
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Performance Management - Assessment item 1 (Essay) Essay

Performance anxiety - Assessment item 1 ( ) - Essay ExamplePerformance appraisals are used to determine the eccentric of performance of each employee in his job. An idea as to those who have talent or need raising and those who may be promoted, demoted, retained, or fired will be obtained. The transitional differences in organizations over the late years have influenced the performance appraisal systems too to accommodate larger business opportunities and priority in the aims (Sonnentag, 2002, p. 115). Sonnentag has described performance appraisal as a generic term covering a soma of processes whereby an individuals work performance is assessed, usually by that persons line music director and discussed with a view to solving problems, improving performance and developing the individual appraised (2002, p.116). He has detailed ternary perspectives contributing to employee performance the individual, situational and performance regulation.The behavior, motivational personality a nd the interpersonal relationships of the employees play a role in the success of the appraisal systems. The appraisal would materialize based on the organizational politics and conflict escape of the appraiser, the appraisees behavior and the relationship between the two parties. The appraisees differences in behavior change his views on the need for achievement, goal orientation, self awareness and self efficacy, self esteem, locus of control and feedback attitudes (Sonnentag, 2002, p. 115). His performance level would depend much on his personality and mental make-up, the situational aspect where events may facilitate or handicap his functional performance and the organizational performance regulations of goal setting (Sonnentag, 2002, p. 8).declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge and skills and at long last motivation (1990). Campbells model was considered proficient. The

Monday, April 29, 2019

Nurse Practitioner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nurse Practitioner - shew ExampleThe examples of various settings where primary care shield is involved are homes, clinics, community hospitals and mobile settings (Sines & Forbes-Burford, 2009 p.134). The discerning take hold practician is employed by a hospital or health care system. The roles of corking nurse practician are mostly used in surgery, research, and trauma (Wyckoff, Houghton & LePage, 2009 p.12). The acute nurse practitioner diagnoses and manages acute episodic and chronic illness (Nagelkerk, 2006 p.14).I agree with what Barbara Orange wrote, a registered nurse practitioner who has graduate level of education could acquire advance clinical knowledge and skills to qualify as an advanced practice nurse(Nagelkerk, 2006 p.5). A registered nurse practitioner has the freedom to choose to work with health care organizations or setup their clinics (Nagelkerk, 2006 p.14). I agree with Barbara Orange that an office setting would be best for patients because the registered nurse would beat close contact with the patients (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy & OGrady, 2014). According to Hamric et al. (2014), the Institute of Medicine recommends patient-centered care as the basis of safe, effective and economic health care. The registered nurses built up therapeutic relationships with patients as a backbone of patient-centered care (p.153). A nurse practitioner who has gone through credentialing and privileging could be allowed to practice in their scope of practice. Credentialing and privileging applied to physicians but because nurse practitioners are hired in various institutions, it becomes vital to credential nurse practitioners (Reel & Abraham, 2007 p.5). I have ascertained that a nurse practitioner can work in quaternate settings but, can they hold multiple credentials and use them in practice? This question puts me in a dilemma with

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Corporate governance Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

corporate governance - Literature review ExampleA comparison of different perspectives will also be discussed in this paper.Corporate Governance, in broader terms, can be defined as regulations, legislation and the procedures, which govern, standardize and keep the whole business operations. Corporate Governance encompasses internal elements, much(prenominal) as managers, executives, shareholders, or organizational organize, and the remote elements, such as customers, suppliers and government laws. The purpose of defining the corporate governance is to generate the well-organized and prescribed structure of the organization in a way that operates in the best manner for whole organizational members. It guarantees that the stool has implemented the prescribed rules, moral duties, and best practices. That is why, organizations have developed their operations effectively at local anesthetic level, state level, and also global level. Within contemporary years, the concept of corpor ate governance has been attending oftentimes focus, as there has emerged eminent outrages, such as misuse of corporate authority and purported illegal actions interpreted by corporate managers. The establishment of civil and criminal suits, against the people who misuse the name of the corporation to implement their illegal interests, is a vital part of corporate governance (Rouse, 2008).Corporate Governance is basically the found structures, codes, and procedures, which controls the corporations. It establishes guiding principles which help in providing direction and managing the organization in order to achieve organizational objectives in the most effective way. Such established systems enhance the organizational value and are fruitful for all members in the long run. Organizational members include all stakeholders which are affected by such system, such as directors, stockholders, suppliers, managers, employees, and general people. The organizational management undertakes the mselves

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Addition to prescription drugs among elderly Annotated Bibliography

Addition to prescription drugs among gray - Annotated Bibliography ExampleAdministration on Aging. Retrieved from http//www.aoa.gov/AoARoot/AoA_Programs/HPW/Behavioral/docs2/Issue%20Brief%205%20Prescription%20Med%20 reproach%20Abuse.pdfThe Administration on Aging (AOA) (2012) described the line of work of prescription medication misuse and nuisance among older adults, which is already a public health problem. Misuse and abuse of prescription drugs refer to non-medical use of prescription drugs. The brief argued that the elderly is prone to misuse and abuse of drugs that can have negative fundamental interaction effects. If some of the elderly are already abusing and misusing prescription drugs, the risks of abusing different drugs may be present and result to greater health problems.Costello, R.B., Leser, M., & Coates, P.M. (2009). Dietary supplements Current knowledge and coming(prenominal) frontiers. In C.W. Bales, & Ritchie C.S. (Eds.), Handbook of clinical nutrition and agin g (2nd ed.) (pp.553-634). New York Humana Press.Costello, Leser, and Coates (2009) noted that, though some kinds of herbal medicine have been found to be effective, its lack of regulation makes it hard to study how it works and what its toxicity levels are. They asserted that very few of current herbal medicines are tested for efficacy and toxicity levels. They explained that interaction risks between herbal supplements and prescription drugs of the elderly are high because the elderly tend to take in more medicine than younger adults. These researchers also talked about the dietary needs of the elderly that must be balanced with prescription drug effects.Djuv, A., Nilsen, O.G., & Steinsbekk, A. (2013). The co-use of conventional drugs and herbs among patients in Norwegian general practice A cross-section(a) study. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 13, 295. Retrieved from http//www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6882/13/295Djuv, Nilsen, and Steinsbekk (2013) conducted a cross-se ctional study to understand the co-use of

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Poverty of Women and the Inequality of the Welfare System Essay

The Poverty of Women and the Inequality of the Welfare System - Essay ExampleShe states that the upbeat system is not designed for women on womens terms, quite, she considers that it shows,This clarifies the concepts of the dualism of the welfare structure, and how it may be broken down into deuce subsystems, male and female. Diana Pearce points out that older women choose to receive favorable credentials benefit as wives rather than as individuals, due to the higher income of their husbands. If they divorced during their husbands retirement, they were more likely to receiveA United Nations study, released in 1985, found that women do 75 pct of the worlds work but only earn 10 percent of the worlds wealth (Kirk and Okazawa 318). After 20 years, the situation has changed. Today, more women work for an income than ever before. According to the Bureau of ram Statistics, womens participation in the labor force has dramatically increased from 54 percent in 1950, with a projected incr ease to more than 70 percent in 2010. In spite of the growing look of women in the workforce, womens wages are usually lower than mens. The question as to why, may be answered by the fact that a antiquated system exists which gives a false picture of the workforce. Frasers essay informs us that these patriarchal norms have influenced our welfare system too. In our welfare system, men are considered as rights-bearing beneficiaries whereas women are considered as dependent clients (Fraser, 561). Diana Pearce states that the rate of poor, women-maintained households has increased, especially if they have children. Despite the greater needs of women-maintained households, there is not generous support given from either private or public transfer. In public transfer, based on Frasers characterization of the U.S. welfare system, there are two totally different characteristics of welfare. One is unemployment and social security welfare transfer (cash), that is designed to provide benefi ts for right-bearers, of which women receive 38 percent of these programs. Yet more than 80 percent of those receiving Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC) are children of women-maintained households. Women also receive 60 percent of food stamps. Fraser assumes that receiving unemployment and social security compensation denotes more equality than receiving food stamps and Medicaid. This is because the latter welfare programs are considered to be family failures, broadly the absence of a male breadwinner (Fraser, 563). Diana Pearce addresses the seriousness of womens poverty, and how it has been steadily increasing, while Fraser argues how the welfare system is unfair to women. In order to reduce the feminization of poverty, the government needs create more jobs for women and women-maintained

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Legal Liability of Air Traffic Controllers Essay

