Tuesday, May 26, 2020
California Bar Essay Topics
California Bar Essay TopicsIf you're looking for California Bar essay topics that have applications and are filled with facts, you should choose from the following subjects: medical, dental, law, computer science, business and technology, English, psychology, teaching and education, law, education, social work, philosophy, English literature, film/TV, and arts. You'll find that many essays can include any of these topics if they relate to the law profession or to an area of study in general.If you're a lawyer or attorney, you may be wondering what the question for your California Bar essay topics is. Don't worry; you're not alone. Many aspiring lawyers are confused by the question, but you'll have no trouble learning the guidelines when it comes to writing one.Many attorneys want to know how they can be best qualified for their California Bar essay topic, which they believe is their best opportunity to impress the admissions committee. After all, these individuals know that the admis sions process is competitive. So why not try to show them that you have the qualities they seek? You can do this through strong writing skills, such as clear and concise writing, a good command of grammar and usage of proper language, and exceptional reasoning skills.How you answer the question is often what makes or breaks your application. Make sure that you spend the time to properly research the topic of your essay, particularly if you choose to include factual information. You should also research the area of study or career you'd like to pursue. For example, if you're a criminal defense attorney, you should thoroughly research the California Bar's stance on the subject of criminal defense. Make sure that you understand the standard of care expected of California bar admission.When it comes to choosing a topic, it's helpful to keep in mind the area of law that you want to specialize in, as well as your knowledge of your chosen area of law. But as long as you focus on the part o f the law that interests you most, you should be able to express yourself easily. Remember that many people are applying to the bar because they have a specific interest, not just because they think they can ace the test.In addition to answering the question for your California Bar essay topics, you'll want to make sure that you follow the guidelines for essay topic selection. You don't need to send out five different versions of your essay topic! In fact, you can incorporate your idea into the one main theme in one single draft, avoiding having to rewrite sections multiple times.As you can see, there are many topics for you to choose from, so it's best to start with the ones that seem to fit you the best. If you do end up writing more than one topic for your application, make sure that you keep them all organized in your file.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Benefits Of Genetically Modified Organisms - 1199 Words
Introduction Genetically modified organisms come to be through genetic engineering where their genetic material is artificially altered in a laboratory to suit certain specifications. Genetic engineering is a new technology which gives rise to unstable animals, bacteria, and plants which are not naturally occurring and do not come into being through the normal crossbreeding methods as other traditional crops. Virtually every genetically modified crop produced commercially are made in such a way that they can produce their own insecticides and can withstand the application of herbicides directly. Some arguments have been put forth to oppose the biotech industry claims that these genetically modified organisms produce a higher yield than†¦show more content†¦As a result, there is controversy regarding the right of the consumer to be informed about the product that they are purchasing. Even in countries where it is mandatory to label GMOs, the risk of consumer choice violation is posed by c ontamination and cross-pollination which can render traditional foods not entirely so. Genetic engineering has also been associated with health risks (Nelson, 2001). This is because the process can render some foods which were at some point safe to consume hazardous to those consumers with allergies. The process of genetic engineering cannot be entirely predictable, and foreign substances can develop in these genetically modified foods. This is a fact that is known to the FDA as it does some testing of the final product (Ahmed, 2004). However, there can be no guarantees as to the purity of these genetically modified foods. Besides, introducing new genes to animals and plants can result in the already existing genes to react in a certain way that can include changes in the quality of the organism and reduction of the organism’s nutritional value. Other viewpoints have been brought forth to oppose the production of GMOs such as the arguments that these organisms give rise to ecological risks, upsets the natural balance, hence posing a danger to biodiversity, and t hat suggesting that genetic engineering is a tool for the corporate to control agriculture (Ahmed, 2004).
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Tampon - French Word Defined
In French, the word tampon can have several different meanings. It can mean stopper, plug, wad, swab, tampon (menstrual product), stamp, or buffer. Examples using Tampon Je vais boucher cette voie deau avec un tampon de bois - Im going to plug this leak with a wooden stopper Il a besoin dun tampon pour vernir la table - He needs a pad to varnish the table. Je naime pas les tampons ; je prà ©fà ¨re les serviettes hygià ©niques - I dont like tampons; I prefer sanitary napkins. Elle sert de tampon entre les gens qui disputent - She serves as a buffer between people who are disputing. (invariable adj) - buffer Cest une zone tampon - Its a buffer zone Note that tampon is a semi-false cognate in English, in which it has only one meaning.
