photos. Lectures are provided on Blackboard as a resource only; students will not be responsible for a visual identification of any specific image in an exam. All handouts are available on blackboard. You can find the blackboard site for this course on the Burch website.If you miss a class, check blackboard for study sheets and assignments. Check with the Burch Computing and Technology Center (BCC) for information on how to use blackboard. Call the help desk at 646-312-1010. Attendance Class attendance is required and very important as a key part of active participation. Attendance is recorded at the beginning of every class. Freshmen and sophomores (fewer than 61 credits completed) will be dropped if more than four classes are missed. Juniors and seniors (over 60 credits) wil l be dropped if more than six classes are missed.Absences for medical, religious, family reasons or subway delays are counted as part of the four or six classes missed and will not be excused even with a note. If you have special medical or other ongoing circumstances, please discuss them with the professor ahead of time. If you are absent for whatever reason, please keep the professor informed by calling or emailing her. All class assignments and study sheets will be on blackboard, so please check the website if you are absent so that you will be prepared for theSpecial Needs Burch College is committed to being fully accessible to all students, including those with disabilities. To establish appropriate accommodations, please alert your instructor to your needs and contact Ms. Barbara Souris, Coordinator of the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities, part of the Division of Student Development and counseling, at NV 2 271 or at (646) 312 4590. Please contact me directly i f you require additional aids prior to your lectures. Course Outline This course aims to equip you with the necessary understanding of IS fundamentals, as they stand, and also equip you with critical thinking tools and techniques that will allow you to understand IS in the future. Information systems are complex things that are an integral part of every business and our society. Information systems are difficult to study in the abstract and are best understood through the use of real world examples and case-studies, room which we then look for theory to explain their behavior.Our course takes this approach – lots of cases and examples from which we distill our understanding of what IS are, how they are (and should be) used, and how they are best acquired. During Summer Semester we will cover a lot of material in a short time, so it is vital that you study from Week 1. This means you should read the set chapters in the textbook and prepare for your workshops. The course team will facilitate your learning by providing the guidance as to what you need to study, and working with you on problems you may encounter.It is, however, your responsibility to make a concerted and timely effort to study. If you make this effort you will find the material interesting, the course worthwhile and the interaction with you fellow students stimulating. You should also do well. INFAMOUS – International systems In 5 Business 3. 2 Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies The course involves three key components – lectures, workshops and your private study. Each lecture will focus on the topic outlined for that week (see section 10).The lecture will help you understand the organizational and societal context in which IS are built and utilized, and will roved guidance on how to use workshops, laboratories and private study to improve your understanding. A lecture slide pack for each week will be supplied to you 24 hours before the lecture via the course website. This is a ‘skeleton' pack only. You are advised to take notes d uring the lecture to supplement the slides. Workshops will help build your understanding of each course topic through the application of what you have learnt in the lecture to case-study and real-life scenarios.They also give you the opportunity to discuss your work with your colleagues, and hence gain an indication of your own progress. Further information on workshop preparation and participation is provided in section 4, and will be discussed in your first workshop. Your private study is the most important component of this course. The textbook and accompanying website contain self assessment exercises to help you. The self assessment exercises are designed to test your understanding of the topic at hand and include review questions, application questions and discussion questions of varying difficulty. Course Outline This course aims to equip you with the necessary understanding of IS fundamentals, as they stand, and also equip you with critical thinking tools and techniques that will allow you to understand IS in the future. Information systems are complex things that are an integral part of every business and our society. Information systems are difficult to study in the abstract and are best understood through the use of real world examples and case-studies, room which we then look for theory to explain their behavior.Our course takes this approach – lots of cases and examples from which we distill our understanding of what IS are, how they are (and should be) used, and how they are best acquired. During Summer Semester we will cover a lot of material in a short time, so it is vital that you study from Week 1. This means you should read the set chapters in the textbook and prepare for your workshops. The course team will facilitate your learning by providing the guidance as to what you need to study, and working with you on problems you may encounter.It is, however, your responsibility to make a concerted and timely effort to study. If you make this effort you will find the material interesting, the course worthwhile and the interaction with you fellow students stimulating. You should also do well. INFAMOUS – International systems In 5 Business 3. 2 Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies The course involves three key components – lectures, workshops and your private study. Each lecture will focus on the topic outlined for that week (see section 10).The lecture will help you understand the organizational and societal context in which IS are built and utilized, and will roved guidance on how to use workshops, laboratories and private study to improve your understanding. A lecture slide pack for each week will be supplied to you 24 hours before the lecture via the course website. This is a ‘skeleton' pack only. You are advised to take notes d uring the lecture to supplement the slides. Workshops will help build your understanding of each course topic through the application of what you have learnt in the lecture to case-study and real-life scenarios.They also give you the opportunity to discuss your work with your colleagues, and hence gain an indication of your own progress. Further information on workshop preparation and participation is provided in section 4, and will be discussed in your first workshop. Your private study is the most important component of this course. The textbook and accompanying website contain self assessment exercises to help you. The self assessment exercises are designed to test your understanding of the topic at hand and include review questions, application questions and discussion questions of varying difficulty.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Media Simply Reflects and Reinforces Existing Social...
Media Simply Reflects and Reinforces Existing Social Values There is a notion held by many people that the media has the power to affect our beliefs, attitudes, values and behaviours either directly or indirectly. Many sociologists believe that the media could be extremely powerful and influential because of their technology, economics, and because of the sheer scale of operations. There has been a tremendous amount of research done into the possible short and long term effects of the media on society but very little has been proved either way. Early research often stressed the construction of the audience and made assumptions about the impact on the public. This includes the hypodermic effect†¦show more content†¦This theory has since been discredited for being too simplistic and narrow in its approach. It does not take into account for other variables such as the fact that the tests were done on small groups in unnatural surroundings, and the personality of those tested. This approach would appear to make no allowance for the fact that as human beings we are active in how we try to make sense of the world. A contrasting model of behaviourism is the audience selection approach. This approach sees the media as having an active audience rather than the passive one portrayed by the behaviourist view. This theory proposes that the audience choose what they want to read/hear/see, based on their own attitudes, values and beliefs. For example television programmes could be used as an escape from loneliness or as a central leisure interest. Basically this approach implies that the messages have meaning to the individual or group. David Morelys 1980 study was seen by some sociologists as an important step forward in studying media effects as it took account for meaning rather than suggesting that we are merely receptors for what we see/read/hear. Morley interviewed 29 different groups of people including apprentice electricians, sociology students and management trainees and asked then for their views on a well known television programme at theShow MoreRelatedThe Pluralist View of Mass Media Essay1340 Words  | 6 PagesThe Pluralist View of Mass Media Pluralism is the belief that power is spread widely throughout the world. It is a belief that companies or powerful groups are competing, but within boundaries of consensus and compromise. The idea of pluralism descends from functionalism. Functionalism is the view that society is structured; every institution in society fulfils certain roles and functions. If there was a disruption in one of these institutions then it could affect theRead MoreDigital Marketing : The Utilization Of Electronic Media Essay1423 Words  | 6 Pages Marketers are faced with new challenges and opportunities within this digital age. 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