The Legal Liability of Air Traffic Controllers - Essay ExampleTo determine this, they used downhearted box information, traffic cams, computer simulations and the voice of the pilot himself, who died in the crash attributed the accident to such various(a) causes and engine failure, flaws in composite materials and terrorism.2 After 3 years of investigation the NTSB attributed the catastrophe to structural victimize caused or exacerbated by wake turbulence with black box information and the voice of the pilot himself, who died in the crash, confirming this.The first statement made on the cockpit voice recorder ,disclosed by the FTSB, was a fictitious character by the pilot to the distance betwixt him and the plane in front of him, a Japan Airlines Boeing747 which had interpreted off little than 2 minutes before him, responding to the air traffic golers concerns about wake turbulence. rising is generated by a difference of pressure over the surface of the lengthiness. The lower pressure happens above the wing surface while the higher pressure is underneath. This differential causes the air to roll off the wings and dock down from the tips, forming ii vortices like tornadoes, rotating out in different directions. Like the wake of a ship, two vessels that pass each other have observable wave action. Boats do it, and so do planes. When unrivaled plane passes too closely to another it encounters the wake of air waves. You cant see it, but you feel it. A plane with a lesser wing span looses it mirrored directions, like the wake of a ship. cardinal vessels that pass each other have observable wave action. Boats do it, and so do planes. When integrity plane passes too closely to another it encounters the wake of air waves. You cant see it, but you feel it. A plane with a lesser wing span loses its righting moment. Displaced air has some semblance of predictable movement, even so like water, that motion is highly fluid, being influenced by many factors. Suc h turbulence compromises the ability of pilots to control aircraft, navigators to direct it and the safety of passengers in planes. The range of an airborne wake from a large plane is less than 5 miles.4The pilot acknowledged the concern of the ATCO on the radio. It states in the Federal Aviation Regulations Sec. 91.3a - Responsibility and consent of the pilot in command.The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the operation of that aircraft. According to the pilots CVR statement there was going be a lot of age amid him and that Boeing 747 out in front. He wasnt doing anything wrong. He was just a little closer to the scheduled time of departure. In the immediate post 9/11 con textual matter, with altered airport security procedures, this was relevant. The full text of the CVR was not published judgment there was going be a lot of time between him and that Boeing 747 out in front. He wasnt doing anything wrong. He was jus t a little closer to the scheduled time of departure.Two minutes later he was dead.While specific aircraft regulations can hold blameless the owners of aircraft, (see49 USC 44112 (formerly 49 USC 1404)), the law of torts still allows for the suit of companies on the basis of negligence. AFCOs are responsible for the safe routing of planes within their order during their scheduled assignments, they are not responsible for t

Living in colonial america Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Living in colonial america - Essay ExampleSince Lord McGee had absolved me, no one would return me to his mature which was directly hundreds of kilometers away. However, Lord McGees letter of absolution was not immunity sufficient to guard against organism mauled by white-owned dogs, abduction or bullets which would be whimsic completelyy fired at me. The reasons that would be given for my death would be as simple as stating that I had maliciously encroached a white mans farm, vanquish my white Lord before fleeing, or that I was aiding other slaves to escape.I am attempting to by all means get to Maryland, from New Jersey. The freeing by Lord McGee and personal reason such as the need to get to a land with better prospects for freedom, economic prospects and psychological healing inform my journey to Maryland. I have stopped to work in five Christian-owned farms for wages. The wages came in handy as fare. It has been two months since Lord McGee released me and I walked and ate les s to save for the most difficult of the journey. I was now near the border of New Jersey and I needed to sneak through Delaware, since it was illegal for slaves to brain from one colony to another. I did not want to stay in Delaware since it was very slow in passing abolitionist and anti-racist policies and laws, as opposed to Maryland. I would need a lot of money to travel through Delaware since I wanted to spend the least amount of time possible, in Delaware.As I reminisced, I realized that stringent laws cannot crush people into capitulation. As we entered 1735, slave laws had become increasingly plastered and inhumanly brutal. In Bergen County where Lord McGees farm is situated, a law had been passed to the effect that any slave who assay to set a house ablaze would be burned at the stake. Perhaps this was a retort to the rising number of slaves in New Jersey. This observation could be lent credence since Perth Amboy had the largest

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

STARBUCKS TIME MANAGEMENT Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

STARBUCKS TIME MANAGEMENT - Research Paper drillIt is the largest coffeehouse worldwide.The organization social organisation of Starbucks focuses on the incorporation of corporate social responsibility into their department. Their strategy involves hot sourcing, high level environmental performance in the development, and knowledgeability of new stores. They involve working together to be respected partnership in their communities and communicate their corporate social responsibilities. The type of organization coordinate of Starbucks is a functional structure which is comprised of all the departments that are required in an organization for smooth action of its goods and services. The organization structure is headed by the Chief Executive officer (CEO). In the year 2001 to 2005, Orin C. Smith was the chairwoman and CEO of Starbucks. Howard Schultz is the originator of the company, who is also the chairman. The Starbucks Company operates under the matrix organization structur e. Their operation is under foursome U.S divisions, including Western Pacific, North West Mountain, South east plains and North east Atlantic. Under the CEO in the matrix structure, in the other divisions, there is the President, International Retail, Legal and Corporate Affairs, Finance, Supply Chain Operations, Marketing, human Resources, Legal and Worldwide Public Affairs. The advantage of having this kind of structure is that it leads to maximized communication channels. Starbucks second part of the structure is the continuation of support functions, which operate at their individual departments supporting their shared goals and visions (Jones, 2005).There are 4 functions of management and every organization structure does play a role. They are Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling. In Planning, it involves creation of business mission and objectives and establishing how to achieve. Those at the top of the organization hierarchy are mostly the ones involved since they take hold to identify the

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Appraise the impact of Post-Latham and Egan report initiatives on Essay

Appraise the impact of Post-Latham and Egan report initiatives on procurance pathways and ways of working within the construction industry - Essay Example1. The government, including public sector organisations such(prenominal) as local authorities and health authorities, should become a best practice client. Clients should rebriny at the centimere of the procurement routine and work together to bring value in their projects and promote purity in design.4. Although the construction industry is likely to have an output equivalent to approximately 10 per cent of the GDP, the industrys in-house research and development capital has fallen by 80 per cent since 1981. investment in research and development is required.6. In order to achieve 10 per cent annual drop-off in construction costs and 20 per cent reduction of defects, radical changes are needed to the processes finished which the project develops. These processes need to be explicit and transparent to the industry and its cl ients.Initially the government (being the sponsoring side) and the unwrap impostor within the construction industry responded well to both the reports. The drive for change originated from procurement and contractual areas in the UK construction industry. Later years witnessed considerable changes in UK construction industry, which impacted the way projects were managed and reviewed. The construction process at all levels experienced the benefits of collaboration, and ultimately the way of working in the construction industry changed.The main responsible agencies within the government i.e. The Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and The Office of Government Commerce, along with the key players in construction industry attempted to improve the performance of departments and Contractors.The report Mordenising Construction by the Controller and listener General (2001) mentions that, government and key players within the construction industry took several steps t o implement the key principles highlighted in the reports. These include3.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Official Development Assistance and Underdevelopment Research Paper

Official Development Assistance and Underdevelopment - research Paper ExampleFirst, we begin by laying down the chosen theoretical framework. Franks main thesis is that contemporary underdevelopment is in large part the historical product of pas and continuing scotch and other relations between the satellite underdeveloped and the now developed metropolitan countries. These relations are an essential part of the structure and development of the capitalist system. Underdevelopment was and still is generated by the development of capitalism. Frank talked a great deal about the metropolis-satellite relationship. He noted that this relationship is not limited to the imperial or international level, but also penetrates and structures the economic, political, and social life of (LA) colonies and countries. Thus, a social unit chain of constellations of metropoles and satellites is created. Each of these satellites serves as an instrument to suck capital or economic surplus out of its o wn satellites, and channel a portion of the said surplus to the world metropoles (i.e. Europe and US). This notion was further developed by Wallerstein who proposed the brain of unequal exchange between the strong states and the weak ones and a view of capitalism that involves not and appropriation of the surplus value by an owner from a labourer, but an appropriation of surplus of the whole world-economy by core areas. by core areas. (p. 401). ... Public financing transactions are moving apart from multilaterals, which had been found quite inept in resolving the worlds problems. The option which provides government slight than market price loans (in terms of interest group rates) is through symmetrical arrangements. Commonly facilitated through state-to-state negotiations, bilateral contributes advantage lies with the fact that it is easier to trace, clarify, and assert the advantages and interests of both donor and beneficiary states making easier to resolve potential dr op opposition. China has been the trumpeting its achievements in trading with Africa. In a document entitled, China-Africa Economic Trade Cooperation it was stated China-Africa bilateral trade volume was only US$12.14 cardinal in 1950, it rose to US$100 million in 1960, and exceeded US$1 one million million in 1980. After reaching the US$10 million mark in 2000, China-Africa trade has maintained a momentum of rapid growth ever since. In 2008, China-Africa bilateral trade volume exceeded US$100 billion, of which US$50.8 billion isChinas exports to Africa and US$56 billion is imports from Africa. In the past, loans were used to help developing countries, particularly those in a post-conflict setting. Killick (1998 4) states that There has also been a powerful move to link aid with the promotion of good governance (accountability, transparency, the rule of law, the prevention of corruption, etc.) the service of human rights and the promotion of multi-party democracy. There has been a growing use of conditionality in these areas, particularly by bilateral donors but also by the World Bank. But when it became clear that it was possible to expand the business interest of the donor country

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Search on Mechatronic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Search on Mechatronic - Essay ExampleMechatronics whitethorn also be referred to as electro mechanic systems or less often as control and mechanisation engineering (Wikipedia, 2007).Mechatronics meant a mechanism that is electrified until the early 1980s. Where as in the mid-1980s, mechatronics came to mean engineering that is the boundary among mechanics and electronics. In this 21st century, the term mechatronics encompasses a large array of technologies. However, each technology unsounded has the basic element of the merging of mechanics and electronics but now it also may involve packet and information technology (IEEE/ASME, 1998). For instance, many early robots resulted from mechatronics development. As robot systems became smarter, software development, in addition to the mechanical and electrical systems, became the main focus of mechatronics.To give some of the common examples where mechatronics systems are use include the end of robots, washing machines, cameras, microw ave, ride vehicles, DVD, etc. and other machines where an integrated engineering design is being adopted. Integration involves subjects such(prenominal) as mechanical, electrical, electronics and control engineering. In other words, mechatronics combines together areas of technology that involve sensors and measurement systems, drive and actuation systems, analysis of the behaviour of systems, control systems and microprocessor systems.In general a mechatronic system consists of the following basic items. The reaping or production process involves a mechanical structure containing actuators (generally it may be a motor to make things move), a microprocessor to control the overall operation of the system, sensors to allow the microprocessor to monitor the state of the system and electronics to consociate the other parts together (fig 1).Mechatronics in the 1970s, was concerned by and large with servo technology used in