Tampon - French Word Defined
In French, the word tampon can have several different meanings. It can mean stopper, plug, wad, swab, tampon (menstrual product), stamp, or buffer. Examples using Tampon Je vais boucher cette voie deau avec un tampon de bois - Im going to plug this leak with a wooden stopper Il a besoin dun tampon pour vernir la table - He needs a pad to varnish the table. Je naime pas les tampons ; je prà ©fà ¨re les serviettes hygià ©niques - I dont like tampons; I prefer sanitary napkins. Elle sert de tampon entre les gens qui disputent - She serves as a buffer between people who are disputing. (invariable adj) - buffer Cest une zone tampon - Its a buffer zone Note that tampon is a semi-false cognate in English, in which it has only one meaning.
Tampon - French Word Defined
In French, the word tampon can have several different meanings. It can mean stopper, plug, wad, swab, tampon (menstrual product), stamp, or buffer. Examples using Tampon Je vais boucher cette voie deau avec un tampon de bois - Im going to plug this leak with a wooden stopper Il a besoin dun tampon pour vernir la table - He needs a pad to varnish the table. Je naime pas les tampons ; je prà ©fà ¨re les serviettes hygià ©niques - I dont like tampons; I prefer sanitary napkins. Elle sert de tampon entre les gens qui disputent - She serves as a buffer between people who are disputing. (invariable adj) - buffer Cest une zone tampon - Its a buffer zone Note that tampon is a semi-false cognate in English, in which it has only one meaning.
Tampon - French Word Defined
In French, the word tampon can have several different meanings. It can mean stopper, plug, wad, swab, tampon (menstrual product), stamp, or buffer. Examples using Tampon Je vais boucher cette voie deau avec un tampon de bois - Im going to plug this leak with a wooden stopper Il a besoin dun tampon pour vernir la table - He needs a pad to varnish the table. Je naime pas les tampons ; je prà ©fà ¨re les serviettes hygià ©niques - I dont like tampons; I prefer sanitary napkins. Elle sert de tampon entre les gens qui disputent - She serves as a buffer between people who are disputing. (invariable adj) - buffer Cest une zone tampon - Its a buffer zone Note that tampon is a semi-false cognate in English, in which it has only one meaning.
Tampon - French Word Defined
In French, the word tampon can have several different meanings. It can mean stopper, plug, wad, swab, tampon (menstrual product), stamp, or buffer. Examples using Tampon Je vais boucher cette voie deau avec un tampon de bois - Im going to plug this leak with a wooden stopper Il a besoin dun tampon pour vernir la table - He needs a pad to varnish the table. Je naime pas les tampons ; je prà ©fà ¨re les serviettes hygià ©niques - I dont like tampons; I prefer sanitary napkins. Elle sert de tampon entre les gens qui disputent - She serves as a buffer between people who are disputing. (invariable adj) - buffer Cest une zone tampon - Its a buffer zone Note that tampon is a semi-false cognate in English, in which it has only one meaning.
Tampon - French Word Defined
In French, the word tampon can have several different meanings. It can mean stopper, plug, wad, swab, tampon (menstrual product), stamp, or buffer. Examples using Tampon Je vais boucher cette voie deau avec un tampon de bois - Im going to plug this leak with a wooden stopper Il a besoin dun tampon pour vernir la table - He needs a pad to varnish the table. Je naime pas les tampons ; je prà ©fà ¨re les serviettes hygià ©niques - I dont like tampons; I prefer sanitary napkins. Elle sert de tampon entre les gens qui disputent - She serves as a buffer between people who are disputing. (invariable adj) - buffer Cest une zone tampon - Its a buffer zone Note that tampon is a semi-false cognate in English, in which it has only one meaning.