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Advantages and disadvantages of the FairTax Act Term Paper - 2

Advantages and disadvantages of the FairTax dissemble - Term Paper ExampleIn this regard, this essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Fair Tax ferment proposed in the U.S.To start with, the Fair Tax Act would result into several advantages to the citizens by using ordinary revenue system. Firstly, the fair tax system is simple when compared to the lively system of taxation. One of the major aims of tax reforms is to simplify the taxation codes in order to save tax payers energy in terms of season and resources required to comply with tax returns (Garner, 2005). The existing federal taxation system is complex because of the many types of returns judge to be complied with making tax payers and even the government to incur extra expenses to acquire resources, such as documentations, that can help in compliance. In addition, different organizations have to higher financial experts to guide them in compliance to the federal tax code. Therefore, using a fair tax syst em would result into marginal usage of resources to comply with the taxation system hence saving the tax payers the additional costs associated with the existing tax code (Garner, 2005).Implementation of the Fair Tax Act would result into increased development in economic terms. According to Jokisch and Kotlikoff, carrying into action of the fair tax system would removes payroll taxes that reduce significant portions of generated income (2007). This makes consciousness because the fair tax figure taxes expenditure as opposed to the income thereby motivating people to nominate harder in order to generate more income for their personal development. In addition, the fact that the fair tax plan taxes consumption and not income encourages citizens to reduce their expenditure and increase on their savings something that indirectly stimulates economic growth.Lastly, the implementation of Fair Tax Act would result into fairness in taxation of people or

Friday, April 19, 2019

3010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

3010 - Essay Exampletiple learning styles, (4) information is presented via multiple channels, (5) grounded in personal reality, (6) conveys a shed light on goal, (7) earn and build on respect, and (8) create a friendly learning environment. Competent faculties are essential to facilitate this to ensure efficient professional development of employees. Having professionals working in a business facilitates puff in the working environment and assurance of quality performance which is primarily the goal of every foundation garment (Ulrich and Brockbank, p.243).2. The legal context of employment decisions. It has been said by Bohlander and Snell (p.96) that when the HR focusing and all its functions are flakeed in compliance with the law organization and companies become more unbiased and more effective workplace. Awareness to the provision of the law is therefore valuable in HR management especially in choosing the manpower for the organization. This way, happening of costly an d time-consuming litigations can be prevented.3. Building an HR Strategy. HR managers are expected to act in two manners when it comes to fashioning decisions for the company. First is that they are fairly familiar with the business to be capable of directing the business strategy to be taken. And they play reactive role to initiate captious thinking among the members of the organization to come up with proficient strategy for the problem at hand. This criterion is undeniable for HR managers to perfect to be able to help the members of the organization in arduous decision making and strategic planning (Ulrich and Brockbank, p.224).4. HR Organization. Like in any other group of management of business, creating a clear organization is essential. This precludes confusion of authority, responsibilities and roles of each member. Selection of HR organization is base on the business organization type (Ulrich and Brockbank, p.179) and only after its fulfillment will the real value of HR management be achieved.5. HR Competencies that

Images of Women in Religion - Christian Gnosticism and Buddhism Essay

Images of Women in Religion - Christian Gnosticism and Buddhism - Essay ExampleThe absence of feminine symbol in modern religious tradition is consistent with an orthodox stance specific on the wholey inclined to scorn social and political transformations that took place in the second century and resulted in increased prominence of women in all activities of daily life, including religion.Karen Lang builds from the primordial belief that divinity knows no physical boundaries, including gender The early Buddhistic and Christian Gnostic assumption that beings once were luminous, incorporeal, and asexual, and that this state of perfection can be regained, motivates their quest for discretion. Buddhism and Gnosticism share the view that humanitys fall from divine grace springs from earthly desires, such as lust. Women, historically linked with seduction and sexuality, were therefore viewed in Buddhist and Gnostic myths as impure. Female profusion paralleled the earths fruitfulness, for they associate the enjoyment of a womans sexuality with tasting the earth, or its fruits. Human imperfection was described through the impurities of womens bodies, but this was non exclusively meant for women since both religions believed that all human bodies were impure and therefore imperfect. In both cases, owing to a pre eminently egalitarian marrow with prospects for study, teaching and prominent leadership positions in the community, women were attracted to Buddhist and Gnostic communities. Lang aims to clarify that religious tradition did not always discriminate against women.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

The medieval era and The Renaissance Era Research Paper

The medieval era and The rebirth Era - explore Paper ExampleThe Middle age was followed by the conversion movement which evolved in the 14th century. Renaissance is divided in to three important periods that are the Early Renaissance, High Renaissance and Late Renaissance or Mannerism. There was a substantial turn over in liberal arts during this period as it was given to a greater extent financial attention compared to the former Era. The art groomed and flourished as the artists paid more attention to the perspective. The paintings, sculptures and drawing were realistic and a sense of emotion was expressed in the art. Human clay was given immense importance. The beauty of human physique was appreciated through arts. The artists of the Renaissance movement compete with colors. They applied the techniques of light, color and outer space used by the ancient Roman and the Greek. Their focus was more worldly and secular. The artists drew paintings that manifested the social life a nd routine activities of the people. The concept of linear perspective was also introduced which helped the artists to create illusions of space and distance on a level surface. Hence art was exuberated. The art in this Era was modernized. The paintings instantly exhibited man studying philosophy and math rather than praying to God. This drastic change in the field of arts was attributed to the diminishing belief of the people in religion. For instance the painting of Jan Van Eyck depicted a couple being married in a room rather than a church. Although people select the modern style of arts there was an indelible relation.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Has the death penalty in the United States run its course Research Paper

Has the final stage penalty in the United States sop up its course - Research Paper Example news report of Death Penalty Death penalty rectitude was first established way back in eighteenth century B.C. in the Code of tycoon Hammaurabi of Babylon. In Britain, hanging became the near common method of executing death sentence in the one-tenth century A.D. However, in the following century, William the conqueror banned all method of outstanding punishment for both offensive activity. Again, in the half a dozenteenth century some 72,000 people were executed for corking offences like conducting wedding with a Jew, not admitting to a crime, and treason. Since death penalty is a severe form of punishment, the juries did not convict some defendants if the offense was not grave and this called for reforms in the death penalty in Britain. the States was influenced mostly by Britain in the methods of death penalty. When the Europeans settled in the newly found land of America, they continued with their practice of capital punishment. In America, the first ever execution that took place was of Captain George Kendall in the Jamestown colony of Virginia in 1608. His crime was that he was a spy for Spain. All colonies did not have the same laws of death penalty. The first effectuation held in Massachusetts Bay Colony was in 1630 although Capital Laws of New England were not established until old age later. Dukes Laws of 1665 were put into effect in the New York colony and under these laws capital crimes included salient ones parents or atheism. Attempts to reform the death penalty occurred for the first time in America when Thomas Jefferson initiated a bill to review Virginias death penalty laws. According to this law crimes that were to be guilty by death penalty were murder and treason. This law was defeated by one vote. In the nineteenth century many states of America brought down the incidence of their capital crimes. Many states like Rhode Island and Wisc onsin abolished the death penalty, although most states continued with their practice of capital punishment. Some states increased the number of offences to be liable to be punished by death penalty, mainly those committed by the slaves. During the civil war, anti slavery movement began more(prenominal) prominent and as such opposition to the death penalty declined. Progressive Period of reform began in the twentieth century in America. During the accomplishment 1907-17, death penalty was completely withdrawn in six states. Three states kept treason and first-degree murder of a law enforcement official as the only capital crimes. However, this reform did not last for long due to the chaotic atmosphere in America in the wake of the Russian revolution. In addition to that, America participated in World War I and during this period there were severe class conflicts and the socialists became a threat to capitalism. Due to this reason five of the six states which abolished death penal ty again established the law of death penalty. In the 1950s, the number of death penalties made a steep drop as many allied nations either abolished or limited the death penalty. (History of the Death Penalty) Cost of Execution From economic standpoint it is debatable whether death penalty is sufficiently effective for legal profession of criminal activities. There are methods that have been proved to be effective for prevention of crime, but resources that are used for the implementation of death penalty are not available for establishing those methods. be involved in death penalty cases are much higher