Tampon - French Word Defined
In French, the word tampon can have several different meanings. It can mean stopper, plug, wad, swab, tampon (menstrual product), stamp, or buffer. Examples using Tampon Je vais boucher cette voie deau avec un tampon de bois - Im going to plug this leak with a wooden stopper Il a besoin dun tampon pour vernir la table - He needs a pad to varnish the table. Je naime pas les tampons ; je prà ©fà ¨re les serviettes hygià ©niques - I dont like tampons; I prefer sanitary napkins. Elle sert de tampon entre les gens qui disputent - She serves as a buffer between people who are disputing. (invariable adj) - buffer Cest une zone tampon - Its a buffer zone Note that tampon is a semi-false cognate in English, in which it has only one meaning.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
It is Time to Make Prostitution Legal - 1215 Words
In modern society, prostitution become a pretty controversial topic to discuss. Prostitution is the sexual services which involves selling and buying, it is just a simple act for both of two persons without any compulsion. Most people think prostitution should not be legal, certainly some people have different opinions. As we know, prostitution has been called the world’s oldest profession for a long time, it should be allowed to exist, if a person choose to use his or her body to make money, what right can make government to deny his or her choice. In many countries of the world, prostitution is illegal, that caused some women forced to walk on the street to search clientele instead of working in a safety brothel, and most of them are in a disadvantageous position because there is no laws to protect their legitimate interest, so make prostitution legalize is a very urgent thing to the society. If the prostitution become legal. Firstly, the percentage of crime will have a obvi ous decline, many people will not choose rape somebody innocent rather than the people who prostitute, then people will not do stupid things like rape, thus to cause the rape rate decrease to make the society more stable. Secondly, prostitution can provide opportunities of employment, many people lost their job after the global financial crisis, and the society become unstable, the government has a responsibility to help people find a job. But to the people who do not have a highly educated, they areShow MoreRelatedShould Prostitution Be Beneficial For Our Nation?1176 Words  | 5 PagesProstitution is one of the oldest occupations of all time. Brothels have always been around since ancient times. So this deviant act is nothing new in the world we live in today. Prostitution shouldn’t be deemed deviant. Prostitution is often said to be the oldest profession, and there is a lot of evidence that this is true. The earliest texts we have reference prostitutes, either sacred ones working for a temple or common street prostitutes. Throughout the Bible, prostitutes played greater or lesserRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legalized?1555 Words  | 7 PagesLegalization of Prostitution Prostitutes are people of multiple backgrounds and of either gender who make the decision to participate in sex acts for profit in a business-like setting. I support the legalization of prostitution because I believe that legalized prostitution will be a benefit of society. Once legalized, prostitution can provide many benefits to the participants of the business. Prostitution can provide a benefit of the economy in most places, and provide safe business practices andRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal? Essay1145 Words  | 5 PagesShould prostitution be legal? Prostitution has been around for decades. Since 1780 BC the legalization of prostitution has been a controversial topic. Prostitution is the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money.†Prostitution. Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2016. Many claim that is one of the oldest professions. If this is one of the oldest professions why is it still illegal? So many people have different opinions on the issueRead MoreA Red Light District on Every Corner Essay1120 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout human history, most civilizations have considered prostitution as an illegal trade, but that does not necessarily mean that making prostitution illegal is the best choice. Many countries including the United States have begun to debate the merit of legalizing prostitution. Before making such an important decision, we must address certain questions. Would legalizing prostitution reduce some of the inequalities and abuse suffered b y the men and women involved? Would society lose decadesRead MoreDiscussing The Legalization Of Prostitution1604 Words  | 7 Pages3561 04/19/2015 Discussing the Legalization of Prostitution To better discuss the legalization of prostitution there’s a need to know its definition. Legalization of prostitution is where prostitution becomes controlled by the government and becomes legal under specific conditions. Legalization may include prostitution-specific controls chosen by the state, which could include licensing, registration, and mandatory regular health checks ups. Prostitution has been legalized in Netherlands, Germany,Read MoreShould Prostitution Be Legalized?1406 Words  | 6 PagesProstitution is one of the largest controversial issue facing the United States. The definition of prostitution, according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, is the act or practice of engaging in sexual relations especially for the money. Prostitution has been constantly bashed by the media and is currently legal in only one state. In this state, only one county has banned prostitution. Why is it illegal? What is wrong with prostitution that has made it illegal? These are the important questions thatRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legalized?1725 Words  | 7 PagesProstitution Should Be Legalized Some say prostitution is the world s oldest profession. Yet, only a small percentage of the world’s government allows it. The legalization of prostitution is a very controversial topic due to many people’s moral beliefs. Prostitutes all over the world are treated as outcasts. A reason for people to be against prostitution could be due to their religious beliefs, moral standpoints, or lack of knowledge over the subject. Many religions state that sex outside of marriageRead MoreA Crime Against Public Morals1474 Words  | 6 Pagesseparation between church and state, of the times we live in. This day and age, many people wish to be free from government and church influence. The United States is the land of the free and the home of the brave as the song says, then why are there some many laws of control. The moral laws on the books are for public interest only many are not really even enforced. The one law I can justly say that the government really should remove is Pro stitution is one of the oldest professions in the worldRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal?1236 Words  | 5 Pagesmajority of people believe prostitution should stay illegal, claiming that the legalization of prostitution will only make the chances of getting an STD even higher, an increase in rape rates, and will also add to the growth of human trafficking. Although this could be the case, there have been many studies that tell a different story. Currently, Nevada has allowed prostitution in 11 of its counties with much success. There can be many benefits from the legalization of prostitution in the states. LegalizingRead MoreIs Prostitution Bad or Good?1617 Words  | 6 PagesProstitution Is prostitution bad or good? Well I say it is bad because there is a lot of harm involved in this â€Å"occupation†and also it is not legal in many places to start of with. What is prostitution? Well prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual relations in exchange for payment or some other way of payment. Prostitution is also sometimes described as commercial sex. Prostitution is sometimes referred to as â€Å"The worlds oldest profession†. The word â€Å"Prostitute†comes from
What Is Ecological Theory Of Crime And Does It Have Any...
What is ecological theory of crime and does it have any practical applications? The ecological theory of crime, also known as social disorganisation of crime is a theory used to describe the difference in crime in association with physical environmental factors such as cultural and structural factors. In the 1970’s and 1980’s the term ‘environmental criminology’ was used until it became associated with environmental issues. This theory can also be defined as a positivist theory because it seeks to find out about human behaviour. For the ecological theory the causes of crime for example are found in the way of the physical environment, where people live and socially interact. This is what creates the conditions for criminal and non-criminal behaviour. The research into the theory of social disorganisation is a vast subject rich with research stemming from the 17th century, thus making it a complicated subject to analyse since there are so many sources to draw from. Research into social disorganisation started with plant and the urban change which led to many different fields like environmental criminology (Brantingham and Brantingham, 1981). French research done by Warming (1909) into plant biology found that plants live in communities with varying states. He found that communities with predominately the same species have more competition with nature than with each other, communities with several different species however competed for limited resources more amongShow MoreRelatedEssay about Study Guide for Socio 120 Final Exam6246 Words  | 25 Pages * Horizontal Mobility Change that does involve changes in monetary rewards. * Intergenerational mobility Inter: in between, generation: 30 years Refers to changes that have occurred between generations. This is when you compare yourself to your parents. * Intra-generational mobility Intra: within Refers to changes that have occurred within one generation, or within ones lifetime. Read Morecriminology in kenya3603 Words  | 15 PagesAS CRIME UNLESS THERE IS . EXPLAIN AN ASSET DURKHEIMS THEORY ON CRIME AND CRIME CAUSATION. STUDENT ID NO :12S01ALLB009 NAME : WACHIRA ANNE WANGUI DATE DUE :8/4/2014 [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] TABLE OF CONTENTS.INTRODUCTION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦1 OVERVIEW DURKHEIM’S THEORY ON CRIME†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MorePrinciples and Practices of Management6031 Words  | 25 PagesMANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS- Organising Organising is the process of linking and arranging activities in a sequence. It includes allocating work, authority and resources. Planning Company mission is the basis for planning. Planning is deciding in advance what should be done. Managers think logically to achieve goals. Staffing Staffing is acquiring, developing, utilizing and compensating human resources necessarily to achieve help the process of converting inputs into output and achieving customer satisfactionRead MoreBusiness Ethics Analysis Essay4857 Words  | 20 Pagesacted unethically in West Nusa Tenggara. Due in large part to poor environmental controls in the area, there have been human rights abuses and destruction of their areas natural resources and assets. 