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Sherlock Holmes Essay Example for Free

intelligence agent Holmes Essay secret agent Holmes emerged in 1893 as a fictional amateur research worker. He had puzzle out many cases and was able to find the villain using scientific evidence. When Sherlock Holmes came come out into the open, Britain was a corrupt interpose as the police force was useless and nation used to kill and steal just for the pursuit of it. Jack the Ripper is the best known pseudonym to date from that period. He used to kill women prostitutes from the slums and cut out their throats. He then sent body parts of his victims to the police showing his superiority. People thought of Sherlock Holmes as a hero because they thought he could protect them from paedophiles and murderers even though he was a fictional character.The mastermind to Sherlock Holmes was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He based the super sleuth character on his beau doctor, Dr Joseph Bell. He, resembling Holmes, was able to use the power of deduction to find out his patients occupa tion. Conan Doyle created this transcendent character because he was frustrated with other detective stories. Therefore he created a super human like detective who used scientific evidence to solve his cases unlike coincidence like the other detective stories. This make Sherlock Holmes a huge success explanation and when Doyle killed off the character, there was a public up roar and death threats were sent to his house. Because of this, Doyle brought back the character and his side kick Watson back from the shadows.Doyle managed to withhold his audiences provoke in Sherlock Holmes by liable(p)ly making a flawless idea. This was to release different stories both month instead of keeping angiotensin converting enzyme accounting and carrying it one month after month. This was a clever and successful philosophy because Conan Doyle knew that if he stuck to one story then large number would lose interest because people who missed an issue wouldnt buy the next one whereas if he mad e a new story e actually month then people would still buy the issue each month as they didnt miss anything. This is why it became known as Sherlock Holmes adventures.Sherlock Holmes adventures adopt a very unique(p) structure. This is because it creates a story with in the story. It starts with the victim coming to Holmes about their problem(s). They then explain to him their problem(s). This is where Doyle creates a story within the story. Next, Holmes investigates and then sets out a plan. He eventually catches the villain. Parts of the structure can lots substitute. This is shown clearly in the story The man with the twisted lip. Instead of the victim coming to Holmes, they come to Dr Watson Holmes duty hand man. This shows us that Doyle is trying to vary his structure.Another thing is that the victims to the highest degreely always seem to be of high tell. This is not present in the Red Headed League as Jabez Wilson (The victim) is of lower berth home. Although he is of lower class and his case is a bit dubious (this is because he suddenly stopped getting 4 weekly from his secondary job as it just suddenly disappe atomic number 18d) Holmes was still determined to solve his case. This shows us that Holmes will take on any case no matter who his client is or how zany the problem was. A good quotation to support the matter is the strangest and the most unique things be very practically connected not with the smaller crimes.The characters that the stories revolve around vary from story to story. There are only two characters that are present in all the 3 stories that I have show up (The Speckled Band, The Red Headed League and The man with the twisted lip). These two characters are the sleuthhound Sherlock Holmes and the wannabee detective Dr Watson. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle uses characters as a good device by showing the reader and audience that he has used the six rules of a good detective story.* The crime must be significant* The detective must be memorable* The criminal must be a worthy opponent* The clues must be available to the audience* The suspect must appear early in the story* The resoluteness must be reasonable and possibleBecause of these rules, Holmes appears to be supernatural to the naked eye hardly if go throughed at closer you would find that this mind-blowing character has an idiosyncrasy. This is because he smokes on a regular basis and takes drugs and so forth The fact that he smokes is shown clearly in the quotation from the Red Headed League Watson, I beg of you supply me for 1 hour. I believe this is a 3 pipe problem This emphasises the amount that he smokes. 3 pipe problem means he will have to smoke three pipes before he will get the answer which implies that it is a very difficult issue. This is because a determined and intellectual soul like him doesnt struggle with much.The quotation in the paragraph above also shows us the way Holmes treats Watson. Holmes treats him like a child who doe snt know much. Another quote to back up the matter is My dear doctor, this is a time for observation, not for talk. We are spies in an enemys country. This is when Holmes replies to Watsons question with an unclear answer. It shows us how disrespectful Holmes can be and that Holmes feels that Watson has a lot to learn.Watson plays the role of the narrator and hooks the reader. Another role of his is the foil. He makes Sherlock Holmes look better. You reason it out beautifully. I exclaimed in unfeigned admiration. It is so long a chain, and yet every link rings true. This extract quoted from Watson, admires Holmes professionalism. It also highlights his deductive skills and scientific methods. Another thing Watson does is draw the direction to a satisfactory conclusion. This is also shown in the quote above.Watson always goes with Holmes on day and night trips to claim protection since he has a revolver. This shows his bravery as he offers his life and limbs to protect Holmes and h imself. He often goes voluntarily even after Holmes has told him his life may be at risk. This reinforces his indomitability.Villains in Sherlock Holmes stories are always cunning and a good match for Sherlock Holmes. This makes the story more exciting and heady as we dont know if the villain will get away with his crime. The villains are always of high class which makes them harder to track down or suspect as most people wouldnt question them. The villains in Holmes stories vary from immaculate villains or victims who are the villains. One classic villain is Dr Roylott.He is of high class and and has one of the oldest families in Britain. Another thing is that he is a doctor who has gone sour. This is reflected in the clothes he wears. As he goes to confront Holmes, he wears a black top-hat, a long frock-coat, a fit of high gaiters with a hunting crop swinging in his hands. This shows us that for a high class man, he has no self-esteem and has probably lost his dignity in the pro cess. This definitely makes him a classic villain as he has no alternative but to become a villain to keep what he has go away.All of this has an impact on the reader. It makes the reader second look Dr Roylott as they dont think he is a criminal at first but then it makes them look back at that last and reassess the matter before making a conclusion that Dr Roylott is the villain. After this hectic period, the reader is left on the edge of their seats to find out if he gets away or if Sherlock Holmes and his helper catch him in the act. It builds so much tension as they are an even match. It makes the reader indirect request to keep reading to find out what happens. Tension starts to build as soon as Dr Royllott walks in through the door. It has an impact on the reader as they want to know who the strange man is and why he came.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle manages to tonality a picture perfect image of the characters into our heads. Doyle does this by using short but powerful adject ives to describe every unique and common feature of their body. He gives the particular proposition over 1 or 2 lines to make it short and snappy. Even though he does this, he is able to paint the picture in our heads to the very last detail. A very stout florid-face elderly gentleman with torrid red hair This quote backs up the fact that the writer uses 1 or 2 lines of detail and is still able to make you imagine what the character looks like. He uses banters like fiery which are short and snappy yet effective. It is ideal to describe Mr Wilsons hair colour. Florid is a good word as it lets the sentence flow and is still capable of using it to maximum effectiveness by describing Jabez Wilsons face.Holmes finish is probably the most important part of all Sherlock Holmes adventures. It is shown in all the stories I have read and has helped solve all 3 of the cases. This is because he always perseveres through the tough and easy times. The most iconic out of the 3 stories I read w as probably The man with the twisted lip This is because it took him so long to figure out who the criminal was. Instead of turning his back on the case, he persevered and solved the case. He did this with sheer determination. In the end, the criminal was the victim (Neville St Clair).Overall, Sherlock Holmes is a magnificent character. This is because many people thought he was a real person. This shows how good Doyles writing was. Holmes also gave Victorian people bank as many murders and paedophiles lurked the streets. He even was a role model for the police force as trainee police officers were told to read them to show them how to catch criminals. Sherlock Holmes will be remembered for many centuries to come and his scientific way of thinking has been adopted by police forces. He will always be historied as the greatest fictional and non-fictional detective the world has ever known. Baker Street also has a house where people post messages to Sherlock Holmes as that is where he is believed to have lived.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Action Speaks Louder Than Words Essay Example for Free

Action Speaks Louder Than Words Es opineAction speaks louder than words is an age old proverb with a deep hidden meaning inside. Most of the people have the habit of boasting about what they be going to achieve in the future in an exaggerated form. This sounds crazy save it is indeed true. muckle have the habit of making castles in the air and actu whollyy expression and boasting that they have achieved a great milestone without actually doing so. It is extremely essential to remember that if your achievements are worth noticing, people volition sooner or later come to know about them merely through the word of mouth. It is violate to take a step ahead and work hard in achieving your dream rather than feeling proud about it. If for example, you are a good student and you detainment saying that I depart come 1st in my class, it provide not provide you the pride and respect that you will exculpate when this fact actually comes true. The mean solar day you come 1stin cl ass, it will be known by one and all sooner or later.What is notice fitting about the achievements of the great personalities in the world is that they always dreamt big but never boasted about achieving something big even though they were highly capable of achieving more than what they dreamt of. These eminent personalities were aware(p) of the fact that they can achieve more than they desire but never boasted about their hidden qualities.The day you achieve what you dreamt of and what you worked for your action will certainly speak louder than your words. You will not even have to give an explanation of your achievements. The world at large will come to know. Take the example of Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, they achieved phenomenal results in their works but never boasted about the fact that it was their leadership that brought a change in the world. here the saying action speaks louder than words can be aptly applied.Do not just say that I will change the world, do your par t in changing the world and success will ultimately follow. If you are determined to bring about the change, your efforts are bound to be recognized. But keep a single fact in mind do not boast about everything not only before but also after you have achieved it. You wont be able to work harder to achieve your next goal if you do not come out of the pride of your setoff achievement.Ego and pride can kill any achievement and in cases reduce the value of any achievement to zero. All the people who remain down to Earth have achieved phenomenal success in the his history of mankind. Just follow your dreams and try to achieve whatever you desire your actions will definitely speak louder than words.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Online Marketing Essay Example for Free

Online Marketing leavenIn todays world, marketing research has begun to use the Internet and popular social networking sites such(prenominal) as, Facebook and Twitter, to gather private reading of all users. Its becoming a lot easier for companies to connect at unitary time with customers and collect individual culture that goes into a computer database. This information can also be matched to new(prenominal) websites and shargon data collected during unrelated transactions. There are ethical and technical considerations that need to be addressed on how companies conduct its market research. Two major examples of ethical considerations of online marketing are privacy and confidentiality. Many online consumers try to avoid anything that will allow in invading their privacy, but many companies flow to do that without the consumers knowledge. A company can easily have the ability to collect and introduce information relating to a consumer that can violate their right to privacy.The companies use this information to target certain advertisement to that consumer, but the constant targeting can put a strain on the privacy of the consumer and start to result in a breach of confidentiality. Businesses are constantly sharing consumers information with partners or other affiliates to precisely target them with certain services or products they offer. Some companies conduct the information to outside companies to patch up extra money that will lead to more strain on your privacy or blush worse, identity theft. The most important example of technical consideration of online marketing is security. Security is the number one issue in a consumers mind when they need to use personal information to leveraging or do anything online that requires that information.Hackers and viruses can lead to personal information on any database to be sell and used to wreak havoc on innocent consumers. Viruses can be used through electronic mail or websites to hack into t he businesses or consumers computer and track or steal sensitive information that can be given to a navvy at any time. Hackers can then sell that information to anyone or use it for their own benefit to ruin the reputation of that consumer. For example, hackers can use the personal information of the consumer to steal their identity and purchase things without the knowledge of the consumer and the consumer will be at fault for anything the hacker does. This continues to be an ongoing problem in the online world and something that businesses need to be very cautious well-nigh when dealing with personal information that was given from a consumer through trust in the companys integrity online.As online marketing is becoming more popular daily around the world, companies need to crystallize the ethical and technical considerations that play a role on the abundance of consumers personal information they have. Businesses rely on precise online marketing to make the most profit with as l ittle sudor as possible, but they also need to focus on the consumers personal needs. Privacy, confidentiality, and security are the most important topics when it comes to personal information being stored and shared online. Without taking the time to address and solving these issues, companies can scare away consumers from revealing certain information that helps their business grow and become successful.ReferencesMasters, T. (n.d.). honest Considerations of Marketing Research. Retrieved from http//smallbusiness.chron.com/ethical-considerations-marketing-research-43621.html. Sullivan, B. (Dec 6). Online privacy fears are real. Retrieved from http//www.nbcnews.com/id/3078835/t/online-privacy-fears-are-real/.UZl358qE72o

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Info Systems Syllabus Essay Example for Free

Info Systems Syllabus Essay schoolho utilization of Business Mission Statement The mission of the UTB/TSC School of is to prep atomic number 18 learners in the bicultural Lower Valley of Texas for their cargoners by offering associate, bachelor, and master degree business programs.As part of a community university focused on educatee learning, the School of Business emphasizes t for each oneing, enriched by scholarship and service, to help students develop analytical, problem solving, and training engine room skills supports the development of the communication skills of our predominantly bilingual students provides a supportive learning environment and encourages ethical way and involvement with the business community. Theme Student Success through Assurance of Learning BMIS 3351. 80 entropy SYSTEMS IN ORGANIZATIONS follow 2013 Semester.INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Instructor Edith Galy Office Education and Business Complex 2. 504G recollect 956. 882. 7301 Fax 956. 882. 5801 Email edith. emailprotected edu OfficeHours T TH 100pm -330pm plus appointments COURSE DESCRIPTION The study date of today requires students be equipped with an understanding of how to effectively utilize information technologies. This rowing provides an overview and hands-on get along of information engineering at all levels of an organization including transactional processing systems, infobase management, decision support systems, enterprise information systems, and e-commerce applications.Lec 3, Cr 3 COURSE INFORMATION Course BMIS 3351. 80 Information Systems in Organizations Location network Credit Hours 3 Prerequisites admission to upper division GENERAL COURSE COMPETENCIES Upon completion of this course the student will be able to discuss the role of information systems in business organizations and how information technology has fostered a growing global economy. become acquainted with the role of IT as a means of achieving emulous advantage. list and define the vario us(a) components of an Information System.define the purpose and structure of selective informationbases and data warehouses, and how to apply various data modeling concepts and querying techniques. work with transaction processing systems and decision support systems, and describe their different roles in an organization. describe networking, e-commerce, the Internet, and the telecommunications process. define artificial intelligence and describe several different types of artificial intelligence systems in specialized business information systems. understand the systems development life cycle.discern insights of ethical concerns with regard to IT encyclopedism OUTCOME Upon graduation, our students will use information technology appropriately. Definition A technology literate single knows how to apply computer based tools to support the information-processing needs of an organization. This includes universe up-to-date with Information Technology combine with the capacity to d etermine when these technologies will increase the effectiveness of an organization. The project entails the use of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) as a reporting technology.The student will use Excel to display a pivot disconcert in the form of an OLAP cube, a display that uses three axes like a cube in geometry. With the use of the pivot tables, students stinkpot sum, figure, average or perform other simple arithmetic operation on a list of data. Students are required to crunch the data and prepare a report that describes their data analysis. The report must be submitted in a narrative that includes imported tables and graphs done in Excel. The scenario and data will vary looking on the semester. RESOURCES Textbook Experiencing MIS, 3/E David M.Kroenke Publisher Prentice Hall right of first publication 2012 ISBN10 0132157942 ISBN-13 9780132157940 For schoolbook book pricing information use your course and section number or text ISBN in the UTB/TSC bookstore at http//utb. bncollege. com/ E-Mail Account registered in Scorpion Online for communication with instructor High whet Internet access USB Flash Drive Microsoft Office Optional MyMISLab with Pearson eText Student Access Code flier for Experiencing MIS, 3/E ASSIGNMENTS Refer to the Learning Modules in Blackboard. Students are responsible for taking all Quizzes and Exams. unmarried links for quizzes and/or exams are located in the ASSESSMENTS menu option. These links appear and disappear during the interchangeable snips indicated in the schedule. Please let me know if you encounter technical difficulties during the quiz. Do not deplete a bun in the oven until the last second to take the quiz as there is no acceptable excuse for not taking the quiz on time. Make-up exams can be arranged but these will drive home to be taken in person in my office. Academic Integrity Students are expected to be above reproach in all scholastic activities.SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY Students who engage in scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and expulsion from the University. pedant dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to other person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student, or the attempt to lay such acts.Since scholastic dishonesty harms the individual, all students and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced (Board of Regents Rules and Regulations). All scholastic dishonesty incidents will be reported to the Dean of Students. Do not allow your peers to pressure you to cheat. Your first floor, academic standing and personal reputation are at stake. alumnus COMPOSITION Assignments Journals 30% 30% Projects Tests Final direct Scale 10% 20% 10% Grades are awarded in courses in whic h students are officially enrolled after the official record date.The deadline to turn in is specified in the Academic cal peculiarityar for each semester or term. After the deadline to drop with a grade of W has passed, students may not be awarded a W as a final grade. Final grades are uncommitted to students indoors 24 hours after all final examination grades defend been submitted online after the end of each semester or term. Grade reports are not mailed to students. Students interested in obtaining their grades may log on to UTB Online. Grade A+ A AB+ B BC+ C D F aim 98-100 93-97-9 90-92. 9 87-89. 9 83-86. 9 80-82. 9 77-79. 9 70-76. 9 60-69.9 59 and Under Grade Points 4. 00 4. 00 3. 67 3. 33 3. 00 2. 67 2. 33 2. 00 1. 00 0. 00 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) Students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, who wish to request accommodations in a course should notify the Disability Services Office early in the semester so that the appropriate arrangement s may be do. In accordance with federal law, a student requesting accommodations must provide documentation of his/her impairment to the Disability Services counselor. For more than information, visit Disability Services in Cortez or call 956-882-7374. collar POLICY STATEMENT In compliance with the Emergency UTB Academic Continuity Program, academic courses, partially or unblemishedly, will be made available on the Blackboard course management system. This allows faculty members and students to pass their teaching and learning via Blackboard, in case the university shuts down as a result of a hurricane or any other natural disaster. The university will use Blackboard to post announcements notifying faculty members and students of their responsibilities as a hurricane approaches our region. If the university is forced to shut down, faculty will notify their course(s).To receive credit for a course, it is the students responsibility to complete all the requirements for that cours e. Failure to access course materials once reasonably possible can result in a reduction of your overall grade in the come apart. To facilitate the completion of class, well-nigh or all of the communication between students and the institution, the instructor, and fellow classmates will take place using the features in your Blackboard and UTB email system. Therefore, all students must use UTB Online to provide a current email address.In the event of a disasterthat disrupts normal operations, all students and faculty must make every elbow grease to access an internet enabled computer as often as possible to continue the learning process. compulsion notIFICATION SYSTEM UTB has implemented an emergency communication system to provide students, faculty, staff and visitors with important information in the event of an impending threat. This system allows UTB to send time sensitive notifications via telephones, computers, indoor speakers in classrooms and laboratories, international speakers, e-mail messages, and announcements on http//www. utb. edu/Pages/default.aspx.The notification methods used will vary opineing on the level of the emergency. Messages will slide by the current situation and provide guidance for what action needs to be taken immediately STUDENTS pedantic RESPONSIBILITIES Students are required to be diligent in their studies, well-ordered in class attending and on time. The number of absences permitted in any one course varies with instructor and course. Some programs hve very strict attendance policies. Attendance requirements are printed in the course syllabus and announced by the instructor at the initial class shock.On tribute of the instructor concernec, students will be dropped from courses for failure to meet the attendance requirements or other good cause. This will result in a W or an F on students academic records with negative consequences for financial aid eligibility, and international student visas. Students are responsib le for all class work and assignments. For this online course, three missed assignments will place a student in jeopardy of being dropped from the course. The third missed assignment will trigger an email asking for a coming upon with the student.The meeting will be held in person or through SKYPE. Failure to make this appointment within 15 calendar days of such email will result in a good word to the Dean for onanism from the course. Whether the insularism results in a W or an F will depend on the withdrawal date. A student can withdraw at any point in the process before this date. INCOMPLETE GRADES A grade of I may be accustomed when students have not completed the required course work within the allotted time of a regular semester or summer session if the instructor determines that the reasons forthe work being incomplete are valid and that the grade of I is justified.A written agreement between the student and the instructor specifying the work to be made up and the deadlin e for its accomplishment must be filed in the office of the Department Chair at the time that the I is submitted. The work agreed upon must be satisfactorily completed and the I changed no ulterior than the end of the next regular (Fall or Spring) semester from the date the I was received unless an extension is requested by the instructor, or the grade will automatically be recorded as F on the official transcript.A student will not receive a grade of I to allow more time to prepare course work in addition to that assigned to the entire class, time to repeating the entire course, or opportunity to raise a grade. Incomplete grades are not issued for student or faculty convenience they may be issued only in the case of compelling, nonacademic circumstances beyond the students control. administrative WITHDRAWAL Students who miss more than half of the required activities within the first 25% of the course without contacting the course professor may be administratively withdrawn from t he course.Administrative withdrawal has serious consequences. Students may have to repay funds to Title IV financial aid programs. Administrative withdrawal will count toward the six-drop rule limiting the number of courses students are allowed to drop to no more than six courses over the entire undergrad career. International students will not be eligible to continue enrollment if an administrative withdrawal results in a course load less than full-time. After the official record date, students may withdraw from classes and receive a W on their permanent records.This deadline to withdraw is specified in the Academic Calendar for each enrollment period. Students who do not withdraw before the deadline may not be given a W on the final grade sheet. Students may withdraw from all of their classes through Scorpion Online. The student is responsible for ensuring that their request is processed by the withdrawal deadline specified. At the instructors discretion, and consistent with the insurance stated on the course syllabus, an instructor may withdraw a student from class for non-attendance. An instructor-initiated withdrawal may result in a W or an F on the students permanent record.For this online course, three missed assignments will place a student in jeopardy of being dropped from the course. The third missed assignment will trigger an email asking for a meeting with the student. The meeting will be held in person or through SKYPE. Failure to make this appointment within 15 calendar days of such email will result in a recommendation to the Dean for withdrawal from the course. Whether the withdrawal results in a W or an F will depend on the withdrawal date. A student can withdraw at any point in the process before this date.ACADEMIC STANDINGTo remain in good academic standing undergraduate students are expected to harbour a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2. 00 (C average) for all work attempted at UTB. Academic standing is computed each re gular semester (i. e. , Fall or Spring) for every UTB student, including transfer and dual coursework and BECHS and MSA students transient students are held to the standards of their home institution, not to those of UTB. Students who fail to maintain the minimum required grade point average of 2. 00 in all work attempted at UTB will be placed on academic probation.At the end of the probationary semester, students who have gain a cumulative GPA of 2. 00 or higher will be changed to GOOD STANDING status. At the end of the probationary semester, students who have NOT acquire a cumulative GPA of 2. 00 and who have NOT earned a semester GPA of 2. 00 or higher will be changed to SUSPENSION status. At the end of the probationary semester, students who have NOT earned a cumulative GPA of 2. 00, but who have earned a semester GPA of 2. 00 or higher will continue on PROBATION until their cumulative GPA is 2. 00, as long as each semester GPA is 2. 00 or higher.The purpose of measuring academ ic standing is to stay students on track for successful completion of a degree and to prevent unnecessary financial upshot on those students who do not finish a program. Academic Standing is calculated separately from fiscal Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress. If you are on financial assistance, please visit http//www. utb. edu/em/fa/Pages/SatisfactoryAcademicProgress. aspx for peculiar(prenominal) academic progress requirements. Campus Resources 1997-2013 Blackboard Inc. All Rights Reserved. U. S. Patent No. 7,493,396 and 7,558,853. Additional Patents Pending. Accessibility information quickness details.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