2. CASE PRESENTATION STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS 2.1. The Analysis of The Facts and Problems The facts surrounding this case have sometimes been difficult to verify. Where possible we have sought to check the accuracy of information. In an online site titled â€Å"STD Toolkit: Indonesian Case StudiesRead MoreTraditional African Family19679 Words  | 79 Pagesand HOLBORN Sociology LESSON PLANS BY LESLEY CLARK Sociology teachers and students have relied on Sociology Themes and Perspectives for over twenty years. The coverage of theories and research in each subsequent edition has been unrivalled for accuracy and detail. These lesson plans aim to provide guidance on using the sixth edition of Sociology Themes and Perspectives in a teaching context by offering practical classroom support for teachers. Three lesson plans are provided for each chapter. OneRead MoreThe Importance of Demography to Development11868 Words  | 48 Pagesin nature. Since the late 1970s, many sociologists have tried to make the discipline useful for non-academic purposes. The results of sociological research aid educators, lawmakers, administrators, developers, and others interested in resolving social problems and formulating public policy, through subdisciplinary areas such as survey research, evaluation research, methodological assessment, and public sociology. Sociological methods, theories, and concepts compel the sociologist to explore theRead MoreBusiness Ethics and Tourism5065 Words  | 21 Pagesethical s trategies which operate in concert with it. By formi ng alliances with subdisciplines of business such as m acromarketing, the tourism industry can embrace * Since the Second World War and especially since 1960, the b usiness disciplines have increasingly portrayed themselves as g eneral/universal and capable of bcing employed by all organizat ions. In marketing, for example, the definitive statement of such a n expanded role is Phillip Kotler and Sidney Levys Broadening t he conceptRead MoreCultural Anthropology6441 Words  | 26 Pagespractices, etc. What is Art? Art is application of imagination, skill and style to matters movement, and sound that goes beyond the purely practical. * High art= in a museum * Low art= graffiti Who decides: What is Art? Emic/etic confusions regarding art * Emic: insider (member) view or members of culture * Etic: outsider (observer) view or anthropologist based on observation Modern Art? North America, Western Europe, Folk Art= woven bowl - as anthropologists what sort of meaningsRead MoreBCH190 Essay14810 Words  | 60 Pages(B) oxygen molecules (C) proteins (D) mitochondria (E) aspirin 8. Prokaryotic cells: (A) are complex creature and usually do not live in diverse and extreme environments (B) lack a membrane bound nucleus like most bacteria (C) have membrane bound organelles that originated from bacteria (D) are animal type cells with diverse biochemical compartments (E) only live in extreme environment without oxygen 9. The endosymbiont hypothesis: (A) has been shown to be false byRead MoreSocial Power of the News Media12127 Words  | 49 Pagesinterpretation and hence the persuasive effects of news reports among the readers. Conversely, if we want to examine what exactly goes on if it is assumed that the media manipulate their readers or viewers, we need to know under what precise conditions, including structural properties of news reports, this might be the case. POWER A brief conceptual analysis is needed in order to specify what notions of power are involved in such an approach to the role of the news media. I limit this analysis to properties
Literature Review Organizational Behaviour
Question: Describe the various elements of personnel selection. Answer: Introduction The aim of this paper is to study the various elements of personnel selection. The report addresses the properties or constructs of interviews as a selection measure. Literature Review Content Validity Content validity refers to the level of accuracy of the measurement tool addresses to the specific construct. The measure ensures a full breadth of what the job requires. Construct Validity Construct validity is the degree to which the tool purports what it claims. For unstructured interviews, the main determinants are social skills and personality. Criterion Validity Criterion validity refers to the level of measure relates to an outcome. It measures if the personnel is meeting deadlines, performing effectively and various other constructs. Implications of Research Evidence According to Smith and Robertson (2001), the elements that affect personnel selection are personality and validity. The aim is to identify candidates most or less suitable for a particular organizational task. According to Huffcutt, Conway, Roth and Stone (2001), there are seven constructs assessed in interviews for personnel selection. The seven constructs are general intelligence, applied mental skills, creativity, social skills, interests and preferences, organizational fit and physical attributes. According to Roth and Huffcutt (2013), cognitive abilities such as understanding, reasoning and problem-solving play an important role in personnel selection. Critical Analysis Structured interviews have higher validity as they are more reliable than unstructured interviews. Job knowledge and organizational knowledge are better predictors. Cognitive abilities can be measured through job performance and success. The selection system could be benchmarked for yielding high validities. References Huffcutt, A., Conway, J., Roth, P., Stone, N. (2001). Identification and meta-analytic assessment of psychological constructs measured in employment interviews.Journal Of Applied Psychology,86(5), 897-913. https://dx.doi.org/10.1037//0021-9010.86.5.897 Robertson, I., Smith, M. (2001). Personnel selection.Journal Of Occupational And Organizational Psychology,74(4), 441-472. https://dx.doi.org/10.1348/096317901167479 Roth, P., Huffcutt, A. (2013). A Meta-Analysis of Interviews and Cognitive Ability.Journal Of Personnel Psychology,12(4), 157-169. https://dx.doi.org/10.1027/1866-5888/a000091
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
International Review Of Law And Economics -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The International Review Of Law And Economics? Answer: Introducation The case is based on the formation of contract. Contract is a legally binding agreement where both the parties are liable to each other to complete the terms of the contract. Under the business Law, it has been mentioned that offer and acceptance are the two main base of contract and if the offer and acceptance are made legally, the contract will be formed in between the parties. However, there are certain exceptions to the principle of offer. These exceptions are classified as invitation to treat, requests for information and statements of intention (Calavita 2016). These terms are apparently looks like offer but there are certain differences in between offer and invitation to treat. In this case, a thorough study will be done on the different aspects of contract and the process of formation of contract as well. Additionally, certain remarkable case studies have been made to strengthen the base of the approaches. Rules: The main issue of the given case study is based on the principle of invitation to treat and it is required to be considered whether a contract in between Sam and Danny has been formed or not. There are certain differences have been present in between offer and invitation to treat. If the offer has been accepted by the other party, it will form a contract. However, different situation is being created in case of invitation to treat (Yadav 2016). According to Andrew Burrow, the term invitation to treat denotes a readiness to negotiate (Burrows 2016). Therefore, if a person makes an invitation to treat, it does not mean that he is willing to sell the product and no contract will form on the basis of that (Hay and Proctor 2015). In Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots[1953] 1 QB 401, it has been observed by the learned Judges that any poster or banner in any shop is a good example of invitation to treat. The summary of this case reveals that an advertisement or poster cannot b e termed as an offer as such advertisement does not make the customers to purchase the thing, but invite to take the goods to certain levels of negotiation where the offer or acceptance will take place. In Partridge v Crittenden [1968] 1 WLR 1204, where it has been observed that an offering made by a person regarding certain goods or things could not be treated as an offer and the person who marketing the statement is not bound to sell the proposed thing. According to Lord Parker, advertisements are generally cannot be treated as offer except in certain cases (Poole 2016). Exception to the rule of advertisement has been observed in Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company [1893] 1 QB 256, where the company had made a statement in the newspaper to pay certain amount to the person who will be affected by the smoke balls. In that case, the court held that the company is bound to pay the amount to the affected person. In Fisher v Bell [1961] 1 QB 394, it has been observed that if in a shop , a picture of knife has been displayed for sale, it does not resembles that the shop is contravening the legislation for not to sale offensive weapon. In Payne v Cave [1789] it has been stated that a call for bid is an invitation to treat and not an offer. In Australia, there are certain rules provided to make an advertisement through electronic transmitted mediums such as email or message. However, it has been stated that the advertisement or mere statements made by the person could not be termed as an offer, but invitation to treat and the maker will not be liable to sell the products to the other interested persons. Under the Electronic Transaction Act 1999, it has been stated that contract can also be made through email, but such contract should have to maintain all the essentials of the contract such as there should be an offer and acceptance to the offer taken place (Grigsby 2016). Further, an intention to create legal relationship should be present and the terms and conditio ns of the contract should be legal in nature (Whish and Bailey 2015). In the absence of any elements, the process could not be regarded as contract. Application: In this present case, it has been observed that Sam has a laptop which he wants to sell. He has made an advertisement through the online sale and made an advertisement. Danny was interested and replied it back to Sam and wanted to inspect the proposed laptop of Sam. Therefore, it can be cleared from the above mentioned topic that Sam had no intention to place the offer to Danny as he had posted a general advertisement in internet. After the inspection, Danny found certain scratches but willing to buy the product because of its affordable price. However, it has been observed that Sam had sold the product to other in lieu of Danny. According to the principle of Partridges case, it can be stated that Sam had no intention to sell the laptop to Danny and he had not