500 Word Essay Essay Example for Free

500 Word Essay EssayWhat a subject of beauty is the well-written 500-word essay. In some ways, it is the perfect length to express a certain level of knowledge about a particular subject. It is long enough to allow the writer to show knownity, and possibly expertise, regarding her elect topic. But it is not a length that requires copious amounts of inquiry. When sufficiently motivated, one can manage to research, write, and fiat such an essay in an hour or two, fuddlen enough practice. Given the fact that students will write dozens, if not hundreds, of essays in their high school and college careers, it can be advantageous to become familiar with the mechanics, tools, and resources associated with essay piece of music. The mechanics of a paper include such elements as accurate acting, correct grammar, and tight-laced formatting. The conscientious writer does not simply rely on spell check to make certain(a) his paper does not contain misspellings. A thorough proofreadin g will catch mistakes that spell check misses.For instance, spell check might not know the difference between homophones such as there, their, and theyre. A heedful review by the writer (or a friend) should catch these errors. Using correct grammar in all its forms the move of speech, subject-verb agreement, and punctuation can ensure that brilliant writing is not overshadowed by careless or murky mechanics (Writing Mechanics). The look of the paper is important as well. High school teachers and college professors alike appreciate percipient papers with a consistent appearance.This means using the Times New Roman font, size 12, and typewrite the body of the essay. The title should also be a size 12 font, center justified, with the first word, the lowest word, and other important words all capitalized. The default margin settings of one inch at the top, bottom, left, and right, give the paper a professional look. While having a crisp, clean look is valuable, the substance of the paper is of the greatest importance. Supplementing ones own personal knowledge with well-researched material is the key to a terrific essay.A 500-word essay is not going to require as much research as a six- or ten-page paper. The individual assignment and the topic will determine where to seek out information. But once the research is done, the bibliography (or Works Cited list) can be assembled quite easily using EasyBib (EasyBib). What used to be quite a laborious task putting sources in the correct MLA format, then alphabetizing them all is now a moderately automatic process using this handy website. Some students are intimidated when given a writing assignment.Hopefully, the hints given in this essay will make it easier for students to get started on their own essays. Becoming passably automatic about formatting a paper prevents too much time from being surplus reinventing the wheel. Using viable, trustworthy websites and resources for research will help writers supp lement their own knowledge. Knowing how to organize these resources into a coherent bibliography will cap off the paper quite nicely. Using these tricks of the trade should help students scale down on the composition of their papers, and not obsess on the minutiae.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Blaise Thomas “Tom” Golisano Essay Example for Free

Blaise Thomas Tom Golisano EssayBlaise Thomas Tom Golisano is the infract of Paychex, the second-largest payroll processor in the United States. He also owns the Buffalo Sabres hockey team. He ran for regulator of new-made York in 1994, 1998, and 2002. He lost all three elections but surprisingly defeated incumbent New York Governor George Pataki in the hotly contested 2002 elections. The founder of Paychex built a high-performing organization on an unconventional premise at the time Hire people with the right attitude and then get word them the skills to do the job. But rapid growth in the 1990s showed Paychex that it needed a more arrogant approach to reliably execute this philosophy throughout its geographically dispersed operations, especially at the of the essence(predicate) front line of customer service. The resulting solutionone that includes more sophisticated hiring practices, more extensive prep and development, and multiple reinforcement mechanismsstill serves t he company well today.He stands for good government, political reform and second-rate play. In January 31, 2006 he announced his decision to no longer run for public office imputable to personal and professional reasons. He is involved in many business interests, and will pass off to go on active in Paychex and other entrepreneurial ventures. He also said he will continue his philanthropic activity. He is still committed to the economic development of New York, as well as promoting responsible government.He has received many awards for his prowess in businessDavid T. Kearns Medal of Distinction recognizing of import achievements in business, public service and education, by the University of Rochesters William E. Simon Graduate School of Business AdministrationRochester Business abidance of Fame (2001)The 1987 Herbert W. VandenBrul Entrepreneurial present, presented by Rochester Institute of Technologys College of BusinessMaster Entrepreneur award in Ernst Youngs Entrepreneu r of the stratum awards competition for Western New YorkHumanitarian of the Year Award, presented by the Boys Town of Italy, and the Commerce and Industry Award of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce.Outstanding Alumni Award from the American Association of Community CollegesHe has been actively involved in a great deal of charitable work. In 1984, he founded the B. Thomas Golisano Foundation. His foundation awards grants to organizations dedicated to providing opportunities for those with disabilities and pass support to their families. In 2002, The University of Rochester re-named their pediatric hospital Golisano Childrens Hospital where he donated $14 million in marching 6, 2006 as well as $6 million to Bishop Kearney High School and Our Lady of Mercy.Reference modify by Investors Business Daily. Profiles in Business Success 51 Top Leaders and HowThey Achieved Greatness.. New York McGraw-Hill p. 50. Retrieved from the web http//www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Golisano http//www.g olisano.comhttp//www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgin/abstract/109792492/ABSTRACT?CRETRY=1RETRY=0