made any promise regarding the said product to Danny. Sam had made a general post in the internet and Danny was one of the interested parties. The same thing has also been mentioned by Sam On the basis of above mentioned rules, it can be stated that no contract was formed in between Sam and Danny. In the given case, the docket given to Jane has certain exclusion clauses prescribed in the backside of it. Exclusion clause is a term that restricts a party to the contract to claim damage from the others. Exclusion clause is an example of unfair term and it helps a party to the contract to get rid of their liability (Howells and Weatherill 2017). Under the common law system, these clauses are included under the provision of Unfair Contract Terms Act. There are certain rules prescribed for the application of exclusion clause. In Olley v Marlborough Court [1949] 1 K.B. 532, it has been observed that the terms of the clauses should be brought into the notice of the other party at the time of making the contract. If one party did not inform about the task to other, such terms should not be a part of the contract and could not be regarded as an accepted term. In Box 3LEstrange v F Graucob Ltd[1934] 2 KB 394, it has been observed that if a party has signed a document, whether or not come across the terms of the clauses, will be held liable. However, in Curtis v Chemical Cleaning[1951] 1 KB 805, it has been stated that if the authority had misrepresented the facts regarding exclusion clauses, the matter should not be treated as an effective clause in spite of the other party put his consent over the matter. In case of Thompson v LMS Railway [1930] 1 KB 41, it has been determined by the court that if the parties do not act In this case, Jane had put her signature on the docket, but legally the document is ineffective as the authority had misrepresented the facts in order to gain the consent of Jane. It can be learnt from the facts of the case that before put her sign on the document, Jane had come across the clauses mentioned at the back of the docket. Therefore, she was aware of the facts that in case of any loss, the laundry will not be held responsible. Therefore, according to the general rule, the signing party know the facts regarding the exclusion clauses and in case of any adverse situation, that party could not able to claim any damage. However, there are certain exceptions to the rule. It has been observed that on asking about the validity of the clauses, the laundry authority had misrepresented about the facts and stated that the clauses are not applicable on the colour of the product but on the button of the dress. Jane was satisfied after hearing the insurance given by the authority and put signature on the docket. However, on the returning day, it has been observed that the colour of the dress has been fade away. According to the decision of Curtis v Chemical Cleani ng[1951] 1 KB 805, it can be stated that the terms of the exclusion clauses will not be applied in this case as the facts were misrepresented to the party by the authority (Lando 2016). Further, according to the provision of Unfair Contract Terms, the clauses of exclusion will be imposed if they are reasonable in nature. However, there is no specific definition of reasonable grounds. It is depending on circumstances. If the clauses are not clearly mentioned, the provision of exclusion clause will not be applied. Therefore, it can be stated that in case of any vague terms and conditions, the clause will not be applied. The words printed on the back of the docket were not clear in nature. When Jane was attempted to put her signature on the docket, she found certain clauses mentioned at the back side of the docket. It was mentioned that the employees will not be held liable for any losses or damages regarding the cloth. Such wordings are vague as what types of losses were not mentioned there. As a result, Jane did not understand what kinds of losses are being included under the clause and a complex situation has been cropped up therefore. In Kudos Catering (UK) Ltd v Manchester Central Convention Complex Ltd, it has been observed that the wordings of exclusion clauses should be clear. Jane has certain rights regarding the colour fade of her dress. There are certain conditions mentioned behind the docket and as the terms are ambiguous in nature, Jane did not understand the terms. She had asked the employee and the employee told that the accounting clauses are applied in case of the button and not in case of colour or any other cases. However, the dress had been handed over to her; she noticed that the colour of the dress had been faded away. At this situation, Jane has certain rights that can be applied against the laundry: Jane can file a case against the laundry for spoiling her cloths; Jane can claim damage from the authority; Jane can file case under misrepresentation. In the given case, Jane had to sign the docket where the exclusion clauses were prescribed and as per the case of Curtis, the laundry authority cannot enjoy the benefits of the exclusion clause as the wordings of the clauses were not clear and Jane was victim of misrepresentation of facts. However, in case she did not sign any docket, the authority can take the plea of exclusion clause if sufficient notice regarding the clauses will serve to her. Therefore, the terms of the clauses were needed to be cleared and specified (Lawson 2017). Reference: Barton, R.J., 2016. Drowning in a Sea of Contract: Application of the Economic Loss Rule to Fraud and Negligent Misrepresentation Claims.Wm. Mary L. Rev.,41, p.1789. 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