Monday, April 8, 2019

Law in the light Of Three cases Essay Example for Free

Law in the liberal Of Three cases EssayFraming his arguments on the conception of the original understanding as basis, Bork argues that this theory is the trump out and sole method which can be utilized in order to resolve and reconcile the perceive conflict that exists between what he calls as the Madisonian or counter-majoritarian dilemma. This problem primarily concerns the judiciary of creating right unbeloved of popular approval or consultation.The reconciliation between the two opposing poles according to Bork can be further resolved through the guidance not only of the canonic functions of the branches of the government but, far more importantly, besides of the Framers original understanding of the Constitution of the United States of America. Bork emphasizes that it is not essentially the role of the courts to spend or create laws from where they be primarily positioned and that the courts primary responsibility is to adjudicate.Moreover, he besides argues th at the courts should not only practice restraint in arriving at legal decisions over cases but that they should in any case make manifest of neutral principles quite a fortune from ad hoc pronouncements or subjective valuations or judgments which Bork sees as insufficient. In essence, the theory of originalism within the scopes of the war paintal interpretation by the U. S. is a conjuncture or a family of theories that reinforces the learning that the Constitution has an unchanging, hence fixed, and comprehensible meaning right at its establishment or the time of its ratification.It is also a theory of law that is formalist in nature and is closely related with the theory of textualism. The theory of originalism is currently popular among the political conservatives of the United States political system that is directly intertwined with Robert Bork as well as Cl arnce doubting Thomas and Antonin Scalia although there are also quite a number of liberals who patronize and make us e of the arguments creation put forward by the theory of originalism.For the most part, originalism is conceived as a family of theories whereby a set of interpretations, though separated by fine distinctions, are nevertheless held together by their theoretical and argumentative support for originalism. The theory of original intent suggests that originalism is the view that argues that the interpretation of a written constitution is held to be severely aligned with the primary intentions of those who drafted and approved its legality.This interpretation based on original intent has so frequently been used to disapprove unpopular groups much(prenominal) as gays and blacks during the middle parts of the twentieth century from getting civil liberties. The reason to this is that the original intent of the authors or the founders of the constitution did not practically intend explicitly or implicitly either for gays or for blacks to be duly break offn with the same rights that whi te males enjoy.On the other hand, closely related to textualism is the notion of the original meaning which holds that the precise and rightful interpretation of the constitution should be entirely founded on what the ordinary meaning of the written texts in the constitution would have been during the family or the time when it was drafted and ratified.Although these interpretations of the theory of originalism may not necessarily come into full agreement on the use of the terms expressed in the constitution, they nevertheless share the same view that there is an spot that exists with the ratification of the constitution that should serve as the backbone in extracting the meaning of the constitution. The very distinctions correspond to the intentions of the authors, the apparently meaning of the written texts in the constitution, and the comprehension of those who authored the constitution or those who ratified it.Paul Brest held contradicting arguments to those that are univers e proposed in the context of originalism. Brest master(prenominal)tains that the theory of originalism is itself unworkable for the reason that it is practically not feasible to identify and pith the intentions of the framers of the constitution whose numbers come in multitudes. He further maintains that the arguments being put forward by originalism is difficult to be pursued and be delegated to current vents that beset the legal system.Frederick Schauer, as a advocate of legal formalism, may very well suggest that the substance of laws is not an area of concern for the judge to delve into but is rather the function of the legislative body in a democratic government. The form between policy or normative considerations and legal reasoning, as put forward by formalism, highlights the issue revolving around the attempts of nicetys to prepare the legal valuations of statutes. mean Parenthood versus CaseyThe constitutionality of a number of state regulations in pascal that corre spond on the legal issued of abortion were put to legal test in the case of plotted Parenthood versus Casey. The Supreme Court of the United States lead plurality opinion maintain the right to lease an abortion although contemporaneous to its decision is the lowering of the standards for the assessing limitations of such right which in turn nullified the cogency of one regulation in favor of the upholding of the other regulations.The case in itself is divided between differing judgments among the justices and that none of the opinions of the Justices were merged or could have been merged by a majority among the justices. Moreover, the case has made spend the very substantial role of precedents in deciding the legality and outcome of the arguments in legal cases. The main precedent that has been used in the case is that of Roe v. Wade which initially recognized the right guaranteed by the U. S. Constitution to decide for and acquire an abortion as a form of liberty specifically ma intained by the Fourteenth Amendment, specifically by the Due Process Clause.The course of the case posed the scratch challenge directed towards the courts ruling in the case of Roe that further high-and-mighty itself as a seminal issue in the history of the abortion rights in America. On the part of the Justices who comprised the panel that will decide the merit and outcome of the case, dissenting opinions were raised and held. Part of the arguments raised by the justices who concurred with Roe as precedent suggests that the arguments raised in the Roe case were legally substantial adequacy to uphold the constitutionality of the preparednesss set forth by the Constitution.That is, the Roe case as precedent addresses the contentions of the complainants in the manner in which prior court rulings are maintained and, hence, determine the legality of the case inasmuch as the contentions to the legal rights are provided and preserved. On the other hand, part of the panel of justices dissented on the substantiality of the constitutional provision by arguing that the Roe case, when used as a precedent in the case at hand, was incorrectly decided and, hence, cannot be considered in extracting the necessary legal remedy in the case of Planned Parenthood versus Casey.Rawls and the principle of charmingness Central to John Rawls conception of justice is his treatment of the concept of justice as fairness. From this main precept, Rawls continues his argument by expounding on the circumstances that will give rise to these fair conditions. Before centering ones attention on these circumstances, it must be noted that Rawls primarily makes use of the veil of ignorance in determining the principles of justice that the society will ultimately adopt.These first principles of justice will then serve as the basis for the legal aspects of the society such as the creation of legislative proclamations, precedents, drafting and ratification of the constitution, legal sanctions e xpressed in these written codes of law among galore(postnominal) others. At the onset of the determination of the principles of justice, Rawls suggests that the members of the society will convene in order to determine which principles are to be accepted as the first principles.The convention of the individuals is made on equal on grounds on several bases. First is that the individuals will be deprived of general familiarity on matters which will allow them to obtain a relative advantage over other people in the convention. This limiting of knowledge is met through the hypothetical veil of ignorance that serves as the veil which strains out specific knowledge among them. The specific types of knowledge Rawls refers to are those that revolve around the context of the age, race and social status among many others.The knowledge of these specific factors, Rawls claims, lead to an unfair advantage of almost over the rest for the reason that it results to basic inequalities prior to th e commencement of the convention of rational individuals. On the other hand, what must only be permitted are general knowledge such as the knowledge that the principles that the convention of individuals will even outtually agree on will automatically subject these people to the scopes and limitations set forth in these principles and other sets of principles that can be derived from them.Eventually, the individuals in the convention will agree on the first principles of justice they are able to decide. Conversely, this is the decisive part whereby fairness is met. Fairness here is taken to mean that the first principles were derived under fair conditions to the individuals and that the principles, consequently, are fair as well. From this, it is claimed that the moral obligations that are to be extracted from the principles of justice are those that the individuals will not disaccord on for reasons of injustice or unfairness.The reason behind this is that the veil of ignorance g uarantees fair conditions in arriving at fair principles thereby ensuing that the individuals will not go against the provisions of the law derived from the first principles. John Simmons, on the other hand, maintains that there is apparently the non-existence of any strong moral occupation towards the law of any given society or state.Moreover, Simmons argues that moral obedience towards the constitution or the law in general besides amounts to the premise that even in a just or orderly state only some pictorial duty and not all brings justification of compliance to the law. Further, Simmons analyzes and determines that Rawls conception of a natural duty of justice (all must build and maintain just institutional arrangements) as a justification for the natural duty to obey the law is inadequate to bring about a strong moral duty towards the law.The arguments of Rawls primarily fail for the reason that Rawls is unable in thoroughly explaining the reason behind why even just inst itutions in the domestic arena ought to acquire privileged moral authority over individuals in the state. Conversely, it should be noted that if indeed there is the existence of natural duty towards justice, then the question body as to why this duty would have to arrive at the fences of every state or nation.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Economical Benifits of Legalizing Marijuana Essay Example for Free

The Economical Benifits of Legalizing ganja EssayThe Economical Benefits Of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana has created a hidden market in the United States which accounts for as much as 10% of the American saving, according to a study. Laws punish ganja cultivation more strictly than murder in near states, but Americans put down more on illegal medicines than on cig arttes. The American economy has been torture a downturn, while in the shadow economy of the underground world in that respect are high school levels of success, mimicking the prohibition period of alcohol, which fueled the illegal markets in the 20s and 30s. No aspect of farming has grown meteoric in the US over the past three decades than marijuana, with angiotensin-converting enzyme-third of the public over the age of 12 having utilisationd the drug. It is estimated that marijuana is the nations largest cash crop, producing $25 cardinal in revenue. Keeping marijuana illegal looks expensive and is exp ensive. Did you know that one important reason it was outlawed was because it could be used to impart out hemp. hangmans halter is a correct that is a valuable natural resource which has agricultural and industrial uses. Hemp could of been used to discombobulate paper, so no more tree chopping.Paper is made from dead trees so a DuPont chemical must be used, but this chemical is not necessary when it is made from hemp. The DuPont companion put pressure on the politicians to outlaw hemp. Marijuana can similarly be used to make opposite products such clothing and rope. We can even make marijuana oil which can be used as a renewable fuel. What a powerful economy we could create through the marijuana industry if only, The United States would legalize it. The various levels of American government mother in the past, and will spend in the future, billions of dollars on marijuana enforcement alone.The laws against the drug are strict, as there were 724,000 people arrested for marij uana offences in 2001 and about 50,000 went to prison for possession. Commercial growers can serve sentences far longer than those for murder, but the high risks have had little effect on production or availability. When surveyed, 89% of secondary school students indicated that they could easily regain the drug. We could save our government tons of money in all levels of federal, state and topical anesthetic areas who participate in the War on Drugs, by not using our tax dollars to support the people we jail for using, growing, and interchange marijuana.It is extremely expensive to pay for their food, housing, health care, attorney fees, court costs and other incurred expenses. Instead we could be collecting taxes on its revenues and have more money to pay for effective drug education programs and other important causes. The billions of dollars that go to waste fighting the war against an inevitable activity is much less hurtful to our society then the war itself. With careful r egulation of the drug, it could be beneficial to our society, with minimal risks accompanying the use and more economic advantages. Some such advantages would be creating a workforce.Farm lands would be needed as well as the laborers needed to help grow and distribute the plant. Pharmaceutical companies would then distribute the plant to pharmacies like Rite Aid or Walgreens and these places are discharge to need an extra helping make too. The needed expertise of Marijuana would then have its effects on Universities, Community Colleges, and Certificate Programs. They are going to call on the experts to help teach classes for our future pharmacists of tomorrow. This will increase enrollment which helps the local economy as well. Purchasing Marijuana and paying a proposed Marijuana Tax would mean having more money to pend on important problems, if only it were legal. Some of the most expensive weed is grown within on the west coast using advanced scientific techniques, but the Amer ican heartlands account for the largest account book of it. Some statistics suggest 3 million Americans grow marijuana for their own use or for a freinds, and between 100,000 and 200,000 are believed to be doing it for a living. We are also being invaded by Mexican drug cartels that are growing marijuana from Humboldt County to Keokuk, Iowa. and no state, or national forest, is exempt from the invasion.The cartels are so school and well- funded that they dont just stop at growing massive amounts of pot outdoors, they have also been setting up interior grows from coast to coast that produce massive amounts of the popular herb. They achieve this by purchasing houses and putting their Mexican nationals in them, posing as normal families and blow-up all the room with indoor grow systems that yield surprising amounts of the billion dollar drug. The government admits they cannot control or keep up with them. These cartels do not help grow our US economy. They only help the drug lords i nMexico get rich and live like kings and laugh as they use our American land, people and government. To bust one of their numerous grows, at the most means we can expect to jail some poor Mexican nationals to which we will then support with our tax dollars. The future only promises more massive crops and profits going to the cartels, and not in the pocket of the Untied States. Profit will neer leave them and they will never leave, if the U. S. does not legalize pot which will make the price plummet and that will take remote the cartels profits. The reason they do so well here, is because we have created an atmosphere they can thrive in.We jail some of their workers and then we support them in jail. We get nothing out of the deal, and people here who want to crazy weed pot will. , but our government doesnt get the money, the drug dealers do. We need to redirect our focus on marijuana and decriminalize what a majority of Americans want. If we took back our national forests and neig hborhoods and stopped the Mexican cartels economic invasion of our country, we would be not high on pot as much as we would be higher in economical status. Canada, our neighbor to the north, is slowly but surly moving toward the legalization of marijuana.Marijuana is just months away from being decriminalized in Canada. This would mean the US government has two choices. decease more money to fight the flood of marijuana that would be coming over the Canada US lodger or take the steps to decriminalize then legalize marijuana so the money relieve from the war on drugs could be better used on our economy and not on this null war on drugs. The medical benifit of marijuana includes good pain killing relief, reduction of pressure on the eyes for glaucoma sufferers, help with nausea in cancer patients from kemo therapy, and it helps restore an appitite in people who have addled weight from AIDS.The White House first declared the war on drugs 35years ago, and three hundred billion dol lars up until now we have no victory but worse still, we have economic hardships up and coming fast on the rise. When will it be about time, to stop being so insincere because we all know alcohol and tobacco plant kill lots of people each year, but there is no evidence anyone ever died of a weed overdose. Legalization of marijuana would save law enforcement and the judicial system somewhere around 9 billion dollars a year off marijuana arrests. On harmful tax alone the government would raise between 2 and 6. billion dollars. If marijuana were legalized it would fashion the new cash crop in the USA,. If we brought in an estimated 2, 200-4,400 tons of marijuana to be grown commercially, the tobacco companies would have a serious competitor. Why should the international illegal drug business make as much as $400 billion in trade, which amounts to 8% of all international trade, while our economy weeps and our people pay for and smoke the weed anyway, no matter where it comes from. L et Hemp make the US huge amounts of money and help the environment too, if only.

Saturday, April 6, 2019


Free College EssayPresident Obama has outlined his proposal to cracking the first two years of community college shrive for students, or as he has said in his speech to lower the cost of community college to zero. Obama believes that whether young or old, just starting signal out, or just now looking for a better job, this could benefit millions of the Statesns. The program would provide tuition-free classes for students going to school at least(prenominal) half time who maintain a GPA of 2. 5 or higher and are try to obtain a higher degree or are transferring to a four-year institution. The proposal would require federal official government to cover 75 percent of the average cost of community college, and the program calls for states to pick up the remaining quarter of the tab. Overall, this proposal could benefit the American population and thus better the American nation. The just about crucial reason why this proposal go out succeed is that more people in America w ill attend college. This will all around have a positive have an ensnare on American society, and economy. Lowering the unemployment rate can help to reduce many factors such as, nuisance rate, well-fare,and overall national debt. On the other(a) hand, community colleges may become over crowded repayable to the increased number of students. Despite this minor complication, having more people attend college is in America would be phenomenal. A majority of Americans believe the cost of a college education at a state university, or community college is unaffordable. Having the first two years of community college free will open up opportunities to many. This will allow students first starting out to begin their educational course debt free.College debt is a major bother in todays society, and holds back many from achieving higher goals. However, passage of a batting order making community college free could have a dramatic effect on the cost of higher education. If community coll ege is free, many other schools will have to lower their prices in order to stay competitive. Free higher education, even if yet for two years, could be a game-changer. Passage of Obamas proposal is far from a sure thing. If it does pass, at this point the best we can do is speculate about the different possibleoutcomes.However, we do have sex one thing for sure. Obamas proposal is a bold approach to fixing a humbled higher education system. Student loan borrowers are reminded of how badly broken the system is each month they pay huge student loan bills. The more that can be done to fix this system, the better. Overall, this bill will benefit most Americans. If Obamas proposal is given passage it will create an teemingness of opportunities for American citizens. These opportunities include more job positions, a thriving economy, expansion, etc.In spite of the eternal benefits, at the end of the day someone is responsible for paying the two-year free tuition. This causes question to measure payers and the state on the tab they are left to pick up. Although, taxes may increase, the decrease in student loans will greatly outweigh the cost. In conclusion, this bill can aid anyone from past generations to new, young to old, starting out or going back. This could change the entire way of American society for the better and continually push American as a nation in the right direction.

Freud And James Theoretical Positions Essay Example for Free

Freud And pack Theoretical Positions testifySigmund Freud and William James helped unveil a new zeitgeist in the burgeoning field of psychology. Freuds psychoanalysis and James functionalism would persuade theorists and practitioners for decades, earning each man a prominent place in psychologys history books. What argon the cornerstones of these milestone theories of man behavior, and how do they compare?In regards to basic human nature, James and Freud could not induct been more divergent in their views. William James functionalism promoted a devoid will that carries us toward a final destination. A personal analysis that reflects ones own unique individual experiences was highly valued. for each one event in our lives moves us through a constant stream of various contexts and consciousness. Therefore, James did not focus so much on our good or evil natures, preferring instead to view our creation as painted with a palette of varying shades of gray. Human beings can not be divided into favourable categories and labels, but sooner exist as unique and complex individuals. James pragmatic and functional humour (we all have a purpose) leant him a slightly humanistic view in which most mickle strive toward a common good for the betterment of society. (James, 1983)In stark contrast, Sigmund Freud heralded a quite an pessimistic view of human nature, emphasizing instincts as our innate drive and aggression or conjure as our primary channels for those desires. Much of his psychoanalytic theory centers around the concept of a lascivious ida force deep within us and beyond our awareness which harbors all of our secret impulses and desires sorry for society. Most of our lives, our nature is spent in a conflict between the bad id and the good, law-abiding superego. We hold back most of our negative feelings out of conscious awareness, but they still manifest themselves in the form of tangible illness and mental neurosis, just as the infamous Anna O. demonstrates. Also, Freuds proposed psychosexual stages of development further peril his emphasis on instincts (primarily sexual) in molding everyone (Schultz Schultz, 2000).The emphasis on innate physical causes for behavior equal a strong departure from structural and empirical schools of thought, and both Freud and James brought this difference to the forefront, albeit in different forms. No mental modification ever occurs which is not accompanied or followed by a physical change.The spiritualist and the associationist must both be cerebralists.Psychology is the adjustment of inner to outer relations.The psychologist must be a nerve-physiologist.. whole of the preceding statements, taken from William James Principles of Psychology (1983), highlight an underlying theme in his theorythe body (most especially the headway) is a vital and essential component of mental life.Consciousness, he asserted, must be studied in its natural setting, and study of the conditions (the p hysical components) of phenomena is crucial. He cited as proof of the questions importance how factors such as a blow to the head, drug use, or other sorts of brain trauma have the potential to almost complete reverse someones behavior and personality. In addition, his theory of habits also indicates his belief in the brains ability to mold lifelong behaviors. Also, James held that emotions were the direct result of physiological reactions to stimuli (Schultz Schultz, 2000).Despite his nativist assertions, however, James did appreciate that vital place environmental factors played in human development. According to functionalist thought, the function of our consciousness is to freely adapt to our environment in order to survive. We accomplish this through choosing our paths. An active mind that filters, combines, selects, rejects, and generally weave(s) an endless carpet appealed to James. He prized the role of motivation in directing our attention. Far from being mere passersby on the highway of life, we are rather highly energetic and involved drivers paving our own indelible mark and fueled by free will (James, 1983). Freud shared James basic nativism. Freuds study of Anna O. demonstrates his certainty that the mind can practise a tremendous influence upon the body.The whole concept of neurosis states that physical bodily symptoms which have no apparent physical origin are likely the result of defects or repressions within the mind (Schultz Schultz, 2000). Freud ever remained very deterministic in his theories. All people are born with innate libidinous impulses. All people repress those instincts, resulting in various complexes. All people pass through the psychosexual stages of development, and the personality of everyone is basically set by the age of seven. However, unlike William James, Freuds stance is rooted in a passive mind completely helpless to impulse. Perhaps this passivityand lack of faith in the human conditionis the strongest contrast between Sigmund Freud and William James. However, both men will continue to influence psychologists across the world for many generations.ReferencesJames, W. (1983). The Principles of Psychology. Cambridge Harvard University Press.Schultz, D. P. Schultz, S. E. (2000). A History of Modern Psychology. Belmont WadsworthThomson Learning.